Exar's Shadow's Run-on


21-10-2008 16:40:49

Cethgus stood there, and he started to look along the table at the members in his team. They had all assembled and were waiting for the orders from their commander. As he leaned slightly forward he let his eyes follow around each member, looking at them and a small smirk creped across his face. His voice echoed across the room “I have assembled you here for a training exercise, and a simple one at that.”

Cethgus described about how the team would head off world, to a planet that was dense with jungle. The team would be heading to the Myrkr a planet that had hardly ever been visited, but in the mind of the Obelisk there was something far greater on this planet. But at the moment he wouldn’t allow the team to know more than they knew, and this training exercise would be simple until he wanted to step this game up.

“I will make sure that this exercise will push us to the limits and I personally will be waiting in the hanger for you all” Cethgus spoke so his voice echoed around the room, each member able to hear him. As they looked at each other they all nodded as he stood there he smirked and drew himself to full height. “I want to see you all in the hanger with whatever gear you want, and Kara you have something in your room for you” He winked to her knowing that she deserved something for the help she had given him to settling into the battle team leader spot. Leaving the team in the room he grabbed his equipment and headed out to the hanger.

Arriving in the hanger boots tapping against the ground as he walked, he stood near the shuttle he had got the team and waited for them to arrive. Wondering which members would be the first one to arrive.


21-10-2008 17:29:05

Cipher's boots echoed those of Cethgus and rang clear across the hangar as she wasted no time heading for the shuttle. Her armor hummed, barely audible as she passed him. She carried nothing with her save for her saber, clipped firmly to her armor's thigh plate. She walked up the ramp wordlessly and sat down on one of the benches. She would wait to see who else stepped up.

Ood Bnar

21-10-2008 17:39:29

Ood stood still as Cethgus mentionned Myrkr, he’d grown up there. Myrkr had been the evolutionary home of the Neti for millennia, only mirrored by their colony on Ryyk. As the tree-like knight remembered a past long forgotten, images drifted up in his mind of the vast jungles of the tranquil world. He wondered how the arrogant younglings and especially the Templar in charge of the expedition would react to a world dead in the force. Ysalamiri had a strange effect on force-users who weren’t used to them, Jedi could go insane due to the lack of the gentle touch of the force, while dark siders usually became depressed and paranoid by the feeling of vulnerability.

As Ood Bnar Sythe’rae was packing supplies he remembered the last mission he’d shared with Cethgus Incendia Zor-el. Exploring a temple with a nine-year old Dark Jedi Master had been fun, but the battles and problems caused by it were infinitely more amusing. Packing his spare lightsaber-power units and repair sets, the bulky Neti moved over to the desk to take a standard issue blaster, a modified blaster he’d gotten from his master as a gift and two thermal detonators. Although his skill with the damn things was limited, he knew they’d be useful, just like the advanced medical kit and the surgical kit already in his pack. Buckling his saber to his belt and pocketing a data-pad journal containing some literature, a copy of a book on arcane force-techniques used in healing as well as myths and facts of Myrkr, the plant set off towards the shuttlebay.

Nodding towards Cethgus in passing and seeing an unfamiliar face sitting in front of him in the shuttle, the Neti immediately discounted her as a threat due to the markings indicating she was a teammember and a Krath at that and started to read his arcane force-technique reference work. Ignoring the Equite’s glances at the foreign-looking Neti, Ood focussed in the force and started to prepare his connection to work in Ysalamiri-rich territory.

Nobody knows how Neti are able to survive on Myrkr, let alone evolve. A race of strong force-sentient beings living together with force-neutralising creatures should cause problems. Though not able to connect to the force, the Neti still retains it’s transforming abilities in the vicinity of Ysalamiri and are able to connect to the force in Ysalamiri-free zones of micro-milimetres in size.

Ood sat stockstill, calmly reading up on Morichro while focussing his force-presence while looking relaxed. Only his 400 year long life kept him from not breaking out in sweat from the strain upon his powerlevels.

