Hek Insurrection Run-on
Alaris Jinn
03-07-2009 12:53:05
General Rules:
1. No editing of posts after you have posted.
2. Ensure continuity, marks will be deducted for breaks in said continuity.
3. Use your character sheet for your character, marks will be decucted for a break in realism.
4. Do no post until the orders are set. Orders will be given once a week, beginning Sunday, July 5th and following every Sunday until the closing of the Event on August 6th.
This Thread will be re-opend on July 5th, 2009.
Alaris Jinn
05-07-2009 00:00:05
House Exar Kun.
Your orders are as follows:
With Alaris Jinn staking claims that are not his to make, your leadership has called for an organization of assets. As a Hosue, plan your eventual attack on the Dark Tower in the attempt to drive Alaris out.
New Orders to be given on July 12th.
05-07-2009 13:09:06
Cethgus sat in his office as there was a knocking on the door, standing up the Obelisk waited to see who would be heading into his office. As the door opened Cethgus was surprised to see the face of Ralph, his Aedile. This was rare that they visited the Rollmaster unless business called them to his office. His eyes studied the man as it was apparent the Exarch was already calculation how to kill him if he had to. This sent tension to the Dark Jedi Knight, as he began to spoke his words got the Zabrak’s attention straight away.
“Alaris.....” Ralph was straight away cut off.
A saber was heard clipping to a belt, as the Obelisk swept his cloak on, and walked out of the door, he had Ralph follow him. The two of them were heading directly towards Yzarc’s office. Anger pulsated into his veins, he was determined to make sure that those that opposed Braecen while he was away were punished correctly. With that they reached the Quaestor’s office. The door crashed open as the massive tank like figure of the Exarch walked in, his gaze instantly was brought upon Yzarc.
“I presume we will kill Alaris?” the bitter cold voice of the Obelisk was silenced by a hand from his Quaestor.
Yzarc stood up and walked around from behind his desk to face the two men. His eyes studying them, as always Yzarc thought about what he would say before deciding to speak.
“We need to come up with a plan, we must attack Alaris, so I suggest both of you help me create this plan.” Yzarc knew they needed to draw up a battle plan and looked at the way this would be done, but at the same time, he could use the fury of the Exarch to his advantage.
“Cethgus call the house to a meeting, explain to them the current.........situation if you will” Yzarc waved the Zabrak away leaving him and Ralph to come up with the plans.
Cethgus walked into a meeting room that he had found, so that the member would be able to talk freely and not risk being heard. The last thing Exar Kun needed was there plans to be announced before they had thought of them. As the Rollmaster walked in he noticed that most of the members had got the invite to this room, a few were still missing but that could be helped. Looking around he instantly saw his wife, but knew now was not the time to talk to her.
“You have all been called here because an issue has arrived” his voice echoed around the room, as the room as he felt the members look at him as he spoke. “Alaris has overstepped his place as Proconsul, and it is up to us to sort this out, at the moment we are currently coming up with the plans on how we will attack. I believe you should all be prepared for what lies ahead”
With that Cethgus left the room, leaving them all to talk as they saw fit. As he walked down the corridors of the Dark Tower, his mind racing as he knew that things would have to get ugly before they would improve, and that right there itself laid a problem, the chances of people dying before things got better was something the Exarch would have to allow to play on his mind. As he walked down the corridor the Obelisk found a familiar presence once again near him, turning around the Obelisk found the hooded man only feet away from where he was standing.
“You shouldn’t try and sneak up on people; it will be the death of you”
“Perhaps, so what is the plan in dealing with Alaris?” The male spoke calmly to the Rollmaster.
“I don’t know, I just know that I will make him suffer for what he is trying to do Godo, don’t worry about that” Anger was still rushing around the Clan Rollmaster, as he knew that Alaris would be trying to take Consul with Braecen away. Cethgus knew that he would make anyone that tried to let this happen suffer. A fierce loyalty to Braecen still remained with the Exarch, as most people knew.
Quaestor’s Office#
Yzarc and Ralph stood over what looked like documents; both were trying to come up with ways that would see a stop to Alaris. Ralph was continuing to talk to Yzarc about using a diversion to make their way in, but at the same time as this conversation was taking place the Quaestor knew that things would be hard, trying to capture a Proconsul would be hard enough on its own. Let alone who may be helping him, they had to take in account the Jusadih military.
Ralph spoke this time “Cethgus is organising the others to see what they wish to do”
“Good, Good” Yzarc spoke slowly
HEK Meeting room
Cethgus stood in front of the group of members each one wondering really what was about to become of them, his throat dry he looked at them, knowing that the planning part of this would be the easiest part, what he must ask of each of them, well that was a completely different matter. As he finally decided to talk to them the room fell silence as the Obelisk stepped up.
“Each of you must have your own idea’s and views on this matter, I request you put them to the side, I need your ideas on how we shall attack the dark tower” at that point an eruption of noise happened as everyone tried to throw their answers in, but the crowd was silenced by Cethgus’s next words.
“We must plan our attack out, and also organise our assets quickly and efficiently. I request that we discuss our plans on how to attack the dark tower, and with that, we will be able to drink Alaris down”.
Cethgus had sent a message to his ship, knowing that the crew on board he could trust more than Alaris could, the Instigator would try and mobilize against Alaris when it would be available to. With that Cethgus just needed to figure out what kind of army and weapons they could use.
“I want us also to be looking at mobilizing what men we can trust find out what weapons are available to us, what food and medical supplies we have, I need all the information I can. This plan is top priority” with that he waited for replies from people.
Ood Bnar
06-07-2009 07:11:15
Dark Tower
Jusadih System
Deep in the bowels of the Dark Tower, headquarters of Plagueis, many things are hidden. These are the grand archives, not that public stuff available to anyone. These archives used to restrict access to only Krath of Equite-rank or higher. It is here that Ood Bnar Sythe’rae is slaving away.
Folders strewn across the massive desk, where the Neti works. A small datapad containing a list of seemingly random locations on Kapsina lying centrally. In a side-room, the Holocron of Darth Plagueis the Wise emits an eerie reddish light. Muttering to himself the Neti moves to collect another file.
‘Five hours! Five long cumbersome hours since Cethgus told me to head into the deep hold and look for Exar Kun’s lost materials.’, as the thought flitters through towards his subconscious, the Neti Priest adds another location of a small cache of goods to the list on his datapad. Having linked the pad to Cethgus’ terminal, the Neti knows it won’t be long before a small team is sent out to collect the goods.
Turning towards the cabinets behind him where another 6 years worth of data etched on flimsi lay in wait for him to peruse. Funnily enough, some of the things he had found had been Clan caches that were forgotten or misplaced. By claiming them and putting the Exar Kun Sticker on it, they could, hopefully, retain a superior position in this strange conflict.
06-07-2009 13:04:57
HEK Meeting Room
Galaphile Dupar sat amongst his fellow comrades listening to Cethgus speak. Troublesome this was. Alaris had become to greedy and now it was throwing the clan into turmoil. This did not bode well. He shifted in his seat knowing well enough that there would be more then likely blood spilled over this. Depending on how merciful they might feel, they may not let Alaris live to see the light of day.
But he had a duty to his clan and it was time to come through on that duty. Galaphile stood up to speak. "Well I have a basis of a plan where we could possibly brainstorm on. We are all well aware that the Dark Tower is comprised of eight levels.
