Favourite SW Film moment


06-08-2006 16:20:23

Was watching Return of the Jedi today. God me thinking about something. Whats your favourite scene, or scenes from the Star Wars movies?

Mines got to be at the end of ROTJ when Vader picks up the Emperor carries him over still crackling with force lightning and throws him down that huge reactor shaft. (Apolgies to anyone who hasn't seen the film but on the other hand find it hard to believe anyone on here hasn't :) )



06-08-2006 18:03:46

I've a lot of favorite moments, and that death of Palpatine is one of them. Another one is the beginning of ANH when the Imperial Star Destroyer zooms across the screen as it chases Leia's ship. It's not all the exciting, but it's the beginning of the entire saga. That opening scene is amazing!

Oh, the scene in AotC where Yoda walks in on Dooku and starts attacking him is ultra cool as well

Macron Sadow

06-08-2006 19:29:01

Hmm... The battle between Vader and Luke in Cloud City.


06-08-2006 21:31:10

Yeah, that was a pretty good battle. I personally think it's one of the more smaller slower battles in the saga, but for the time it was made... you know


08-08-2006 07:50:15

Ahh, there are so many scenes I love. Unfortunately it's been so many years ago when I saw the movies (beginning with "The Empire Strikes Back") in cinema when they got out. Yes, I am that old :D
And I can barely make out which where the scenes I loved so much, since I have seen the movies so often now.

A New Hope:
Where Han runs screaming after the stormtroopers and end up in a room with lots of stormtroopers only to find himself shortly afterwards to be chased by them.
What I really found impressive was the scene when they powered up the huge weapon of the Death Star to destroy Yavin.

The Empire Strikes Back:
This worm in the Asteroid. I found it so wicked. Really scary. :D Also scary and impressive when Luke had to enter this tree while he was trained by Yoda.

Return of the Jedi:
Jabba!!!!!!!! This whole place of Jabba is really impressive. I found it very fascinating. And the coolest scene is where R2D2 shocks this little creature Salacious Crumb into its butt. :) The fight of the Ewoks is also awesome.

The Phantom Menace:
Darth Maul fightig Kenobi and Qui Gon Jin. I watched this scene over and over and over again. The first time I ever saw a scene that really reflected what fighting with a lightsaber is about. Coruscant: I love this city. It looks soooooo awesome.

Attack of the Clowns (err Clones):
This water planet where the genosian cloning happened is really interesting. I loved the architecture of it. THe scene of Boba and Jango Fett how they charged those sonic bombs into the asteroids. 5.1 Dolby Surround ftw!

Revenge of The Sith:
Ohh those yellow eyes of Anakin. A change of eye color based on rage, anger, dark emotions and the dark side featured in a Star Wars movie? Thanks Lucas, now we all can change in our rpgs the eye colors whenever angry or in any other volatile state :)
And the scene with Anakin being crippled by the saber of Kenobi, how the flames incinerates him was the most shocking, scary and shaking scene ever. Those eyes that stared filled with hatred at Obi Wan. Really really impressive.



08-08-2006 18:31:39

Well, that about says it all doesn't it? :P

I really love the Ep I fight with Maul too, I also love the music that plays for the fight. Yes, I'm a movie soundtrack geek -_-


09-08-2006 22:01:45

I like (apart from the ones already said) the battle with Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin and Agen Kolar against Palpatine. Also the battle of Geonosis and the scene with Luke, a gamorrean, and the Rancor. I like how the Gamorrean cries and tries to escape after falling with Luke.

Macron Sadow

09-08-2006 22:13:06

yeah, that battle is cool. palps lets out with some Lus Ma and Trakata there- chop chop!


12-08-2006 05:12:31

Order 66 definetly!

Xayun Erinos

12-08-2006 11:08:42

A New Hope:
Where Han runs screaming after the stormtroopers and end up in a room with lots of stormtroopers only to find himself shortly afterwards to be chased by them.

Bah! I'm going to be horribly purist and say it was better when they just stopped and started chasing him in the 1977 versions. :P


Original Trilogy:

The 45-minute mark in ANH....ie, the entrance of Han Solo.
The stormtrooper braining himself on the door.
"I have you now!"

The Battle of Hoth.
Learning how to stand on your head and lift up rocks.
Cloud City's duel between Luke and Vader.

The Sail Barge fight.
Ewoks getting blown up.
"You rebel scum!"
Flying into the Death Star.

Prequel Trilogy:

The Podrace.
"At last we will have our revenge."
Duel of the Fates - best duel of any SW movie.

"Where are you going?" "For a drink."
Any scene with clones.

The first half hour of RotS.
Obi-Wan confronting Grievous.
The Mustafar duel - matched perfectly.

Ylith Pandemonium

14-08-2006 14:20:45

maul owning Qui Gon...oh yeah....pierce that big nose!

Anakin going dark side in the temple is cool

and the Ewok Slaughter! oh yeah!