Kaira Rohana

21-10-2008 18:53:37

Kara stood there with the other members of the battle team right next to Godo. It was hard to see them at times now apart from each other. They weren't together all the time just a lot of the time. Quickly she listened closely to what their leader had to say about what they would be doing. Hearing they were going on a training mission sounded like a lot of fun however. She had wanted to see the team really in action so that maybe she would learn some new tricks. Godo seemed uneasy standing next to her however as they talk. Shaking her head as she heard Cethgus talk about something he had left her. She knew just what that was.

Once Cethgus left them to get ready Kara turned and took off at a run back to her room. There she found the sniper rifle he had promised her. Picking it up she looked it over with a bright smile. It was just what she had wanted. Now all she had to do was get her gear and get out to the ship. This room was so small. Really she hated coming in here. Turning around with a bag over her shoulder and the rifle in hand she headed for the hanger bay.

Strolling into the hanger bay she smiled a she looked so differently from most of the team. Never wearing armour herself, she let the others do that. Only time she put any thing like that on was in the middle of a war. This wasn't a war and she didn't feel she needed the weight of armour slowing her down. All she had on was some black pants and a black shirt. Then over that was a long black cloak. Kara just hated armour. It wasn't part of who she was really. Looking at the other members she smiled at them as she waited with them by the shuttle for what ever would come next from Cethgus.


22-10-2008 16:06:08

As he packed his Merr-Sonn 434 and spare power packs, Cern let his mind wander to the last time Cethgus had led him on a mission. The Iktotchi grimaced and unconsciously rubbed the scar along his side. The memory faded and Cern shook himself back to the present as he completed his preparations. The field pack was ready, his battered armory lightsaber was at his side, and the AMX-50 with the MGL-1 launcher waited on his bunk. The Guardian briefly wondered if the heavy firepower would be necessary, but smiled as he picked the rifle up. Better to bring it with me than find out later that I wish I had… The Iktotchi went without armor, and chose instead to wear light combat fatigues that would keep him a little cooler on this jungle world, and would restrict his movements less. Cern glanced around his sparse quarters before he picked his kit up and headed for the hanger.

The Iktotchi looked towards his Master as he entered the hanger. The young Guardian almost missed a step as the imposing figure of Knight Ood Bnar strode past the impatient Cethgus with a casual nod. Cern recovered himself and quickly headed towards the shuttle. Ceth gave him a wry wink as the Iktotchi walked past. But then again, maybe he was winking at Kara… Cern shook the thought from his head and went to stow his gear.

Kuro Kogarasu

23-10-2008 12:22:04

Koga Kage sat in the back of the room, kinda away from everyone, but still was able to hear everything that was being said from Cethgus. When the Battle Team Leader mentioned a new mission that will test and push everyone to their limits Koga`s Face lit up with joy "now this sounds fun" koga thought to him self. The Team was dismissed to go get ready and meet in the Hanger.

Koga arrived in his room and gathered his gear, his dual blaster pistols, his light saber, extra rounds. He had everything ready and started to head out to the hanger when he noticed a photo on his wall of his best friend when they both were in the Stormtrooper Legion together and their 1st mission in the Brotherhood. "dude, i fight for you man. where ever you are, you give me the strength to keep going" koga salutes the photo and heads out to the hanger.

Koga walking down the hall ways, boots echoing as they hit the shiny steel flooring, as he got closer he could hear that there were already quiet a few of the member already there "great im one of the last again" Koga turned the cornor and headed into the shuttle, walking past Cethgus, koga looked to him threw the corner of his eyes and glared at the Battle Team Leader and entered the shuttle and sat down. "this better be good" koga said under his breath


24-10-2008 21:53:13

Brema stood in the back as Cethgus went on about the upcoming mission. " I better get to kill something." brema said to himself. The promise of being pushed to his limits brought a smile to the his face. The meeting dispersed and everyone went to their rooms.

