I Have Returned

Shinichi Endymiron K

11-06-2005 15:32:29

Greetings all. Some of you may remember me, most of you won't. That doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm back home in CNS and ready to kick some ass. So to all of you old schoolers: how the hell are ya? And to you who I have yet to meet: brace yourselves.

Macron Sadow

11-06-2005 17:48:25


Welcome back!


11-06-2005 17:50:43

lol macron, welcome back Tharivol, come on IRC some time and we can have a chat :D

Nekura Manji

13-06-2005 10:50:38

Welcome back to the most badass Clan in the DB, dude. Looking forward to kicking arse with ya. ^_^


13-06-2005 11:10:07

looks like manji is back to.... *grumbles* :P

Nekura Manji

13-06-2005 12:58:11

Silence, wiener. Lest I burn you on the pyre of your own excrement. ^_^

Kat Pridemore

15-06-2005 20:11:03

I'm always glad to see a new face, or a returning one.

Kat Pridemore


19-06-2005 08:54:32

Welcome back :) - Don't remember you from the past yet. - Must be a real old coja :P

Compared to you we're all like newbies :P. Feel free to chat with Bob or Karimicus - they're starting to go grey :P.

I'm open for chat too - that's if you can get onto me :P (is presumably active but never around on IRC, ICQ - or whatever other instant chat things there are), but I'm not old school, so don't expect to talk to me about the early stuff. - Also can't remember anything back from the split from the EH (even though I was around and stuff). Just running round back then, jumping up and down and crying when no-one gave me any attention :P

Anyway, make yourself at home. And feel free to call upon the facilities:
Need a waitress? - talk to Link.
Need a beer? - don't talk to me, talk to Link (can't stop myself drinking what I lay my eyes on :P)
Need drugs? - talk to Macron.
Need to be seduced or whipped? - talk to Kat.
Need food? - hmmm... you could possibly hunt Fred the Seal down and cook him.
Need anything else? - well Xanos is a fairly good place to start. - but if you choose this option I think you're greedy and will hunt you down :(.

Macron Sadow

19-06-2005 09:17:29

you wouldn't like them unless you enjoy mutations.....