I know for a fact that not many people be on the fourth level. I suggest that a group of Equites, some who can take care of themselves because this is a very dangerous mission. We stage a diversion while the main force goes in from the first level. We would have their attention by the time we fully infiltrate then the first group could seek out Alaris and everyone else that dares betray the Consul in his absence. Then we would take the Dark Tower"
Galaphile walked forward so everyone could marvel at his long silver hair flowing in the air with no wind to carry it. "Does anyone agree with this plan?" The Templar knew very well that many a people would probably think his plan insane. But if planned properly it could avoid casualties more. But maybe someone had a better idea.
Octavia Demona
06-07-2009 13:52:17
Octavia tried to wrap her mind around the information she had just received. She thought loyalty was important to the clan, and to hear the news that Alaris was overstepping his ground was troubling. Octavia stood her small frame barely noticeable over the crowd of people. The Battle Team Leader cleared her throat and pushed through the crowd to the aisle where she stood tall, and demanded the attention from the room.
“Your plan sounds like a useful one, Galaphile. We will need to do this so little blood is shed as possible.”Her voice was clear as she spoke. She wanted her words to be heard, and she wanted to let people know she meant business. Looking between her husband and Galaphile she could feel the anger and shock radiate from the room, and she knew this was something the House would not tolerate.
“Cethgus, I offer Exar’s Shadow to aid you as you see fit, and if you need it, I’ll start to tally up our supplies as quickly as possible.”
She sighed and ran a nervous hand threw her hair. She hoped it wouldn’t come to it, but she knew now that war between the two houses was inevitable.
06-07-2009 15:07:57
“I don’t see a problem with Galaphile’s strategy,” the soft melody of a peaceful voice flittered through the air like the beautiful morning call of birdsong. The dancer’s bright azure eyes, expressive of compassion, warmth and friendliness, brightened the hall in ways no artificial light could ever simulate. Her pristine yellow skin, made all the more notable by her ever-revealing choice of attire, seemed to sparkle in tune with her eyes and voice. Her lekku swayed with her sultry walk as she stepped forward.
For the first time in months, Impetus M’Nar stood on her own; on her own, but never alone. Her collar told the tales of who would have been stood beside her, broadcasting herself as the ‘Property of Eludajae M’Nar’. Her Mistress’ recent elevation to the heights of a Dark Council Tribune had made Impetus swell with pride, and her smile seemed even happier than it was previously, silencing claims asserting that was impossible.
“With the hostile attention the Equite team are due to receive in the creation of a diversion, they need to be ready for a straight fight,” Impetus said serenely. “There can be no stealth, no fighting in the shadows. It will be a long fight, fortitude, stamina and courage will be a greater asset than any weapon. We should send a third, smaller force, to infiltrate the Dark Tower from the top floor, and provide intelligence back to the strike team. That way, the team will always know what’s coming. The third team should be comprised of specialist infiltrators, those who make little more markings of their presence than a bird’s flight on the ground it passes over.”
Kaira Rohana
06-07-2009 17:13:19
Why were they calling a meeting at that moment? This had to have something to do with Alaris. Frowning Kaira stepped into the back of the meeting room. Her eyes never left Cethgus as he talked yet she masked all emotions should her face and stance. There was no way she would give any information about what she knew to that man know did she feel the need to help him. Her goal at that moment was to see that the clan didn’t brake apart and both houses came to see Alaris as there consol. Many in the room seem to have ideas on how to help Cethgus with the house to bring Alaris down and to keep Braecen in charge.
That was a fool hearty idea to her at that moment. Alaris was the power with in the clan at the moment and she felt siding with him was a much better career move. There new Consol had big ideas for the clan as a whole and that meant that Exar Kun would have to fall in line under his guidance. For now she was here in this room to try and make that happen any way she could. If that meant under mining there very plans she would do just that. The fact was Alaris had trained her and she had learned her lessons well. The one person she felt would stand in the way more then any one else was right before her eyes Cethgus Kuga.
That man had been a horn in her side for to long and she wished nothing more then to see his death. Even if it wasn’t by her hands she knew that some one would bring him down on that day she wanted to be there to witness this demise. It was the only time she showed even a glimmer of emotions when she thought about that. Maybe it was a good think that at that moment some had said something about killing Alaris at least she thought she heard that. If any one was thinking about that she knew there were people tell and they weren’t in this room. Kaira hoped this meeting would end and soon that way she could get back to the work she was doing.
09-07-2009 11:07:54
HEK Meeting Room
Cethgus sat there listening to the plans that people were thinking off using, having the acting battle team leader of Exar Shadow offer their assistance would be a great help in what would happen soon. Knowing that they had little options truly in what they planned, but Galaphile was correct, the best way was to be to send a group onto the fourth floor for a distraction, now the hard option was to come to the Obelisk, as he had to pick people that would be able to do such a task.
“Impetus, Galaphile, Ood and Kaira will be the ones taking the fourth floor” Cethgus knew that this wasn’t enough people and wished that one more person would be able to step forward to offer their assistance.
“Octavia, as your the acting battle team leader, it will be your job for you to take the ground level, you will be accompanied by myself” Nodding to Exar Shadow’s he knew that they would do what he needed them to, hunt Alaris down in the dark tower.
They had a plan now the Obelisk knew that they had to make sure that everything was in order. “Each of you will be required to make sure that you have all the equipment you need if we are going to put this plan into action, Galaphile your group will be looking at weapons, ammo and anything else that we can use, if we can get troops I need your team to get them”
He was now going to have to focus on getting a list of what they had to use, he knew that it wouldn’t be much as most of the time the forces would always be near the Dark Tower. As for Octavia he needed her team to do more work for him this time. He glanced over to her; she got the message as she walked over to him waiting for her orders. “I need you to get a list of all medical supplies that we can use”
Cethgus left them to do as they wished but hoped they would be able to get the task’s that he had set them completed, and wondered at the same time if anyone would be able to step up to the task of helping the Equites on the fourth floor. Leaving the room he walked down to his office and walked inside, he sat down and tried to communicate with the ship that he hoped to have some help from.
Smiling the Obelisk heard the voice on the other side as it responded “Hello Cethgus, I expected to hear from you after our last talk, and I have some good news for you”.
VSD Instigator
The Executive officer just finished on the end of a communication when the higher officers on the ship walked in each saluting him, for now he was able to trust each one of them. As they sat down it was straight to business with them that was why they were all here.
“I summoned you because Cethgus who has commanded this ship, bled on the command deck, and gave everything to see this ship survived asked a favour of us, and the ship” Speaking it was clear that all of the men in the room were instantly listening to what was going to be asked of them all.
“He needs this ship, Alaris is trying to move for Consul, and we are going to help stop him, we are called to go and make sure that if House Satal Keto comes into the way, we are to try and cause some of them to get distracted” The men nodded each respected Cethgus for the efforts he put in on the Great Jedi War and were willing to make sure that he was helped when needed.
“We will be heading towards Kaspina as soon as possible, our reason is we need help with repairs, at the same time, try and find any fleet communications going in and out, give us and Cethgus an idea of what is going on” The men sat up and left the room heading to their stations, the Executive Office managed to reach the bridge.
“Prepare us to head towards Kaspina, let them know we are coming for repairs” as the bridge burst into life, letting the massive and beaten ship slink towards Clan Plaguies’s home planet to give some help for the Exarch. The engines rumbled as the Officer knew that he would have to be ready for anything, not sure as to yet what was truly going to happen.