Before Brema could make an exit, Cethgus walked up to him. "Your Brema Sedul Nekaka right?" Brema nodded. He said that he was a little nervous and was making sure he put the right names with the right faces. " got any tips from your days as Commander? He asked. Brema smiled and said, "Yeah make sure you have a good hiding place for your Corellian whiskey." the two men laughed and went on their ways.

Brema dropped by his room to pick up some supplies. He grabbed his two swords and a short dagger he recieved from his brother Teme. Brema was about to leave when he turned back and grabbed a bottle of Corellian whiskey and his lucky charm.

Brema quickly paced down the narrow corridors. when he finally made it to the hangar he let out a sigh of relief. Cethgus looked at Brema in a peculiar way. "whats that for?" he said. Brema looked down at the bottle and said "For the party after the mission." Cethgus smiled and brema made his way onto the shuttle.


24-10-2008 21:54:11

sorry about the double post


25-10-2008 16:39:03

His hands were like polished alabaster tipped with the onyx shards of perfectly manicured nails. They rested on the open parapet wall gently, overlooking the bulky extrusion of the hangar jutting from the home of House Exar Kun. The sun was setting, its fading orange-red glow staining the horizon and lending a momentarily vibrant sheen to the pale skin of Jonaleth Isradia. Though his hood was raised, as was his custom, on this evening his glossy, medium length black hair was tousled by the wind as it played within the cloth, whipping up his cloak to stream behind him alongside his long, dangling sleeves, flying like streamers from the elbow-length arms of his shirt. His outfit made him indistinct against the black of the encroaching evening, though accents of silver and blue betrayed his outline, and always, the cold, flashing sapphire eyes betrayed his presence.

Though he was the very epitome of a Krath, the Dark Adept was not a man given to many words, to flights of fancy or casual disregard. He wore no traditional emblems, not even his Quaestor or di Plagia icons, though his left breast was hung with small silver medallions on a woven cord, each bearing a symbol recognisable to those for whom they would mean something. As such, when the hangar bay doors ground open to disgorge the shuttle with its roaring engines, he made no comment and took no action, instead watching it soar away into the heavens above Aerun until it was out of sight, and then turned away, walking imperiously back into the bulk of the citadel.

So, Exar’s Shadow had left the House at the heels of their new Battleteam Leader. Where, and why, had not been recorded in the flight plan or mission log, though this was of little concern to Isradia. It would be the work of moments to send one of the fleet above to interdict the shuttle and bring it back. Though he would not do that, either. Jonaleth entrusted those he appointed as commanders of men to act in the best interests of him, the House and the Clan. He would allow them that trust until they proved to no longer warrant it. It was simply unfortunate that if that happened, the fate would be terminal. No, more concern now was knowing the why and wherefore’s of this expedition. Though it was not in the logs, little could be held secret from a Dark Adept.

Jonaleth entered the chambers allotted to him as Quaestor, changed, as they always were, to reflect their new owner’s personal tastes. Gone was the gaudy flamboyance of Godo’s tenure to be replaced by the minimal ascetic tastes of the new master. Without ceremony, Isradia dropped to his knees in the centre of a small raised meditation platform, rested his delicate hands on his legs, and closed his eyes in the darkness, letting his mind wander the currents of the Force, seeking.

Octavia Demona

26-10-2008 10:58:27

She had listened to every word Cethgus had said and sighed deeply. She wasn't in the mood for it, and the apparent favoritism that he showed for Kara annoyed her even more. Had he forgotten that he had two flight leaders? Running a hand she left the room quickly once they were dismissed to go get their things. she made a beeline for her room and quickly packed her first aide kit,her lightsaber and a few bits of food and waterfor everyone and then made a quick beeline back for the ship.

