Put Your Clues Here!
27-06-2006 11:49:26
A bunch of us got clues for the GJW. Well, it is recommended that we pool all of our clues together, and see what's going on. So, post them on here. Remember, these could be fact or just rumors, but the idea is that we should investigate them fictionally and stuff.
Flight plans and logs indicated a short unannounced detour of the Grand Master's personal yacht on the way from the Scholae Palatinae sunset to the Taldryan Independence night feast, showing a 30-minute excursion to the casino planet of Asir.
27-06-2006 12:09:41
Here's mine:-
"A rather deranged lady had to be carried off Antei sedated after she clamored in front of the Dark Hall for days that we should return her son. Signals point to her believing she is Korras' mother."
Sharmin Wheyes
27-06-2006 12:11:44
Here you go. Malisane's clue is great.
MAA Xu Long and former OCL Shan Long were overheard plotting to overthrow the rule of their family's founder and claim rulership over the tradition of the Dragon for themselves
27-06-2006 12:50:49
So based on those clues the likelyhood is that while Jac was away at the casino, Trev or Kaek dressed up as Korras mother in order to distract attention from that bomb being planted.
I think we need more clues.
27-06-2006 14:07:27
Heres mine!
Erinyes and Telona, the Krath assigned to tribune positions, are very
closely related. A few have suggested that they are actually clones,
but a careful eye will show several differences. The pair actually
harbor an intense bitterness for each other, having both been in a
relationship with a Corellian Noble who played them off of each other until they
discovered this and one of them murdered him.
Ylith Pandemonium
27-06-2006 14:39:11
Guess I'll join the club
GRD Isajah Berh was summarily demoted and reassigned to cleaning detail for dereliction of duty after twice having logged multiple departures of the GM's TIE in short order without any intervening landings while serving as flight officer.
hope that helps
27-06-2006 14:57:02
And mine:
"Xanos recently filed a grievance with the Justicar to have his wife executed on
grounds of treasonous larceny. Some think its so that the newly appointed
deputy can attract better women with his new status, but most maintain that his
wife, which rumor says is a member of the Hutts, was caught cheating on him
with Astatine."
Macron Sadow
27-06-2006 15:05:12
"The book "Mescaline-based Force enhancement rites", written by Sebastian Hemukuz, has become an instant bestseller on Antei's black market. Journeymen surviving the use of the techniques and substances therein report excellent results."
Shikyo Keibatsu
27-06-2006 15:43:21
Antei tax officials have just completed a major audit of Xu Long's accounts to verify anonymous allegations that he was claiming fraudulently high child support exemptions with multiple mothers. There are no charges expected to be brought.
Ashia Kagan
27-06-2006 21:39:20
Here's mine:
"For reasons only known to himself, Jac refuses to let anyone - not even his Praetor - manage his calendar and appointments."
Shinichi Endymiron K
27-06-2006 21:53:43
Muz's eyes are black because he scorched them with a lightsaber after witnessing Trev and Oberst molesting each other.
Macron Sadow
27-06-2006 22:02:52
I would too, jeez. Obviously not true though, as Shin pointed out on the list.
Kat Pridemore
27-06-2006 22:37:39
Seven months ago, Jac withdrew a very substantial cash amount from his private account at the Antei bank before departing Antei in his yacht with the cash. Allegedly, the sum was at least three million IC.
Sharmin Wheyes
28-06-2006 00:09:21
Here is a list of all the clues posted so far in a flowing format. We still need at least 4 more clues but lets put our heads together and get this figured out.
Seven months ago, Jac withdrew a very substantial cash amount from his
private account at the Antei bank before departing Antei in his yacht with
the cash. Allegedly, the sum was at least three million IC.
Ashia Kagan
"For reasons only known to himself, Jac refuses to let anyone - not even his Praetor - manage his calendar and appointments."
Jac's spectacular into-the-sunset takeoff from and maneuvers around Tarentum
HQ on Independence day disproved any doubts that the Grand Master might have
lost his edge as a TIE Interceptor pilot.
JST Firefox was seen last Friday morning, leaving a quite questionable
establishment on Scylla, wearing a crumpled robe laced with blond hair
The book "Mescaline-based Force enhancement rites", written by
Sebastian Hemukuz, has become an instant bestseller on Antei's black
market. Journeymen surviving the use of the techniques and substances
therein report excellent results.
GRD Isajah Berh was summarily demoted and reassigned to cleaning detail for
dereliction of duty after twice having logged multiple departures of the
GM's TIE in short order without any intervening landings while serving as
flight officer.
Xanos recently filed a grievance with the Justicar to have his wife
executed on grounds of treasonous larceny. Some think its so that the newly
appointed deputy can attract better women with his new status, but most maintain
that his wife %28which rumor says is a member of the Hutts%29 was caught
cheating on him with Astatine.
Erinyes and Telona, the Krath assigned to tribune positions, are very
closely related. A few have suggested that they are actually clones,
but a careful eye will show several differences. The pair actually
harbor an intense bitterness for each other, having both been in a
relationship with a Corellian Noble who played them off of each other until they
discovered this and one of them murdered him.
