Some more Sith Inq Healing info... I got most of this from Dulfy's Healing Corner ( Most of this is from a PvE perspective.
Dulfy's recommended PvE spec is I will be moving the one point out of Subversion (in Lightning Tree) to Conspiring Force (in Corruption Tree) since I enjoy PvP'ing once in a while and don't see Subversion as a significant gain in PvE.
Healing Stat Priorities:
Healing Output: Willpower -> Alacrity (to 350 Rating) -> Crit (to 300 Rating) -> Surge (to 300 Rating) -> Power
Force Efficiency: Willpower -> Crit (to 300 Rating) -> Surge (to 300 Rating) -> Alacrity (to 350 Rating) -> Power
Originally I had the Stat Priorities to remain Force Efficient as long as possible, by increasing Crit you should be recieving more Force Surge Procs during your Innervates for free Consumptions to regen Force. However after some thought being Force Efficient is worthless if you can't output enough heals per second to keep your party up. Based on that I'm going to shift Alacrity up to the front of the list, after Willpower.
Reasoning for Stat Priorities. Crit, Surge, and Alacrity all have Diminishing Returns. With the numbers above you should have around 11% bonus to Crit Chance, 35% bonus to Crit Healing Multiplier, and 10% activiation speed.
Power does not have Diminishing Returns, which is why it pulls in after Crit, Surge and Alacrity hit their desired marks.
Healing Rotation/Abilities
Obviously there is no set rotation to heal, as fights and priorities are constantly changing and need to be re-evaluated by the player. Here are some guidelines to help stay Force efficient while healing though.
Resurgence: Primarily used to proc Force Bending and for the 10% armor buff on Tanks.
Innervate: When cast with Force Bending you will nearly always proc Force Surge, giving you a free Consumption to regen some Force.
Dark Infusion: Used when Innervate is on cooldown. With Force Bending it casts faster (1.5 sec instead of 2.5)
Dark Heal: Fast cast (1.5 sec) smaller heal. With Dark Infusion and Innervate around I rarely ever use this spell. The Healing Bonus co-efficient is half of Dark Infusion. I only use it on "Oh Crap" situations if Innervate is down and I don't have Force Bending up to cast a 1.5 sec Dark Infusion.
Revivification: AoE Heal
Static Barrier: Our instant cast dmg absorbing bubble. If you know someone is going to take damage (Tank) or is getting beat down faster than you can throw out a heal, use this.
My rotation for starting a fight: Static Barrier group, Resurgence on tank after they engage. Innervate on tank after bubble breaks. Consumption if Force Surge procs off Innervate. If someone is taking heavy damage cast Resurgence on them then fast cast Dark Infusion, if not regular cast Dark Infusion if required. If Resurgence isn't on cooldown cast on tank, then Innervate again. Continue as required until boss death, then profit.
DPS'ing (what?! u r teh heals, stop casting litening newb!)
Sometimes I get bored and don't have anyone to heal. When this happens I have my 3 trusty dps abilities I like. Crushing Darkness, Affliction, and Lightning Strike. I cast them in that order if neither of the 2 DoTs are on the target already. I dislike Force Lightning because it is channeled and you use the Force Cost on cast, so if I need to break it off early it is not as efficient. Lightning Strike I can move mid cast if something needs immediate healing and lose no Force.
Random Sorc Tricks I've learned about
Coordinate with Marauders and use Extricate to give them a free Charge back on target. This can be a dps increase and also helps them manage threat, but only if you know that their charge isn't on cooldown when you pull them out!
As a healer I'm not usually able to interrupt mobs on a regular basis. Use Electrocute on cooldown for a 4 sec stun when tanks seem to take decent damage. Most of the time this ability is just sitting there doing nothing anyway.
Change Log
29Jan12 - Clarified Stat Priorities, added Healing Output Priorities per Analysis