Realizing she was the last one to board, she quickly got aboard before the hissing of the hydrolic doors announced that they were taking off. Walking right pass Cethgus ithout a second thought she picked a seat that was far away from the others and sighed happily and hoped maybe this would be a challenge and not just some sort of stupid game.
((sorry its so short and awedul.. just got alot going on in RL right now.. But I posted! :D ))


30-10-2008 12:58:27

Cethgus sat beside Octavia on the ship every now and then he would whisper things into her ear. Not letting the other hear but it was nothing important just some things he had to tell her. As the group sat on the ship, it would be a couple of hours before the ship arrived at the planet they aimed to go at. Cethgus let his mind wonder towards if Jonaleth had found out about what he was up to with the team. As they all stat there the prelate decided to start to talk to the team wondering if he could get any of them to speak.

“So, who is looking forward to this?” the voice echoed around the ships interior as he sat there watching the group. After some time of no-one reply the Zabrak decided to just sit there in silence he let his mind start to wonder about if what he heard was true, but for now it would be something they would have to find out later. For now he had to keep the group in the dark on what he was actually trying to do, and just hope that no-one else had found out about where he was going. Deciding again to try and start some conversation.

“So, everyone ready for this training exercise?” His voice once more rattled around the ship interior where the team was sat.

Kuro Kogarasu

30-10-2008 18:34:17

“So, everyone ready for this training exercise?” Cethgus asked for the 2nd time and still no one jumped right up to say anything. "sir, im ready. i know that the use of an exercise off our own planet is just a cover of a full out mission, i don't know what it is but ill tell you that im ready and that i feel sorry for who ever it is that will meet the end of my saber" koga said in a deep calm voice, never looking up, just kept staring at the floor. He could feel that everyone was looking at him strangely but they are unaware of his past.

Octavia Demona

01-11-2008 13:19:36

((The site double posted... gr... :P))

Octavia Demona

01-11-2008 13:26:43

She listened carefully to the things that Cethgus whispered to her. It really was just stupid stuff, but she listened anyway, retaining the information given and stored it away in the back of her mind. She observed the others on the ship, some apprehensive, other just in thier own little world, so it was no surprise to her that her Battle Team Leader's question went unanswered not only once, but twice.

Glad that someone finally broke the silence she looked at the man who spoke and raised an eyebrow. She had seen him around, but didn't know him well.She had heard of him, but didn't know about his past. Leaning over to whisper in his ear she smiled kindly.

"Is the floor that interesting or are you using the force to cut a whole it in with your eyes?"

Sitting back in her seat she crossed her legs and looked back to the Zabrak and sighed.

"Do you really thing anyone is excited about being shipped off to some planet, to face some creature or some race of cannibals or something? "

Shaking her head she sighed and leaned back agnist her seat and tried to relax before they would land and face God knows what.


03-11-2008 01:23:38

Cern grinned at the apathy Cethgus faced. Being the commander of a bunch of Force users could not be easy. The arrogance seeped from the pores of some of the team almost like an unpleasant odour. The feeling of boredom and disdain for Cethgus’s little “training” mission hung heavy in the shuttle, but Cern had a feeling that when the bantha poodoo hit the fan, this team would come together and face any opponent with nothing but a handful of sticks and a smile. Cethgus just needs to relax and everything will work out in the end. The thought drifted through the Iktotchi’s head as he glanced around at his fellow team members.

Ood sat reading and ignoring everything around him. Nearby the big Knight sat the armoured form of Cipher. Cern was mildly surprised that the Krath wasn’t reading over Ood’s shoulder. Next to impossible considering his size.

Kara met his gaze with a level stare. Cern gave her a grin and let his eyes slide past as she looked right through him.

The one who had bothered to answer the commander’s question stared at the floor as if it had the answers to the universe hidden within it. The human, Octavia, remember their names, Cethgus had been whispering at leaned over and said something that Cern couldn’t hear. Judging by Koga’s response, he didn’t hear it either.

