Custom Sabers


05-03-2006 20:52:57

Alright, yes I now do custom sabers on request as well, ask and I'll make one and give it to the HRLD for approval. Here are some examples. Sooner or later I'll have page with all the sabers on it. Enjoy!

Saber #1

Saber #2


06-03-2006 13:38:09

I love Saber #1, its so unique!

Darth Pravus

06-03-2006 14:54:48

Defently Saber #1, as Devani said. Its Unique.


06-03-2006 15:16:39

I dig saber #2 a lot. Very cool indeed. What program did you create these in?


06-03-2006 15:36:58

Saber 1# was originally crated for my brother. Saber #2 was a test actually, to try out new techniques. Although Saber #2 is up for grabs, Saber #1 is not. However, if you are very in love with it, I can recreated the same style on a new saber. Besides, no one will see the resembelence, my brother isn't in the DB.

Oh yeah, these were all created in Canvas 8


08-03-2006 20:16:25

Acerbus Mandalore's Saber by Raven

I think Raven's skill speaks for itself. Nice job, Rave.


11-03-2006 11:46:30

Ok I now have my site gallery up where you can view all of the custom sabers I have made! Enjoy!

Raven's Gallery

Maol Nor Lexu

11-03-2006 15:49:28

Awesome .. ;)

Macron Sadow

11-03-2006 16:48:44

Keep up the good work man. I like the xcurved hilt with the shroud emitter that you did for Acerbus a lot.


17-03-2006 23:31:46

My saber is added! Again, anyone who needs or wants a saber can request one, but until the form on the web is ready (it isnt yet), email me at or post your request in this topic.

Raven's gallery


08-05-2006 22:12:05

Please excuse the double post.

Anyone who needs or wants a saber can request one, but until the form on the web is ready (it isnt yet), email me at or post your request in this topic.

Raven's NEW gallery

Varkain Athanas

25-05-2006 20:27:57

I couldn't actually see the first pics. (The images didn't work) But the others were great!
By the way, when I am in the high enough rank to get a light saber, do I customize my own?

Muz Ashen

26-05-2006 00:15:58

When you reach the rank to receive a custom lightsaber, a link to a form that will allow you to request one will be made available on your administration page (you need to be two ranks higher than DJK presently to receive a custom lightsaber).


23-06-2006 14:10:43

Muz is boss about that stuff so yeah, but if you want me to do yours now anyway, I'll do it. Drop me a email if you'd like that.