14-05-2005 21:21:32
Hey all, I am trying to get my bearings here. I have no real idea what is going on yet, so if somebody could help me out, it would be appreciated.
Requite deSaiah
14-05-2005 22:13:00
Salutations. We are honored by your prescence. Enjoy your stay.
14-05-2005 22:50:58
Thanks for the welcome
So, how do I get above the rank of Apprentice?
I thought I had submitted a history but I cant see it from my dossier...
This is confusing
In about :: looks at watch on wrist that is not there :: ten mintues, you will have a welcoming email from me. ^^;
20-05-2005 23:14:50
Welcome to House Ziost and Clan Exar Kun! Keep your eye peeled each week for Mentoring emails or tips from your Envoys.. they should help lay out a path that will open you to the larger DB experience and stay moderately fun... yay fun!
Gaidal Dupar
23-05-2005 07:50:57
Good day to you, young one.