Cern’s eyes finally rested on Brema, or more on the Corellian whiskey the man carried. Wouldn’t mind a drop of that right about now. The Human cradled the bottle as if it were his offspring and stared as hard at Cern as the Iktotchi stared at the bottle. Cern met Brema’s gaze and gave him the same grin Kara had received. He laughed quietly as Brema scowled at him at turned away.

Cethgus was looking at him as Cern turned his eyes toward his Master. The Zabrak had an unreadable look on his face and Cern lowered his eyes before Cethgus could say or do anything. The noise of the shuttle’s engines seemed to lull everyone and Cern could feel his eyes getting heavy as the silence stretched out. Smiling to himself, the Iktotchi lowered his chin to his chest and let his mind drift away.

Kaira Rohana

05-11-2008 16:33:22

Looking around the ship that she now sat on she felt rather lonely. Godo had left and she felt rather alone right now. This was all still new to her and she was a little apprehensive about dealing with the team. It was the first time that she had done something with all of them. Kara took in a long deep breath as she sat there thinking about the mission. Of course Octavia was coming along so they could help their flightteam. Shaking her head as Ceth talked she wondered what the rest of the team was thinking about this.

Her eyes fell on Cern for a moment but she couldn't focus on any one right now. From what she knew of the planet they were headed to she didn't like this mission at all even if it was for training purposes she couldn't get over the fact that Cethgus was not telling them every thing. His question however made her glare at him a bit. "Ready? I don't think any of us can ever been truly ready for any thing. We can be prepared for what might happen but you can never be fully ready for the unexpected." Turning away she moved so she was alone in the back.

Once there she sat down closing her eyes as she went into a meditative state. For now she needed the time to prepare her mind for what they might face on the planet. Kara had no idea what was in store for them and if she knew the future she might never have come along on this mission in the first place. If Cethgus wanted to die let him but the rest of them were smarter then that. At least that was her hope. Maybe if was the krath nature in her that made her be a bit more conscious about things or maybe it was all that had happened to her since joining the brotherhood. One thing was for sure right now Kara needed to relax and concentrate on her connection with the force.

Kuro Kogarasu

06-11-2008 20:30:12

Koga sat in his seat, looking around the area, seeing a few more people arrive. koga thought to him self "what if, in this so called training mission, something happens and one of these people gets in a life or death situation. heh, will they have what it takes to get out of it.." koga didn't really fear anything anymore since his tragic childhood, so this mission is just like another day, but his clan mates is his new family and this time koga has the ability to defend his family. "it wont happen again" koga thought to him self.

Mehrunes Dagon

07-11-2008 01:14:54

No one noticed as the young human slipped into the shuttle and took the farthest seat away from the rest of the team that he could.

Mehrunes was new, the last minute addition, and he knew no one else on the shuttle except for Ceth, who had recruited him but was busy talking to Zabrak whom he had never met, and Kara who he had briefly talked to from time to time but never really gotten to know well. There was also Ood, but to be honest the tree like creature had always frightened Runes a bit, and he didn't think this was the best time to show any weakness.

So Runes strapped himself into his seat and started checking his BlasTech DL-44, making sure she was all charged up, with two spare power packs ready to be loaded. He put the blaster back into the holster on his calf and leaned his head back, closing his eyes he remembered the words of his Master Braecen,"Keep your head down, and do what your told, Ceth knows what hes doing, you'll be fine."


07-11-2008 21:38:07

The tension within the small shuttle was stifiling. brema looked around and everyone seemed to be a little nervous. his eyes met with Cern. Brema didn't know much about him or his species. the Iktotchan looked at the bottle Brema was holding and gave him a smile. Brema gave him a smile back and looked down at the bottle of whiskey. he couldn't escape the thought that this mission may not end on a happy note. As with a lot of missions you never entirely know what your getting into until knee deep in it. Brema sighs and closes his eyes reminising about the days he had Teme fighting by his side.


