What is CEK?
21-05-2005 00:02:03
Recently there has been alot of discussion about what is Clan Exar Kun? What makes us unqiue, special and the best Clan in the Brotherhood? I could readily point out that we have the 4 Praetors (Aerick, Jonaleth, Esca and Cyris), that Godo and Rakhai won the XwA and XvT brackets and scored personal fighters and 2 squadrons of TIE-Defenders. That CEK has one of the highest rates of promotion from INI to ACO; readily thanks to Jonaleth, Chi, Aerick and Lucien who all developed the Path of Kun. A document unparalleled by any other Clan's! Excellent ACC experience with two judges (Cipher and Lucien) two ACC:Gladiators (Cyris and myself). It is also worthy to point out Cyris is redesigning every award in the DB AND is a Combat Master Emeritus! We have a new Clan web site, which is being worked on continuously by our Consul and P:SCL. AND we have Chi, a Grand Master Emeritus (which is unique)
But these are our merits... not what defines us. So out of curiousity and a hope to define this Clan, I am opening up this thread for you to tell me what CEK is to you! Also, dont be afraid to suggest changes or new ideas here... Anything that helps evolve our identity!
Tarax Kor
21-05-2005 01:53:24
CEK = Clearly Exquisite Ketchup.
21-05-2005 22:37:52
::ganks Tarax's cool card::
Any other thoughts?
22-05-2005 00:08:35
First off I want to say how thankful I am that I was placed in Exar Kun, ther are so many friendly, dedicated, and extremely talented people in this Clan, and I am grateful for the opportunity to fight along side all of you.
To me, Exar Kun is home. Since I joined you all have taken me in and made me feel like a part of something great. I pledge my loyalty and my service to you all and hope none of you hesitate to ask me if you need anything.
Exar Kun is the underdog. I have heard things here and there about the Clan's rocky past and how none of the other Clans take us seriously, and I love it. Exar Kun has so much potential it's amazing, and I love watching us grow and become stronger with every passing day. Exar Kun is destined for greatness. If we continue to work hard, I see this Clan becoming a power that lives up to its namesake. Soon we will rise and make them all take serious notice.
25-05-2005 22:23:04
Very moving words Virulence, thank you for sharing. I know one day you will come into your own and be an tremendous member of our ranks!
Anyone else care to define their own version of CEK? Or will Tarax and Virulence be the only ones to define us...
26-05-2005 12:21:51
CEK rocks.
I just joined. But something is always going down.
I am here just to have fun. But I do take free stuff. So if you got anything you wanna give me, go ahead. So far you gotta beat Chi, he gave me his mom. And she was good for a couple rounds. Can anyone top Chi? I hope to find out
Vithril Isradia Kunar
26-05-2005 15:42:30
First, CEK wont become a great power, we have always been a great power. More than once we have proven to be the sleeping giant at the last minute, making more than one consul get nervous in a competition. A rocky past does not make us "not great". We were smaller then, but we had a closeness some of you still have yet to understand. Now we are bigger, and growing, and the way everyone is banding together is good... very very good. So, we go from great to greater, always remember that.
27-05-2005 11:51:03
I stand corrected by a senior member. We are a great clan, there should never be a doubt about that. But what can we do to elevate the standard that much higher?
I often think of CEK as a giant dragon, hibernating, waiting for the right time to awaken. We wait no longer... Independence Games is a reality, and only if we all compete (and i'm proud a great deal of you are!) will we awaken our legendary status.
We are great right now... let us be legends though!
Syrus Korodin
02-06-2005 19:55:13
It is great now and stands tall as a symbol and as a standard that other clans look to for guidance.
But it is yet to be seen whether this clan shall stand the most strenous test of all. That is, to survive the two most efficient weapons of any Dark Jedi.
Time and Betrayal.
Thran Occasus
02-06-2005 20:21:03
Clan Exar Kun is a puzzling thing to me.
Clan Exar Kun is a great place to start as a member of the DJB. But once you get to a stage where you understand the workings and know the people in tHe Clan things seem to stagnate. Every Member that I have met has been very helpful. But if we have all these great members why are we getting schooled in Brotherhood wide competition. We came in 6th out of 7 in the last sunday competition.
Even though I am Newbie, I believe that if we had a system where things are more refined and much more personal we would have greater Success as a clan. Clan Exar Kun is the second largest Clan with 85 members. 49 members is far to many for One Quaestor and one Aedile (House Ziost) to manage. But if they has say 4 people under them to assist younger members, We would see Exar Kun Soar to new hieghts.
This is in not meant to be a badgering campaign against the current leaders, All of the ones that i have come in contact with are great sources of help. But no matter how helpful and powerful thes members are (ESCA, GODO, LUCIEN, CYM, BRAECEN and Yes even you Master Chi) you all need some help. You are taking on a huge responsiblity that I am sure eats into your RL time. Last i checked Clubs like the DJB are created for the purposes of RL fun. If you all were devoting your time to advancing and involving newer members you would have no time to sleep or eat or do anything else that you might enjoy or need to flourish.