Quaestor’s Office
Yzarc sat in his seat with Ralph, they just heard the news that Cethgus had found a plan, a smirk was on the Quaestor’s face as he watched the door open, letting the tank like shape of the Obelisk walk into the room, as he noticed that information was spread all around the room. “I presume we are finding the information that we need?” The Obelisk spoke with a slight hint of annoyance, that was caught by both the Quaestor and Aedile at the same time.
“What seems be on your mind Cethgus, now seems the right time to let us know” Yzarc was always able to see any emotion that Cethgus tried to hide.
“The equite team is slightly short on numbers; it doesn’t look good for them in the long run Yzarc” Nodding the Quaestor was thinking it was clear that he also felt the same way, but the question was how would they tackle the situation. That would be something that they would have to worry about, for now they needed the numbers of men, supplies, weapons and ammo that they would be using in the attack on the Dark Tower.
The three of them were left in the office, and talking about what they would be happening in the house feud, they wondered if things would get better but Cethgus just hoped that the plan would work. It all came down to if they could find the numbers out, the plan was set.
Kuro Kogarasu
09-07-2009 12:17:37
What..what's going on? who's in the house?
Go with your brother and get in your room, everything will be ok.
Tatsu, what's going on? I'm scared.... A loud explosion erupts, Fire and debris surrounds Kuro. A secondary explosion throws the young boy against a wall.
Mother!, Father! Tatsu! .....why.....why....
Koga Jumps up out of his bed yelling out "why!" He realizes it was just a bad dream, the traumatic events of his childhood still haunt him.
Koga Gets up and gets dressed in his training gear and about to head out to the field for a few Duals when a Call over his comlink comes in "All jedi meeting in 5 min's, Cethgus requires everyone in attendance" Koga wonders what this is about, so he changes his clothes to his off duty clothes and heads down to the meeting room.
The Meeting has started and koga makes his way to the back of the room and he listens to everyone's plan to teach Alaris his place. it seems that alaris is trying to oust the Con and take it for himself. "That Greedy son of a.." Koga thinks to himself, remembers how much Alaris helped him in the past and now he pulls this? Koga looks around the room, wile Cethgus is talking about the newly discussed plan that everyone decided on, and sees kaira standing alone on the opposite side of the room. "hmm i need to talk to her, i know she is close to Alaris, so i want to know how she is doing during this"
As the meeting is dismissed, koga heads for the Quaestor’s Office and meets up with Cethgus, Ralph and Yzarc. "Sirs, may i make a request" koga stands in the doorway as Cethgus waves the tall Templar in. "i wish to request that im put on the team with Kaira. main reason...during the war wile i was captured a rouge sorceress used my pain and strength against the clan. she made me kill several jedi and neatly killed my love..Kaira. i wanna be with her during the seige and also your a man short so, this way we both win..what do yall say? " Koga stands up straight with determination in his eyes, awaiting for approval.
09-07-2009 18:05:59
So his plan was accepted and he himself along with Impetus, Ood, and Kaira would be the infiltration. They were short a member but he was sure that someone would step up to the task. Even if they didn't they could handle themselves. It couldn't be any worse than when he, Anochir, and Jaden saved Dismal and Scorpius from the clutches of the Vong. That was a battle to remember.
But now came a task he was set upon. He would have to help lead this group into the Dark Tower. He had already predicted that Cethgus would require him to find means to get weapons and sorts for the mission. So Galaphile had called a contact on Aerun that owed him.
Since the Aerunian revolt many Aerunians owed Galaphie their lives becaause he was the one that spared many of them. His title was Aerun's Guardian. Given to him during the Crimson fiasco but it still meant a lot to him. And now it would pay off. The Svak had been waiting by Galaphiles door when the Dark Jedi arrived.
"Nice to see you again Galaphile," said Svak.
Galaphile removed his hood as to see the man better. He still looked like old and rusty even though he was a man of 24. "Nice to see you yourself Svak. I do hope your not overtaxing yourself.
The man shifted slightly, "You know how it is. Things haven't been the same since the coup."
"I bet. But do you have what I asked for."
"Yes I came with a shipment of a large assortment of weapons, and supplies left over from the coup so feel free to take whatever you need."
"Good. Thank you for your help." Galaphile shook Svak's hand then left the man to his own business. The Dupar made his way to the Quaestors office to tell Cethgus and everyone else that they had a go on supplies and weapons. When he sees Koga speaking with the summit and Cethgus.
"Koga. You wish to join us on this mission? That would greatly help us out. I have gotten the supplies and weapons needed for the assault. And I think we have our man as well. What say you Cethgus?"
10-07-2009 23:28:36
"Well...." Cethgus pondered, rubbing his chin with his index finger and thumb. "Everything appears to be in ord..." He was quickly cut off by the hissing of the blastdoor behind him.
"I hope you gentlemen arent planning to go somewhere without me." A large crimson Nautolan hissed, his strange accent causing his voice to carry like a whisper. "Forgive me for interrupting...Though, I'm sure you're all happy to see me." Finished the always confident Sith Warlord. All eyes quickly shifted to the towering berserker in the doorway. One face in particular stood out, Cethgus'. An evil grin crossed his face as he waved him in.
"Come in Quejo. We were just running through some details..."
"Quaestor.." Quejo bowed, addressing Yzarc as he walked past Cethgus to position himself against the far wall.
His boots struck the smooth floor with authority as he took his place. He had been away for awhile, busy with projects of his own. However, when he had heard that his old friend Braecen's position was being threatened, he felt the need to step up and smash some skulls. He had been called a 'blunt instrument' in the past and had come to terms with that. He had been used as a tool for the Order of the Sith on more than one ocassion, so ridding his Clan of treachery was a challenge he was more than willing to take on full bore. While he would never think twice about stabbing someone in the back for his own benefit, now wasnt the time...
Ood Bnar
11-07-2009 05:20:25
HEK Briefing Chambers
Ood Bnar Sythe’rae smiled as he pondered his orders. Hmm, to be a good distraction we could use more men. Let’s see, four Dark Jedi. If we split up we would cover more ground and since we’re a diversion we would need to be enough of a threat while still being able to make it seem like they are pushing us back but requiring them to call for their auxiliary forces to serve as backup. Hmm, to draw out the enemy from the entire Dark Tower to their location… if we blast our way in by detonating an outer wall and entering through there, make it seem like we are using a slightly outdated layout of the defense-grid so they think we fell for the new security implements they’ll try to ambush. If we divide into groups and strike they would meet us head on to prevent us from gaining anything… the force needs to be big enough to merit the use of all defenders but still small enough to make it seem like we’re infiltrating… hmmm.
About 52 troopers loyal to Consul Braecen stood calmly in the briefing room, watching as the walking plant moved at the front of the room and introduced them to his plans. As he was speaking and explaining how each of them would be divided into 4 equal teams led by the four Dark Jedi a knock was heard and the door opened, allowing three others entry to the chamber. The troopers watched as a lithe Twi’lek girl entered followed by a twenty something Human female and a male of about thirty years of age. As they sat down, the briefing resumed.
“As I was stating, I am Colonel Bnar and have been granted operational command of this mission. I expect perfect obedience regardless of rank or achievement from all of you, that counts for all currently in this room.”, as the Neti stated this the soldiers could hear two of the three jedi hiss in outrage.