Antei tax officials have just completed a major audit of Xu Long's accounts
to verify anonymous allegations that he was claiming fraudulently high child
support exemptions with multiple mothers. There are no charges expected to
be brought.
Flight plans and logs indicated a short unannounced detour of the Grand
Master's personal yacht on the way from the Scholae Palatinae sunset to the
Taldryan Independence night feast, showing a 30-minute excursion to the
casino planet of Asir.
MAA Xu Long and former OCL Shan Long were overheard plotting to overthrow
the rule of their family's founder and claim rulership over the tradition of
the Dragon for themselves
"A rather deranged lady had to be carried off Antei sedated after she
clamored in front of the Dark Hall for days that we should return her son.
Signals point to her believing she is Korras' mother."
"Korras' recent sick leave for "elective surgery" has triggered all kinds of
speculation, especially among the more immature members. Gossip reached a
new height when the CNS Consul was seen to take several pairs of pants to
the Clan tailor for refitting."
*Xanos recently confronted Kaek regarding an discrepancy in the precious
metal supply. No one knew that his gambling hobby would get this far out of
Muz's eyes are black because he scorched them with a lightsaber after
witnessing Trev and Oberst molesting each other.
The Dilanium Krayt has issued a house ban on all Dark Brotherhood members
following a dispute about a 15,860 credit tab racked supposedly racked up by
the DGM.
Acara Rayden
28-06-2006 02:16:45
Firefox suspects that Muz is a lightsider, but can't prove it. Firefox has been
examining the lightsabers Muz has made for any sign of sabotage since Halcyon's
blade exploded in the Antei Combat Centre.
28-06-2006 07:41:05
In a drunk rage, Korras mentioned he knew a secret about the Grand Master that could get him any position. The next day he had an appointment with Jac and since then doesn't remember anything about it anymore.
P.S.: Sorry for the lateness of this. Lots of stuff on the way, world cup included.
P.S.2: Dumb Consul! How can he go to Jac and don't write down a backup of the secret?!
P.S.3: The above post-scriptum is "entirely fictional" and no harm or offense was intended in the writing of it. Considering the last events, it's never too much to warn before someone gets finger-pointing rampage.
Sharmin Wheyes
29-06-2006 01:08:05
I think there is a conspiracy that Jac and Xanos are stealing money and Korras and Muz have discovered this so they are both being harrassed in an attempt to keep them quiet.
Ylith Pandemonium
29-06-2006 05:32:57
ok...I see a connection...
Jac obviously got money from antei base and began cruising with his yacht, or however you spell it, when he got to Yridia II (Tarentum's home base) the GM gave a little show with his tie fighter, however this troubles me....since Jac has a wrecked knee and couldnt possible do major stunts with a still troubling knee...so thats the biggie there...
however...there are 2 other repoerts that a GRD was recording flight patterns of the GM Tie Interceptor. and that Jac
was later sighted on the cassino...
Now...I dont think Jac can be at two places at the same time..
I think that a spy may have used the GM Tie fighter to mask his presence there..
Just a thought...
little edit:
it could be that GRD Isajah Berh, was the one behind the self bombing as he was demoted and replaced to cleaning
after he logged the GM's unauthorized Tie flight...
makes sense..
Evidence supports that a member of Clan Taldryan supported the Coup on my Home Planet of Uvena Prime effictivly drawing me away during the begining part of the GJW and now im clueless as what has happened during my absence
07-07-2006 18:06:23
It seems to be sure that the unknown group of Force users has something to do with the Isradias.
The Obelisk sure got fed up of being seen as the irrelevant bunch of canon fodder.
07-07-2006 18:54:46
The Clan Envoy has been captured and tortured by Plagueis.
07-07-2006 18:56:00
At times, it is hard to tell which Jac you are talking to - the fake Jac definitely seems to have done his research.
A recent survey team from a neighbouring system the Brotherhood has been thinking of taking possession of turned up dead aboard their shuttle which had returned on auto-pilot, while the Dark Council is keeping tight lipped over the details rumours suggest the bodies had been charred by Force Lightning
Surely it is no coincidence that Alanna, Telona, Arania and even Mairin had a meeting of some sorts.
Red Jac must be fake, the blade of his pimp saber is wrong.
07-07-2006 18:57:38
For Lucius:
The Shadow Academy's archives report a number of recent attempts to access restricted files corresponding to the Potentium or "Grey Philosophy"
The Krath seem to be ready to take over for good.
According to some Royal Guard members, Blue Jac did not remember happenings from some months ago.
07-07-2006 18:58:42
For Horus:
Korras told Talon Jade he would be more than DJM soon, and then wipe the floor
with Trev.
Manesh has been seen sneaking in and out of Acclivis Draco's headquarters. Every
time he came out he was badly beaten up.
Xayun Erinos
08-07-2006 03:32:48
Xanos was seen playing around with robe designs for Grand Masters.
Nekura Manji
08-07-2006 06:00:31
Pyralis transfered a lot of money to unknown destinations shortly before the other Jac showed up.