Acquiring Assistance

Mibos Elott

21-12-2009 01:42:35

After a lengthy return and a quick reinstatement into my old house, Exar Kun, I find myself without a master since my old one is no longer with this clan. It has been far more than a year since I have been an active member of this House and now that I have returned I find myself masterless.

I seek to find a worthy master who can show me the path to advancement once more. I am unsure who to contact in this regard so I'm leaving this thread here in order to find advice and/or search for someone who can direct me to the right way.

Hopefully during the holidays I can settle back into things once again. Until such a time, I wish you all happy holidays. =)

PRT Mibos Elott (Obelisk)/Exar Kun of Plagueis [ACC: INI]


21-12-2009 20:05:59

Hello Mibos,

While I'm not a Kunian myself, I'd direct you to Koga Kage, HEK Rollmaster. He could probably help you out with this problem.


27-12-2009 18:09:00

Yeah, send Koga an email telling him that you're looking for a Master if you haven't already.

Mibos Elott

30-12-2009 17:25:17

Thank you all for your help! I'll do so as soon as I can. ^-^