“Now then, our objective is simple. We will be entering under cover of darkness, about three hours before dawn when their patrols are at their weakest. We will climb the Dark Tower until we reach the fourth level where our four demolition experts will place charges on the following points of the walls.” As he spoke, Ood used a laserguide to point out the specs on the projections “Now as you can see, we will divide into four groups and enter from different areas, we will also simultaneously create our entrypoints and we will as you can see be using the ‘outdated’ maps of the facility. Now before you protest, we are a diversion. We need to pull every security guard and/or defender from their posts to the 4th floor. These plans don’t show the latest detection additions so act natural and believe these to be correct. Once entry is gained we will proceed to four strategic targets on the 4th floor. Now as you may know, in the past year or two, we moved these targets to a safer location. However our maps show them to be still there.”, as he shut down the projections the Neti turned on the lights and faced his taskforce oncemore “Well then gentlebeings, this will be a hazardous operation, our intell is outdated and incorrect and the objectives are no longer there. We, however, will need to make a lot of noise when we get there. This is why we will blow our way in and also why our weapons will be ‘badly’ silenced. Impetus, Galaphile and Kaira, I know you are well trained and could sneak in there. If you encounter opposition, take them out loudly! Torture them if needed. Commando’s I’m asking you to blunder about on this one while being seemingly professional. Don’t shoot to kill instantly, shoot to maim or to hurt. Let your opponents cry out in pain and make it seem as if they are the better trained unit. We will let them push us back once we reach our targets. However, after the signal is given I want you to start pushing them back and turning the tide on them as it were. We need them to call in all auxiliary forces in the base and keep them occupied. Now are there any questions?” the Priest asked as he smiled down upon the assembled troopers.
As the Dark Jedi moved towards Ood to get their deployment specifics, the 52 troopers of the 6th Scout Compagny, 2nd Vanguard Armor Regiment moved out to prep for insertion.
12-07-2009 04:10:04
House Exar Kun meeting hall
Cethgus stood there, looking at who had been assembled, and knew that now that all the numbers had been sorted out, it was time to call them into action. He knew that this time, the Obelisk would have to call upon each Housemate to help him. Standing in front of the group Cethgus now had to explain the plan, which was not an easy one at that.
“Right, at this point the Instigator will be sending a distress signal to the Clan Fleet, drawing their attention away from the space over the dark tower, leaving it free for our teams to attack the fourth level of the tower.” Cethgus knew that the fifty-two men that had been collected would be sent in with the Equites to cause a disruption.
“Impetus, Galaphile, Ood, Kaira and Koga, each of you are tasked with the job of causing distractions. Do not disappoint, these men will accompany you into the fight. Good luck to you, we will be leaving for combat in the morning, get ready.” With that the group that would be causing the trouble left the room, heading towards their rooms to get there gear before heading to the hanger. Cethgus knew that this night would go quickly for them.
“The rest of you who are left, will be walking in on the ground level your job is to come forth and capture Alaris where he stands, dismissed.” Cethgus watched as everyone filed out of the room, leaving him standing on his own. Walking back towards the Rollmaster’s office, he felt a strange presence around him, instantly he knew that something was out of place, stopping in his tracks the Exarch looked at a cloaked figure.
The voice that spoke rippled around the dark hall “Cethgus, I’ve been meaning to talk with you.” As the male revealed himself as Alaris.
Trying to remain his casual self, the Exarch let his hand slide down to his saber hilt, choosing his words with care. “Proconsul, what may I do for you?”
Cethgus did not believe that Alaris was much of a threat, with most of the new members seeking his guidance, he controlled them, and this meant that Alaris simply would not have the numbers to stage anything against Braecen. The Exarch also knew that the male in front of him was simply no match, he was an opponent yes, but was not able to match against the might of the Exarch.
Alaris next sentence was one that could not be expected “Your services will no longer be needed, Rollmaster. Consider this notice of your termination.”
Before he was able to understand the sentence that Alaris had put forth the Exarch found his opponent's green blades activated and heading his way. Alaris was charging at the Obelisk, who instantly reacted, his stance of Djem So taking effect as his own green blade hissed into life.
As Alaris’ weapon closed in, it was beaten away by the Exarch. Since last time, Cethgus had honed his form, meaning that the advantage of surprise did not last long against such an opponent. Cethgus spoke in half surprise and half in pure defiance. “You’ve got some nerve if you think you can defeat me, Alaris.”
Cethgus did not expect the reply he got from the Prelate, smirking Alaris merely replied “We’ll see....”
Cethgus extended his metallic arm forward, giving the all too symbolic motion, that sent Alaris skidding backwards, his lekku fluttered slightly by his movement. With this Alaris then pounced forward towards him, as his saber came near, it was at that point that he noticed something moving in the shadows, sending warning signals throughout his brain. He only had time to react to one or the other, the move would cost Cethgus, as he battered away the saber, and he felt a sting to the back of his neck.
Alaris quickly moved back, as the Rollmaster felt the needle in the back of his neck, he ripped it out in defiance. He saw the assailant who had put the needle into the back of his neck, and tried to grab him, but it ended up in him flailing. His knees were the next think to fail the Exarch, as he fell to the floor, the ground moving beneath him, the last words he heard were that of Alaris and a stranger.
“Well done. As soon as the sedative has taken effect, have him readied.”
“Yes, my Consul.”
QUA Office
The next morning
“What?” Yzarc’s voice roared around the office as anger rushed through his veins.
The aide fidgeted unsure of what the Obelisk was capable of “Sir..... The Rollmaster is....gone.”
Yzarc fumed silently for a moment, before his mind went back into action as he spoke. “There is one possible explanation. Notify the House. We are to mobilize immediately.”
Yzarc and Ralph both looked at each other knowing that the plans had changed it looked like this time, they would be heading towards Morroth instead, Yzarc was not about to let one of his friends be captured and taken by House Satal Keto. They would pay for what they were doing. As he walked off with Ralph, they would be going with the House, he moved to the hall, as everyone who had been sent away once again arrived. Looking confused they waited from Yzarc to speak.
“We are changing plans, were mobilizing right now, we will be attacking House
Satal Keto on Morroth. Last night they captured Cethgus, and took him to their planet. I’m sure there was some reason for this, but we will get him back, and make them suffer in the process, prepare for war. We move right now, head to the hangars, we will get transports over, we will be hitting them hard and fast, move straight away.”
Alpha Base Hangar
The normal busyness of activity was around the hangar, as a small unassuming shuttle touched down onto the floor, there was a slow rumble of nervous energy, Vivackus was leaning against the far wall his arms folded across his chest as his eyes were focused on the shuttle in front of him.
The shuttle doors opened people in the hanger gasped as they didn’t expect the sight before them. A group of heavily armed guards walked off the shuttle, but a single universally recognizable figure could be seen with them. Cethgus, his robes tattered, his arms bound behind his back with heavy shackles as well as a neural inhibitor attached to his temple, leaving him harmless to those around him.
The House Satal Keto Quaestor grinned, he did not expect Alaris to achieve what he had, he had managed to capture the Iridonian, without bringing significant injuries to him. An impressive achievement meaning that maybe Alaris deserved more credit that he was given.
“Quaestor, the shuttle was empty except for those guarding Rollmaster Kuga.”