I love this Club And i Love this Clan. When I first discovered the DJB, I thought to Myself, "these are the same kinda people that I am." I am not trying to tear things apart I only wanna make it better.
I believe that if we took a step further and installed several battle teams we would see more of our newer members make bigger steps and get more involved in out Club as a whole. That way instead of being the 6th place team we can move up to #1...I am a winner Dont you all wanna be too?
02-06-2005 22:09:36
Good words Thran - Leadership is not meant for the weak or unwilling, it is a service not only to House and Clan but a gateway to making the DJB a better environment as a whole.
LoL as for the Sunday Tourney --> We did not place six of seven that week (we did fairly well, actually) that is a running tab since the inception of the Sunday Tourney; so that is a big whole we are digging out of!
As for Battleteams... At one point we did not have enough active members to warrant BattleTeams, b/c we simply did not have leaders; it does eat into personal time (thankfully i do not sleep
). One day Chi will bring this back, but it may be some time yet - as we have 80+ members, I can count out a 1/4 to inactive, probly another 1/4 AWOL, and an 1/8 that signed up mistakenly thinking we were something else! So we really arent that stacked with numbers...
We are just loaded with quality! aka the BEST members in the DJB
03-06-2005 12:08:57
CEK has been my home for the entriety of my stay in the Brotherhood and I would not leave it for anything less than DC. Since I joined, there have always been people there that have been willing to assist me with anything I needed (which was a lot considering I knew very little about Star Wars when I joined) and never asked for a thing in return. I have heard horror stories about the other Clans and their eccentricities and I am glad that CEK is fairly devoid of self serving members. Yes, being in a Summit or leadership position in awesome and a lot of responsibility, but if we have no active members, who are we managing?
I agree with Braecen's 'statistics' ont he roster matter. Most of these folks never take the time to advance very far because of one reason or another, but we all do our best to make sure that every member is given a fair shot and the same opportunities to advance. While I think that we are doing a great job rebuilding our Clan, there is still much work to be done here. I am sure that you will find out Thran, that after the IG's things around here are goingt o start rolling like a Mack truck. People will be getting more involved, winning medals, etc.
Ad for CEK sucking hind tit in DB Wide Competitions, Braecen is right. The Sunday Tourney is ongoing and we have not put up any kind of show for quite some time. WE are getting back to that though and digging our way out. However, you cannot gauge us by the Tourney results. If you look back, we took 3 consecutive DB wide Competitions fairly easily. Anywhow, there are my two cents.
04-06-2005 12:54:01
Thank you for the moving statements about CEK Lucien. I often think back to the days when Aerick, you and I were youngins hell bent on changing the entirety of the DB! But soon we realized that was only possible by becoming active members ourselves, encouraging those in our House, hoping that drove those in the Clan and that the unity of a Clan was enough to make positive impacts on the Brotherhood as a whole.
Everyday CEK moves forward at neck breaking speeds and I often wonder if we are moving too fast... that perhaps we have been reckless thus far...
Then I recall how many quality members have stepped forward asking for duties, tasks and ways to help the effort. It is that fact alone that I know we are back from extinction - now all that remains is climbing the ladder and proclaiming we are the best.
Anyone who reads this post, I would like you to go immedaitely to
http://www.independencegames.net (register or login, if you havent already) and compete in an activity! This is our time to take back what is ours!
10-06-2005 23:15:12
Tell you what, now that we're CP, we also have the best gamers in the DB (you forgot us!). Before Devil joined I was a veteran gamer, but Devil is an example of a hardened warrior who not only leads his own clan but has pretty much annihalated each and every gamer who plays JA/JO not only in the Brotherhood but also in other interclubs. Kudos to you Devil.
I would also like to congratulate all of those gamers out there with 40 CFs or more. You are now among the ranks of an intermediate. Soon you will be on the path to gaining experience in your gaming lifestyles and not only that, you will also become better. Kudos to all of you.
To all those beginners: At first you may not be the best gamer out of everyone, but perseverance is key. Always remember, Practice makes Perfect.
Now to some things up I will answer the question, what is Clan Exar Kun? It was an empire in the making. Not only did we have a high rate of promotions, but we also have some of the best writers in the Brotherhood. Now we are Clan Plagueis. I must now answer the question:
What is Clan Plagueis?
CP is the new empire of Satal Keto and Exar Kun. With extreme teamwork, gaming, writing, and simply kicking ass this clan is, in simple terms, awesome. If we work hard at it we may one day become ultra-super-kick-ass-awesome.
Dark Jedi Knight Schisca Archaon Azytzeen
The Eternal Thunder
Plageuis' Pride