Ylith Pandemonium
30-06-2006 01:15:21
Hey guys,
guess its cool to pick your alliance here, so we can meet in battle.
I chose for Blue, simple because all evidence shows he's the real Jac. The Red Jac is the Imposter!
but thats me though
Blue Jac FTW!
Xayun Erinos
30-06-2006 04:47:54
I chose Blue, because I haven't bothered with the plot and it's my favourite colour.
Nekura Manji
30-06-2006 05:19:23
Red Jac all the way. Because a) red is a much cooler colour than blue, B) because I reckon Red is the real Jac, and c) because I just noticed after I'd decided to change my allegiance that the rest of the Keibatsu have chosen red. Which validates my decision somewhat. ^_^
30-06-2006 15:24:45
Think I'll stay neutral till I work out whats going on.
30-06-2006 15:38:34
I think the red one is the real Jac. The real Jac wasn't on the office commanding both the dark council and the clans in a war beginning. Maybe the real Jac was on another place while the blue Jac tried to make the brotherhood to open a civil war!
In conclusion, Jac is for me the real Jac Cotelin. But I could be wrong...
Ylith Pandemonium
30-06-2006 18:25:53
for the gamers we need to have a list
I would like to see 50 50 on the blue red count so we can all contribute.
I am Blue - Xayun is red
who is the next two?
02-07-2006 10:34:30
Isn't Xayun blue, Ylith? I don't understand your 50-50 method, Ylith.
Ylith Pandemonium
02-07-2006 12:47:21
I guess he changed it then
its simple
for example: we have 4 reds and 4 blues
of people decide to go red mostly, the blue's can can take them on, and the reds can take on the minority of the blue's and visa versa
Im red...well first off because Master Mac is...and doing some more reading i conclude that Red Jac is teh real Jacz0r
Macron Sadow
02-07-2006 17:09:46
Good to hear from you my Apprentice.
03-07-2006 13:58:21
I'm red because Anshar is, and since the HM is red, the KCB should be red or else the Shadow Academy would be split
No need to drag the Shadow Academy Campus into a war now is there
03-07-2006 14:03:01
I'm red for no better reason than its a Sithy colour
ok then...and i still want an explanation why all you European people have extra 'u's in your words.
Ylith Pandemonium
06-07-2006 04:08:06
because we rule, see...the u from rule is included in many words.
now stop spamming
Maol Nor Lexu
12-07-2006 08:08:41
I'm with the red side. Just like Malisane, its the sith color
I'll stay neutril but i think red is real.
13-07-2006 20:48:31
All evidence to the real Jac being red. Period. Puts you all to shame.
Ylith Pandemonium
14-07-2006 16:06:22
what evidence should that be?