Viv only nodded to acknowledge the words spoken to him, the motion had already began to start, like cogs in a machine, he could not stop them now, only follow the plan, speaking to the man he knew that things would happen now “Have him placed in the main holding chamber, I will deal with him personally” almost instantly after he had finished he spoke to the man again “Oh, and place Alpha Base on high alert, I expect to be attacked in a matter of hours.”
VSD Instigator Bridge
The Instigator came over the bridge, the Executive Officer knew that they needed to draw the fleet away from guarding the planets and the Dark Tower, unaware that the recent events had changed matters. But it was not going to affect the outcome, and drawing the fleets away would give them chance to get to Morroth quickly with out to much fleet problems.
The Executive Officer gave the order to call a mayday out on his ship, complaining of problems, and asking for the fleet help. The comms officer was the person to speak, making it sound like a desperate attempt to save their life.
“Mayday this is the VSD Instigator, request all assistance, we are having massive problems, I repeat require massive assistance.”
“Roger that Instigator help on the way”
With that the crew prepared to make sure that they had everything ready. With the fleet distracted for now the rest was up to House Exar Kun, and it was time to see how well they perform. The Instigator hang in space motionless.
House Exar Kun Meeting hall
Yzarc stepped once again into the hall full of members, though it was planned they would meet in the hangar, he moved it to the meeting hall, knowing that everyone was anxious to get underway. Yzarc had a few words before the group moved off.
“I know that most of you are angry that they captured one of your own, so this is the last chance, make sure that you get everything that you need, you have an hour to get back to this hall, then we move out, we will attack House Satal Keto.” With that Yzarc turned around and left, knowing they had an hour before they moved out.
13-07-2009 00:58:36
Galaphile punched the wall in frustration. "How in the hell did they capture him under our noses?" He barked towards his fellow comrades who were looking equally livid. He turned away from them and went to return to his quarters. It was hard blow indeed to their morale to capture such a high ranking Equite right under them. Beyond infuriating. Satal Keto would pay for this madness. They would be shown why they were the dominant house in Clan Plagueis.
Galaphile grabbed a Westar-34 and attached it to his sash and also put his cloak on and went to return to the meeting hall. Attacking the Dark Tower plan had already been formulated but now their attacks would have to bee directed at Morroth. This was very different. Its intense cold weather would have to be factor in their planning. Maybe someone had an idea as to what. He walked into the room, looking at the rest of the Kunians intent on leaving as soon as possible.
Octavia Demona
13-07-2009 13:25:52
Octavia sighed as she watched Yzarc leave the room. Right now it was too much to process as a wave of déjà vu ran through the petite frame of the young woman. They had been through this before, it was becoming clear that being married to Cethgus was an occupational hazard, and while it was worth it to her, she now was extremely distraught, and all the requests from the doctors to stay calm and to relax for the baby’s sake had just gone out the window.
Standing quickly the obviously upset Kunian walked quickly to the quarters she shared with Cethgus and packed some things slowly as tears of anger, worry and stress fell from her blue eyes. This is insane she thought to herself as she packed her first aid kit into the duffle bag she was going ot take with her. She honestly didn’t know how to react, she couldn’t fall apart in front of all the house, it would make her look weak and make Cethgus look like a fool, but at the same time, she suddenly felt isolated and alone. Wiping the tears from her face she went to the mirror and looked over her tear stained face. Sniffling she kept wiping the tears as they fell, and willed herself to stop crying.
Sniffling again she grabbed the duffle bag, checked to make sure her saber was on her hip and returned to the almost empty meeting room. Walking on silent footstep to the front of the room she pulled out her data pad and made sure they had the first aid and food supplies they needed before she sat down and tired to relax. Closing her eyes she tried to place Cethgus, but could only pick up on him faintly.
Forgetting she wasn’t alone, she growled angrily and slammed her first on the table in front of her, which startled the others that were in the room. “Sorry...” She blushed and got comfortable in her seat and propped her feet on the table and picked up her data pad again and got to work making sure the plan of attack should go smoothly. In Ceth’s absence she took it upon herself to help the best way she could.
Kaira Rohana
16-07-2009 01:23:19
It was quiet as she packed. Kaira really did not mind silents. Just for some reason right now it seemed a bit disconcerting. It might have been they were preparing for battle and she would have thought to have heard sounds to that effect. Rather it seemed every one was sneaking around but she knew the reason even for that. The Krath looked a bit tired as she pulled her pack onto her back. It had been a long few days and all she really wanted was sleep. Yet rather then sleep it was time to meet the others in the hanger to head over to Morroth.
Kaira slides her hand over the controls for her door as she unlocked it and headed out. The moment she was in the hall she felt the tension of her other house members. All she could do right now was let out a deep sigh and report to where she had been ordered. The walk didn’t take long at all as she seemed to be in a fog the whole way there. To her surprise she saw others in the hanger as if she wondered how she had gotten there.
One of the younger members of the clan walked past her giggling making Kaira turn to them. “Whats so funny?”
“Nothing Ma’am.” Yet the guy never stopped laughing.
As Kaira looked around the room she understood more why he was laughing. She was the only one dressed in three layers of clothing. What did no one think anymore? Morroth was a ice planet. It was going to be very cold and she couldn’t help but frown at her fellow house mates in there attire.
“When do we leave?” She asked in a very loud voice.
Kuro Kogarasu
16-07-2009 12:49:29
Koga left the meeting angry and in shock, just as much as everyone else. Koga knows now that Satal Keto isn't playing around, Alaris will do what ever it takes to meet his goal and Koga will be there to stop him.
next morning.
Koga gathers all his gear, double checking it as he attaches it to his armor, making sure he has extra blaster bolts, and his lucky dagger, and of course his saber. Koga is always ready for combat, always looking for a fight, just not with his fellow clan mates but due to the low blow, the gloves are off now and anything goes.
"I got to check with Kaira, I'm worried about her, she's been kinda quiet about the whole mission. I don't want her feelings for Alaris to interfere with her mission."e is not the same man from the war. ever since he had his head screwed with, his emotions are clouding his judgment.
Koga Arrives at the hanger and sees Kaira standing near the shuttle, he knows that their not leaving for a little bit so this would be a good time for them two to chat a bit abut the mission. "hey honey, I've been wanting to talk to you about this...are you OK? i mean were going after Alaris, i know about yalls past"
Koga pauses and kaira looks into kogas eyes, kinda with a blank stare...
20-07-2009 04:13:31
House Exar Kun Hanger Bay
As the transports loaded with the Dark Jedi, all rushing into the ships that were waiting for them. Quickly the members found their places on the ship and sat down, preparing to head towards Alpha Base. Yzarc and Ralph took their seats and looked at each other knowing that this would end in blood for one side or the other. Taking off quickly the transports left with speed, the journey wouldn’t take long, but the waiting was painful enough, looking around Yzarc noticed the looks of concern on members faces as they prepared to fight against friends.
VSD Instigator
The Executive Office watched as Clan Plagueis answered the call, ships surrounding the Victory class Star Destroyer. Knowing that he had to come up with some reason for the damage, he had engineers cut the powers to the ship, causing her to hand motionless with minimum operations, from emergency lights to life support.
As the ship was hailed, the crew knew that they wouldn’t be able to get through, the only option was for the rescue teams to come and see what was going on, this was what was going to give Exar Kun time to launch their assault. The Instigator and her crew had played there roll, not it was time to let everything else be in the hands of the Houses Quaestor.