08-11-2008 18:15:27

Cethgus heard the engines rumble as he noticed the ship was descending. Standing up he walked up to the front and looked at the two pilots, who had the job of taking the team to their destination. As the ground started to reach up at the ship, noticing that there was a certain element of dense jungles around the place. As the ship made its landing in a clearing the pilots talked to Cethgus before powering down the engines. The team got ready to leave when Cethgus quickly walked down and opened the ramp walking down he looked around to their surroundings.

Taking a look around the Obelisk had recently had reports of this world, being full of Ysalamiri but yet the Obelisk found the force tingling throughout his body. He could almost feel the way to their destination, Something wasn’t right, but the Prelate decided not to arouse any suspicion by just standing and waiting for the team to come down, he had already set a straight path the walk would take them deep into the jungle. Turning around he looked at the team “we will walk straight until I tell us to do otherwise, let’s go and get started”

Mehrunes Dagon

09-11-2008 15:58:13

Mehrunes just stared at Ceth, thinking he heard him wrong. Is he crazy, he thought to himself, walk straight, how the hell is walking straight a training mission. But to Rune's surprise, everyone started to get up and fall out following their leader. Mehrunes jumped up, holstered the blaster he had been twirling during the ride, and fell in line with the rest of team as they began the trek through the dense jungle that lay ahead of them. He looked around, trying to detect if anyone was as set off by this as he was, but then he realized the stupidity in the action. He was walking with a bunch of Dark Jedi, who were all trained to conceal there emotions, and thoughts, through the force, there was no way he was going to find anything out just by looking around, so he pulled his blaster back out, flipped the safety switch, and continued his twirling while he walked.

Kuro Kogarasu

09-11-2008 19:43:18

Koga followed the order issued by Ceth. Koga could scence a questioning thought that went threw Ceths head before exiting the shuttle. Koga ignored it and did what was asked of him. Koga was walking behind Kara , looking straight ahead he also concentrated on his surroundings just waiting for someone or something to happen.


11-11-2008 16:55:56

Slowly awakening, Krizznakk drew himself from his bed. He was still groggy from his sleep but now he didn`t sense anyone around him anymore like he could when he went to sleep. He slowly rose from his bed, walking out into the hall of the ship. He looked around confused. He walked into the main chamber of the mess hall on the ship. It was not very long after that, that he ran down the halls looking for Kara or Cethgus, or any signs of life.

Suddenly he sat up covered in sweat and breathing hard. He looked around he was on the ship but he sensed other presences on the ship and started to calm down. Knowing that his lonelyness was just a dream he grabbed his Ryyk blade and charged out of the ship to find Kara. When he did he bowed saying "What are you orders maam?"

Kaira Rohana

19-11-2008 12:06:07

Kara had rose slowly heading out of the ship after her time to her self. Now that she had her head clear of all things she could give her all to this mission Ceth had them going on. Still she didn’t understand what was going to happen. He always seemed to do that to them. Not give them any focus on what they would be doing. She hated that about here leader. Shaking her head she stood there behind the other members waiting for the leader to walk though the forest.

Just then from behind she was almost knocked over by the very large wookiee that now stood behind her. “Just walk right behind me Ceth wants us to walk single file for now. My guess is he doesn’t want us to happen upon something that could get us all killed. Just stay with me for now Khioo.” Kara said softly. He was rather good at watching your back so Kara couldn’t think of any one she would rather have right behind her.


20-11-2008 03:56:22

Cethgus lead the group deep into the jungle; it soon became clear to some of the members that they had someone following them through out there journey. As they continued to walk into the jungle a cave started to appear in front of them. Smirking this was the first sign that he was going in the right direction to what had to be achieved. Looking at the group he scanned each of their faces and stopped just short of the cave. “Right team, listen up, this cave has a well known population of Nexu, they shouldn’t be this far up but they do live here, so stick in pairs, stay quiet and stay close.” Cethgus spoke softly to the group as he looked into the cave.

