Welcome Esca!
27-06-2005 20:04:12
Welcome to CNS Esca! Just dream of all the booze
...hehe. Everyone say hi! I'm Raven, someone who has been in CNS scince the last GJW. I'm only a protector but if I can be of service, feel free to ask. Now, if the powers that be (:P) would intoduce themselves...
Macron Sadow
27-06-2005 23:14:42
Welcome, Esca!
27-06-2005 23:58:47
God this is sooooo formal....
/me shoots up the topic
Oh, welcome
Shinichi Endymiron K
28-06-2005 00:12:38
28-06-2005 00:38:07
whats Esca :S plz fill me in
28-06-2005 00:42:23
Esca is a Krath Priest
First off, Xhed? You can call me Master, God, Uber Man, whatever since you already proclaimed yourself my new 'kitten.' Now, onto the real work.
I am Krath Priest, as Xhedias said, Esca Teiko Isradia.
:: does all that formal stuff that he forgets how to actually do...so really it just looks like some sort of new dance jig ::
I came from Clan Plagueis, though most of you know, and have firmly, according to IRC rumors (^_^), surgically attached CNS to my back. Yes, to my BACK. You are all now mine, except for the few in which I am theirs.
:: hides from certain whips and mini people ::
Now where was I? Oh yes. I am....me....so don't be anything...me....like. Yes. It is reserved for me. Just a fair warning: If you have made it this far into this post and don't think I am insane yet, go jump off my cliff. Located right over there.
:: points ::
I'm done now. More confusion to come!!!111
28-06-2005 02:55:59
now i c what Esca is thank you
28-06-2005 05:53:21
/me thinks Esca's been drinking too much jawa beer
Heya Esca, and welcome
Shinichi Endymiron K
28-06-2005 09:13:02
Shouldn't it be "Cry Havoc! and let slip the Dogs of War"?
Muz Ashen
28-06-2005 12:41:47
Nah... He likes keeping them on a leash, as opposed to caesar, who had them in a cage. blah blah mrah.
I am Muz.
And if you look at my sig, you'll see that i pwn j00.
just for reference. ;{~
28-06-2005 14:44:39
and I pwnz muz, so that must mean i pwnz j00 2?
28-06-2005 14:57:59
Xhed, I'm (not) sorry, but Muz pwnz you.
*points at xhed*
Muz Ashen
28-06-2005 16:16:33
and I pwnz muz, so that must mean i pwnz j00 2?
Be quiet Mini-Muz, before i get the shovel again.
Macron Sadow
28-06-2005 16:50:42
he might send me after you, as I am his Black Guardsman.
Pray you only get the shovel.
28-06-2005 16:52:36
Ill give you the shovel too, remember, i copied it, so send your BG after me
ill take him
And to keep on topic...Welcome esca.
Macron Sadow
28-06-2005 16:55:56
*slaps Xhedias on the back*
I love messing with you guys. We have so much fun here.
So Esca, we are all nuts as you can tell.
28-06-2005 16:56:41
Yes welcome Esca /me drop kicks muz
No one takes a shovel to my new kitty! I don't care who you are!
Shinichi Endymiron K
28-06-2005 20:47:52
Yes you are truely worthy of being Dark Jedi (kitty? what? guys saying they're kitties?)
Nekura Manji
29-06-2005 15:18:40
I blatantly PWN j00 all. Several times. Including that pretty difficult PWNing which features wrapping you around a pole and tying you in knots. Painful knots. ^_^
Especially Xhed. The pussy Zabrak is my bitch. Heel, Fido!
But yeeesss.... welcome, Esca. Good to have your pwnage in CNS!
Shinichi Endymiron K
29-06-2005 15:33:33
j00 pwn 2 things right now buddy. Jack and S**t and Jack left the known Galaxy.
29-06-2005 22:43:58
the QUA got burned by his own guard....thats cold
Shinichi Endymiron K
30-06-2005 00:01:34
I would gladly lay down my life for Manji-Sama, but he doesn't have to treat me like a common animal. B)
Muz Ashen
30-06-2005 11:41:33
Don't make me come down there.
30-06-2005 11:47:50
Haha, I was in meijer the other day and i picked up a shovel, Isaiah thought it was pretty amusing.
Nekura Manji
30-06-2005 13:36:02
Well, little things do amuse you, Xhed... that's why you laugh every time you look down in the morning. B)
Muz Ashen
30-06-2005 14:57:18
Shinichi Endymiron K
30-06-2005 21:20:46
ATARI!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
02-07-2005 14:07:48
umm, ok.
Macron Sadow
02-07-2005 14:17:56
lol Manji that was harsh man
02-07-2005 14:38:45
I also dont have to play with a big stick to make up for something else...
02-07-2005 14:46:06
I have a bad feeling about this...
Kat Pridemore
03-07-2005 19:28:04
Alright peeps. *grin* I guess I have to take out the whip again... *shaking head*
Welcome Esca.
Kat Pridemore
Shinichi Endymiron K
03-07-2005 22:06:18
WOO HOO...uh I mean...WOO HOO >:)