Alpha Base
Cethgus found himself in a damp cold cell, his eyes staring out of the bars as he growled, annoyed and anger rushing throughout his body as he looked the people who had been sent to guard him. His cold eyes measuring them, as if he was a predator all though cages up, ready to kill them, though he was still caged the intimidation that radiated from the Obelisk was putting the people guarding him on edge.
Suddenly all of the alarms rang out in the base, as a smirk came across the Exarch’s lips, as he knew that his house was now here. Soon he would be free to make them pay for thinking they could keep him up like a locked animal.
Alpha Base Hanger
The member of House Exar Kun arrived quickly before Yzarc gave the orders to them, each of them running out to clear the hanger, which was taken with ease. Once it was secured the voice of the Quaestor could be heard around the room as he spoke loudly.
“Take the base from them, I will go looking for Cethgus, Ralph your with me” with that the two of them left the hanger in search for the Rollmaster. Leaving the House to take the base from Satal Keto.
Kaira Rohana
22-07-2009 17:34:09
Kaira looked around the bitter cold hangar of house Satal Keto and felt nothing. The Force was there but it was distant to her. Her eyes seemed glossed over as if she knew this feud between the houses would not end well for any one. It was wearing on her all the death and destruction of their once strong united clan. How could it have come to this? Shaking her head she knew why she was here. To help stop the fighting not keep it going and bring more anger and rage into the mix.
Just as she stepped off the ramp of the shuttle she had been in she felt the force around her. There would be a fight today and who would end up winning was still anyone's guess. Kaira wondered just how many of the troops from House Satal Keto knew just what they were giving their lives up for. A hand touched her shoulder as Koga moved past her to engage in the fighting. Her own movements were slow.
This feud needed to end with as few losses as they could help. That was the Priestess' stance in all this. Kaira deliberately moved across the room there was less fighting. She waved her hand causing a few small tools on the ground to be thrown at the troops blocking her way to a side corridor. Where it leaded she was unsure but she did know someone with Force powers was down this hall. As she rounded the corner a tall man looked at her as if she was vile and fowl. That proved to her this wouldn’t be easy. Nothing every again would be easy.
“Why are you here Priestess?” The words dripping with distain.
“To end this fight between our two houses so our Clan will be strong once again.” Her words came backed with confenced.
The man looked at her shaking his head. He would not have chosen to fight her but she was of Exar Kun. “Draw your weapon. I stand against your house to see Alaris as our new leader to make this clan strong.”
“I find myself thinking the same thing. Alaris would do well as Consul but is he ready for such a job when he allows both houses to go to war against each other in hopes to kill?” Kaira knew full well that Alaris hoped to weed out the weak and those opposed to him in this feud. Yet Kaira wondered if this was the best way to go about it.
The moment she stopped talking the young journeymen seemed at a loss. Was she here to fight or to stop it? The man was not sure if he sure if he should take the risk and he kept his lightsaber at the ready. The man never thought that just behind Kaira around the corner stood Koga. He came around quickly with blaster in hand. Shooting quickly he knocked Fang's blaster from his hand.
“Come on Kaira the fight is this way and you are needed.” Koga said pulling her along back the way he had just come.
It seemed there was more fighting going on in the hanger. Would they ever again be able to find peace within their clan? Kaira let out a paused sigh as she followed Koga. The fight had started and she could only frown as she saw a few of her fellow house mates on the ground.
In raged by the sight of her fallen brethren she couldn’t help but take up her saber and join the battle. Who ever won this feud would not win anything but a weakened Clan. It was a poor choice to make but she hoped maybe in the end the others would see the folly of such acts and be a bit more careful in letting them happen again.
23-07-2009 21:13:55
Alpha Base
The battle was raging on. After a couple of hours of back to forth attacking with losses on both sides. Exar Kun warriors got the upper hand and took the Outer Cloister. Galaphile himself was not without injury. Taking a blaster fire to the shoulder after attempting to block it. He healed it though it was still causing minimal pain. It was apparent that something was wrong as the Exar Kun forces preceded to take the Inner Cloister.
"Something is amiss?" He said to Kaira and Koga, the two Jedi he had been fighting aside.
"I sense it as well." Replied Koga with a disgruntled look upon his face.
Then suddenly the intercom came loudly for everyone to hear. Instead of warning of an impending attack alarm. Something else was said. “House Satal Keto, this is your Quaestor. You are to stand down. I repeat. Stand down.”
What madness is this? Galaphile thought as he saw the Ketoans also confuse lower their weapons. What was going on. Had Yzarc rescued Cethgus and had taken control. But he knew from experience that things never went so easily in the life of a Jedi. Galaphile looked around to his comrades.
"It seems that we have won. Or have we?"
Kaira held her saber adjust. "Maybe, maybe not."
Galaphile looked at her hard. He knew of her connection towards Alaris. He thought she might be working for him but he tossed the thought from his mind. There were other pressing matters at the moment. Like the sudden surrender from Satal Keto. Plaguies clan members were not known for giving up even when the odds were against them. Not even Satal Keto was exempted from that. Galaphile growled.
"Time to get to the bottom of this. We have to find the Yzarc and Cethgus. I have a bad feeling."
27-07-2009 16:34:58
Icy Wastes
The wind was stirring, it's bitter icy voice whistling along the vast snow plains, snow thick and unrelenting twisted and turned with the ebb and flow of the wind. Amid the white haze, more akin to static noise stood a lone, solitary figure. A man, standing amid the chaos of nature draped in black whose fabric whipped about him violently. The hood was cast back revealing the sunken features of Godo Nurok, his beard already half consumed with ice and the odd stray snow flake. A sapphire visor obscured his eyes, instead casting a blueish reflection of the blizzards. Other shapes too were reflected, bodies, too numerous to count. Some lay face down, others on their backs, their frozen expressions of terror and fear looked on without the spark of life.
Amidst the carnage of war lay smoking machinary and satelites, the molton traces of a lightsaber still burned brightly, fine whisps of smoke trailing off the rapidly cooling metal. He didn't much care for all this shadow play, stalking about the field, unseen, unknown. As far as everyone else was concerned he had disappeared, another name on the roster of fallen. But not today.
Tentively reaching out through the force, being sure not alert any other to his purpose or presense he found the one he sought. He imparted a few simple words. 'It is done.'
With that the black shape became one with the storm and once more disappeared from view, the bodies of the dead already being coated by a fine layer of snow.
Octavia Demona
28-07-2009 21:59:42
Heart pounding, adrenaline pumping, Octavia raised her light saber over her head and brought it down into the chest of the Ketoian she had been fighting against when Viv's voice filled her ears.Sighing she removed the light saber from the chest of the Satal Keto member and raised her eyes and scanned the room. It was hard for her to understand how things had so quickly gotten out of hand so quickly, and it honestly hurt her to see her Clan that had once fought to save themselves,now tearing itself apart.
Shaking her head the Obelisk turned of her light saber and walked through the room of dead and living and approached Galaphile, Koga and Kaira just in time to hear the verbal exchange between Kaira and Galaphile. She wasn't sure why Kaira was fighting for Exar Kun, everyone knew her loyatly to her Master, and it was even more apparent the loyalty that Koga had for his wife. She wasn't trusting the duo right now, and it was probably pretty obvious by the look on her face.
"Galaphile? Why don't you and I go look for them while we let them stay here. I don't know if we can trust people with motive to be walking around".