Macron Sadow

14-08-2006 15:28:56

mmm Ewok slaughter. Mmm Gungan slaughter, too.

Kaine Mandaala

14-08-2006 17:27:41

Bah! I'm going to be horribly purist and say it was better when they just stopped and started chasing him in the 1977 versions.  :P


Original Trilogy:

The 45-minute mark in ANH....ie, the entrance of Han Solo.
The stormtrooper braining himself on the door.
"I have you now!"

The Battle of Hoth.
Learning how to stand on your head and lift up rocks.
Cloud City's duel between Luke and Vader.

The Sail Barge fight.
Ewoks getting blown up.
"You rebel scum!"
Flying into the Death Star.
Prequel Trilogy:

The Podrace.
"At last we will have our revenge."
Duel of the Fates - best duel of any SW movie.

"Where are you going?" "For a drink."
Any scene with clones.

The first half hour of RotS.
Obi-Wan confronting Grievous.
The Mustafar duel - matched perfectly.

I don't mind the "Special Edition" changes except Jabba in ANH and the Anakin spirit in ROTJ. Those were retarded and pointless. Jabba looked like plastic and Sebastian Shaw was a better vision of the older Anakin.

I have to agree with a lot of your favorite moments - and I even like the format.

Here are a few of mine:

"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force."
"I don't recall owning a droid."
"You may fire when ready."
"We're not out of this yet..." aka "Don't get cocky!"

"You have failed me for the last time..."
"They arrived just before you did."
"There is another."

"I was just on my way to pay you..."
"It's a trap!"

Either the dialog in the prequel trilogy isn't as memorable - or that I've only seen those films like... twice... - anyhow here's a summary of those for me:

Jedi trapped by the Trade Federation
Duel in the desert
Battle Droids unloading

Yoda instructs
Fight on Kamino
Yoda vs Dooku

Rescuing Palpatine
Order 66 montage - though Ki Adi Mundi and Aayla Secura's deaths were just gut-wrenchingly shallow.
Jett Lucas' character getting mowed down in a hail of clone trooper fire

Hel-Pa Sklib

14-08-2006 18:17:20

I LOVE the battle of Hoth!

Talon Jade

01-10-2006 18:19:50

The Obi-Wan, Anakin fight on Mustafar was awesome.

Ylith Pandemonium

03-10-2006 06:10:59

nothing better than a double bladed saber :D

Maul rules!


11-12-2006 16:01:52

My favourite bit is Luke getting wasted by the Emperor's Sith Lightning in ROTJ. >:) That scene is brilliantly done, and the emotions really come out.


06-06-2007 16:30:09

Movie, by movie my favorite scenes are these.

Phantom Menace
-Darth Maul battle
-When Nute Gunray gets trapped

Attack of the Clones
-"Ya wanna buy some death sticks?"
"you don't want to sell me death sticks"
-Yoda going crazy

Revenge Of the Sith
-Mustafar duel
-"If your not with me, then your my enemy!"

A New Hope
-Han gets chased by stormtroopers
-"Great shot kid, that was one in a million!"

Empire Strikes back
-Luke blows up the AT-AT

Return of the Jedi(my all time favorite star wars scene)
-"Concentrate all your fire are the nearest Star destroyer"
*X-wings attack deflector shield*
"Sir, we've lost our bridge deflector!!"
"intensify forward fire, I don't want anything to get through"
*A-wing hurtles towards bridge screaming*
"Intensify forward firepower!!!!!!"
"Too late!!!!"
*jump and CRASH*


09-10-2007 23:23:02

DEFINETLY that fight with Maul in Theed Palace.


11-10-2007 18:05:59

Han chasing Stormtroopers in death star and then suddenly he runs into 1000 of them and starts to run back. hahhah


R2D2 Vs Chewie in chess hhaa --- New tactics " Let the Wookie win"


11-10-2007 18:46:07

The first appearance of Darth Vader as he steps on Tantive IV. It is what got me hooked on Star Wars.

Shikyo Keibatsu

17-10-2007 02:30:52

Order 66 and the Duel between Darth Maul v.s. Qui Gon Jinn and Obi Wan Kenobi.


17-10-2007 22:22:35

Order 66 and the Duel between Darth Maul v.s. Qui Gon Jinn and Obi Wan Kenobi.

Alright Shikyo. Glad you like the Maul battle...otherwise I would have had to kill you.

Shikyo Keibatsu

18-10-2007 14:29:49

As a fan of Ray Park and Liam Neeson, I can't help but love that fight. Besides, nothing like having a Sith Lord own a Jedi then get sliced in half. :P. R.I.P. Lord Maul.


19-10-2007 08:33:50

I've always been partial to the whole Luke/Vader/Emperor scenes in ROTJ. The Kenobi/Jinn/Maul fight might have more flashiness to it but I've always liked the more emotionally driven duel in ROTJ.

"Only now, at the end, do you understand."

If I had to go for a specific moment though, it'd be that. It's the iconic "the dark side is more powerful" moment for me.