She looked from the Silver haired man to Kaira and then back to Galaphile. She defiantly made her feelings known, and as she waited for his reply she clipped her saber hilt to her belt.She was annoyed and looked at Galaphile before moving her hand in a gesture towards the door, "Shall we?"
28-07-2009 22:06:54
Alpha Base
Galaphile stared at Kaira and Koga. There was something very wrong. He couldn't put his finger on it. He removed his hood on his face so both Jedi could look at him plainly. "Very strange it is. Satal Keto making this very useless defense and kidnapping of Cethgus. But then to stand down. Ey Kaira." Clipping his saber but not taking his hand away from it. He did not follow Octavia. He was very curious at this very strange situation.
"What the hell are you trying to imply Galaphile." Koga said stepping forward in front of Kaira. The notion that he was willing to defend her if necessary.
"Oh nothing Koga." He replied in mock laughter. "Just that Kaira knows Alaris better then we may do. It's just that she may know why her master is acting so strangely in his manner of taking control of this clan. The kidnapping of Cethgus. For what reason. Satal Keto didn't even put up much of defense for some odd reason. But you know something Kaira. Whos side are you really on."
"You'd do well to watch your tongue Galaphile!" Kaira spat at him.
"With this coup going on. No I shall not. Unless you can help us all understand where Alaris..." Galaphile trailed off.
Within the midst of his accusing a sudden thought struck him. "This is a diversion."
"Diversion from what?" Koga snarled, the anger apparent on his face.
"From our original objective. The Dark Tower."
Kaira Rohana
30-07-2009 22:00:52
Galaphile's words seemed to echo in Kaira's mind as she looked to the others. In the distance she could hear others moving off and the start of ships. It seemed that Galaphile was not the only one to suspect a divisionfrom the dark tower. Others were already on the move and if they just stood there trying to decide to trust one another they would be there until the end of time. Kaira shook her head as if to say there was no reason for this.
“There is truth in what you say, Galaphile. Do you really think Alaris would want anyone dead? Did you think there might be more to all this then any of us know? We are simply here to play a role in other's plans.” Kaira's voice was very calm as if answers were coming to her finely.
“The best plans always seem to unravel when you least expect them to.” Galaphile glared at Kaira wondering if she knew more then she was telling.
Koga looked at them both then to Octavia not sure what was going on. “Mind telling what is going on here?”
“Koga, simply put I have no idea what Alaris has up his sleeves but our best bet to finding out is returning to the dark tower.” Kaira's voice was now much colder as she turned away from the group.
There was no need to worry about the others if they wanted to find the truth they would follow. If not she would go it alone. Just then she felt a ripple in the Force as she was just about to sidestep. She froze, feeling Galaphile put a blaster into her back.
“That will be far enough Kaira. It would be best if you didn’t move to quickly or left my sight for now.” Galaphiles voice was cold and harsh as he stood there with Kaira.
Koga moved so fast that Galaphile almost did not have time to block the man but it came to dropping the blaster he had on Kaira to saving his own butt against Koga. Kaira turned around as the blaster dropped to the floor with a loud crashing noise. Her hand went to her saber but she did not remove it from her belt or turn it on at all.
“Koga, it is alright. let Galaphile hold the gun on me for now. You know full well if he kills me you will kill him any way. Don’t let it get in your way right now alright?” Kairas words were calm and very much soft to take in.
“For now I will listen to her, Galaphile. But if you harm her in any way...” Koga left the warning hanging there as Galaphile bent to pick up the blaster again.
This time he simply pointed it at Kaira. “Shall we go then?”
The four of them headed for a shuttle now to head back to Kaspien and the dark tower. Kaira wondered as she sat in the pilot’s chair why Galaphile would trust her to fly the ship and not simply ask Octavia? It was a question that would need answering but not right now. There time right now should be spent getting back to the dark tower and to Alaris to find out what is going on.
“Alright Kaira get the ship up and back to the dark tower as quickly as you can.”
01-08-2009 13:10:04
Alpha Base
The walk through the icy tundra of Morroth to reach the ominous former prison of Alpha Base was a long and perilous one. Crevasis lay hidden beneath thin layers of ice and snow and the unweary could easily find themselves falling into the black oblivion. The winds too were unrelenting, chilling the flesh through to the bone, even with his training he had to hold his black outer robes tightly to him, mist spilling from his thin, drawn, blue lips. A constant blizzard obscured his vision, making objects and shapes difficult to identify at distance. It was a dramatic difference from the endless sands and permanent heat haze of Kapsina.
Outpost Zeta had been the only sticking point on his journey, it guarded one of the few overland routes to Alpha Base and though running on nothing more than a skeleton crew since the assault on Alpha Base had begun, they still proved dogmatic in their defence. Slaughtering members of Satal Keto had never been his intent but he was just following his instructions.
The wind seemed to stall for a moment and the blizzards finally eased off allowing his vision to penetrate the veil. A dark ominous shape emerged, it was Alpha Base.
Alpha Base had orginally been intended to hold prisoners of the worst variety, the regime on Morroth had deemed it's remote and hostile location ideal for depositing the undesirables. Since Clan Satal Keto had acquired it, it had seen dramatic changes. Fortified and reinforced it served as the primary hub of activity for the Clan. The base itself had seen better days, the intense fighting that had visited this formidable place were apparent. Explosions had torn entire sections out the walls and fortifications and the dead and the dying lay everywhere. It was clear there had been no clear victor, as there appeared equal casualities on both sides. Using the shadows and his own mastery of the force he moved quietly and carefully through the debris to remain hidden.
Many faces he knew, others he did not but all were entirely oblivious to his pressence. With so many powerful force users about and with the heat of battle still lingering in the air he would remain perfectly undetected. Approaching the hanger he could see that despite the carnage of battle both sides were tending the dying and collecting the dead. A ceasefire seemed to have been enacted.
Finding cover behind what looked like a section of fuselage from a TIE Fighter he observed the scene of devastation. From across the far end of the hanger he could see more familiar faces. One of them was waving a blaster about, he recognised all of them. Octavia, Kaira, Koga and Galaphile. There was some sort of animated discussion going on but he didn't much care, he had another purpose for being there. Turning to leave he was instantly confronted with a member of Exar Kun, a female Jedi Hunter. Confusion in her face was soon replaced with recognition, her lips moved to speak but sound never came. With a gesture of his hand the horrible sound of bones snapping, ribs, spine, neck, all giving way to violent invisible forces. Silently she slid to the ground, colour leaving her face. Kneeling beside her dying form he produced a vicious looking blade, letting its cold surface drag across her exposed neck. Blood ran freely from the gaping wound, she gurgled quietly, desperate to raise the alarm at this sudden betrayal and then she was still.
Moments later a body of a women was discovered, her neck cut, blood pooling about her cooling corpse. The unknown assailant gone.
02-08-2009 18:43:58
*Alpha Base*
Cethgus stood in Viv’s quarters as he looked at the male who was in front of him. Viv was broken and so was this fights, knowing that something wasn’t right here. Kuga looked around the office before he heard Yzarc speak first. The silence was broken with the voice that spoke.
“How long have you been a double agent for Braecen?” Yzarc finally spoke.
Viv just shook his head as if he was not even thinking about himself and Braecen. Since the Quaestor had gained the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, this was then since his pairing to Kal, but now that he was not a student he didn’t want to rely on anyone else, just like a true Sith, he was only concerned with what was best for him.
“Since the beginning. Braecen had long seen this coming. Soon after the War, Braecen had requested that I publicly support Alaris. His only other order was that I minimize the casualties to both sides should conflict break out.”
Anger instantly rushed through the Obelisk’s body as he spoke “You silver-tounged snake!”
He grabbed the Quaestor by what was left of his robes and threw him against the wall. As he slammed her against the wall, all of the healing that had taken place to his rib cage was undone with that move from the Zabrak.
Cethgus spoke to Yzarc ““Don’t tell me that you believe this, Quaestor. Without House Satal Keto’s support, Alaris could never have mounted this insurrection. Braecen isn’t stupid enough to facilitate his own deposing! He’s obviously just covering his ass now that there is no other option.”
Viv glared at the Iridonain as he spoke though it was through gritted teeth “For once in your life, try to stop thinking like a mindless Obelisk, Kuga. Alaris was always going to make a shot at Braecen, with or without the public support of my house. Though you obviously fail to, Braecen was smart enough to realize that the best thing he could do was control the terms on which it happened.”
Yzarc seemed to be thinking about everything that had happened before he spoke, like always he was making sure that he considered his words carefully “And Alaris, he was never here, was he?”
Viv managed a small grin which caught the already furious eyes of the Exarch “Correct. He likely also realized the nature of the situation soon after I sent the word for surrender.”
Cethgus seemed slightly taken back by what he was hearing, stunned by the
words he looked at Viv asking a question “What? You mean to say that even though we’re on the same side, you allowed this attack to go on while our real enemy was on Kapsina the whole time?”
Viv once again spoke it was as if he was trying to get the Exarch to break again “This might be hard for you to comprehend, Kuga, but being a double agent ceases to be effective once you’re revealed.”
Suddenly at that moment in time the tension was interrupted by the voice of the well know Aedile of House Exar Kun “Quaestor. We interrupted a transmission. Alaris ordered a retreat to-“
It was as if Yzarc knew what was coming up and answered the sentence before the Aedile was able to finish “Kapsina.” Yzarc continued to speak aloud “How many members of Satal Keto have left?”
“Well, I can’t tell for sure, but it isn’t just Ketoans. We’ve lost some of our own too. I think people are finally revealing their true allegiances.” Ralph’s voice had a slight stammer too it, he noticed that Ralph wasn’t quite happy with what was going on but once again as always Ralph was giving all the information needed to make the next decision on what action would be needed to take place.
Yzarc was the first to move of the group each of them heading towards the door, as Yzarc spoke “Come. We shouldn’t leave Alaris waiting”
Cethgus walked with them knowing that they were making their way towards the hanger, like the rest of the members they would be heading to see how this would end in the long run. As they entered the hanger he noticed that it was missing a few of the ships that had got them here, but once again that was to be expected.
Dark Tower:
Throne Room
A silence hung over the dark tower, unlike the planet of Morroth there was no fighting, in the corridors of this place. No dead bodies on the floor nothing to show that the two houses had gone head to head. To the Quaestor’s surprise he found that he didn’t have to push anyone back yet. It seemed that Alaris was already happy with the way things had turned out and would reveal his true plans soon.
As always during times on conflict opposing forces stood on opposite of each other in the large hall were everyone was assembled. It was at this point that Cethgus heard the familiar voice that was Alaris “Kavon, you couldn’t even wait until this conflict was over to betray me? I’m afraid I need a bit more loyalty in my Proconsul.”
Viv responded with a cheerful voice considering the pain that he had been put through that day “You reap what you sow, Consul. I find it hard to be loyal to one who effectively used me as bait”
Alaris’s anger was felt rising in the room, which brought a smirk to the Exarch’s lips as he looked around, he noticed that it seemed that all of his house had made it here, noticing member form his house as well as familiar ones from Satal Keto. Alaris suddenly spat words to the assembled dark Jedi ““Enough. This has gone on for long enough. Whoever kills Yzarc will be the next Quaestor of House Exar Kun.”
As if this was a sign that everyone had been waiting for, all the Lightsaber in the hall hissed into life. Cethgus stood there his saber instantly in his hand and his body placed in-between Yzarc and the people in front of him. As predicted it looked like both lines would merge into a dance. And before most people realised the two sides clashed sabers slashing out at each other. Among what was happening no-one noticed a black robbed man enter from the back as a silver Lightsaber was unheard and un recognised from so many others weapons bussing in life in this fight.
With a quick flick of motion from his hand, the weapon sprung through the air, drawing the attention of those the blade narrowly missed. The missile weapon pieced itself into the throne where Alaris’ chest had been a couple of seconds prior. This seemed to stop all the fighting as everyone watched what was unfolding for the Twi’lek. As he held his saber ready for the male that seemed to have entered the fray with the purpose of targeting Alaris. The saber soon removed itself from the chair and went back into the hands of its owner, the Dark Side Adept strode through the crowd, those that didn’t move in time were thrown out of the way of Braecen.
As always the Elder leapt into action when he was close enough to Alaris, his blade slashing out to meet Alaris’s. Braecen force behind his attack knocked the two of them back into the throne, as Alaris fell he planted a boot into the Krath’s stomach, sending him back through the air, before the Obelisk rolled.
The clan formed a semi circle around the two of them as they both fought against each other to find the outcome of who would be the next consul of Plagueis. Suddenly as always a crack rung out in the room. Alaris was sent flying and landing in a heap in front of the throne, his robes singed and smoking as he looked at Braecen lifting himself onto all fours he snarled like some form of dog.
Cethgus managed to mutter something as Braecen calmly walked to his floored opponent “Finally, it’s over”
Viv was next to Cethgus and allowed things to work in his mind, he looked at what was happening as he asked the Exarch a important Question “Cethgus, how exactly did Alaris capture you?”
Cethgus replied quickly to this question “He.....had help”
At that point the Zabraks eyes started to scan the crowd realising as well that something didn’t fit into placed. Cethgus recognized a male in the crowd as Arion Aquarium Sunrider as he stepped out of the crowd and raised his arm Braecen just managed to turn his head towards the man before he was thrown into the darkness behind the throne. Alaris and Arion followed in peruse of Braecen leaving the clan members to wait and wondering what was happening.
The familiar sound of Lightsabers crashing could be heard through the entire crowd, followed by a single cry of pain. With this a silence rippled from the members and it was answered by two figure Alaris and Arion, it wasn’t long before Alaris took the seat on the throne to address what was left of the Clan.
Alaris spoke “There need be no more fighting. Plagueis has one Consul and Arion is my Proconsul. Yzarc will remain House Exar Kun Quaestor unless he should continue to futilely oppose me.” As he paused for a second deciding to what to say to House Satal Keto “As for my treacherous Satal Keto Quaestor, I think it is fair to say that we are even, for the time anyway. Return with your House to Morroth.” That was the signal that Viv was looking for turning around he walked off leaving the throne room.
Cethgus was left with the others of his house, half angry at what had happened but he knew there was nothing that he could do about it. It wasn’t his time and place to argue with the men, and he just followed Yzarc who was heading away from the throne room with the remaining members of Exar Kun who were broken and beaten. Some of them were fine, others had cuts and injuries that required attending too.
Cethgus spoke to Yzarc as they walked “We will make Alaris pay in time”
*The End*