Walking into the cave he allowed his hand to gently unclip his saber from his belt, the walk was still a straight one out of the cave, thanks to the pilots they would be heading straight into the temple but even though they would be walking straight, it would be a dangerous path for the group to take. The cave was itself dark and ere though the sound of things moving echoed around the cave most of the time.

The team walked together their eyes were looking out, the light was about 3 clicks away, this walk in the cave would be a huge one, and at any moment one of the Nexu which lived here could decide it wanted to take a walk. For once Cethgus wondered and doubted his decision as a leader, but quickly brushed the thoughts aside as he knew that for those great leaders like Jonaleth, Ralph or Braecen they too had made errors. And this was only a learning step, walking with speed he wanted to get his team to safety as quickly as possible. Just then he heard a small purring noise and noticed one of the Nexu was sleeping on the floor in front of the team. Moving quietly he tried to get everyone around it quickly and quietly.


20-11-2008 13:59:35

Cern followed the line of Dark Jedi into the jungle and wondered what Cethgus had going on inside his head. Who the heck decides to walk through a cave of Nexu…and what in the name of Vader were Nexu even doing on this damned planet. The Iktotchi grinned as his Master eased around a sleeping Nexu and motioned for those following to be careful, and quiet.

Cern slung the blaster rifle over his shoulder and took the battered armoury lightsaber hilt in his hand. If any of these beasties wakes up, he thought I would rather not be blasting away with a rifle. Close quarters combat sometimes requires a more controlled weapon.

It was now Cern’s turn to ease around the sleeping predator. He kept his thumb on the activation button and stepped slowly past the creature. The thing seemed to twitch as if it were dreaming. The Wookiee behind Kara hissed and Cern glared at him for quiet. Its not like he’s the one with a deadly predator between his legs…Cern felt his smile returning, I am going to have to remember that line…

Mehrunes Dagon

20-11-2008 21:16:54

Mehrunes waited impatiently in the back for the others to step over the Nexu. He wanted very much to put a blaster bolt between the sleeping beasts eyes, but realized that by doing that, he successfully kill his entire team. If these Nexu woke up, they were done. Mehrunes saw Cern sling his Rifle and pull out his armory saber. Mehrunes considered doing the same, but decided against it. He had never used the armory saber yet and he didn't plan on getting his first experience in a life or death situation. Cern successfully made it over, followed by Kara who moved gracefully over the sleeping beast. Then it was the Wookie's turn...I'm dead... Mehrunes could already see the Wookie stepping on the Nexu's head and all hell breaking loose. He shut his eyes.


21-11-2008 21:13:33

Brema walked cautiously around the several sleeping Nexu. "why are we walking though this cave sir." brema said. Cethgus turned around puts one finger over his mouth. "Quiet brema. The slightest sound will send the Nexu into a frenzy." Brema quickly quieted down. There must be a good reason were going though here he said to himself

they kept walking along when one of the nexu began to stir. The group stopped everyone stood ready if the creature woke up. It turned over and went back to sleep. the whole team let out a sigh of relief. they moved on and kept slowly making their way to the exit.

Kuro Kogarasu

23-11-2008 02:00:27

Koga entered the Cave, behind the rest of the group, honing in his senses for any little odd sound, smell and movement. Koga heard a strange sound that almost sound like snoring. "oh great didn't think we would run into one so quickly" Koga thought to him self. Koga and the group made their way to the sleeping creature. It was a Beastly sized Nexu. Koga Griped his Hilt in one hand and his blaster in the other. Koga got right up next to it, mostly because it was laying in the middle of the path. Koga could feel the heat of the Large Cat like beast's Breath on his legs as he walked past. As koga got past the Nexu, koga didn't take his mind off of it, he could still be a threat, but also tried to concentrate on what lied ahead.


25-11-2008 05:40:50

Cethgus noticed that they were near the exit of the cave, one last problem faced them, the guarding Nexu wide awake and alert. The others wouldn’t be able to sneak across this one. Letting his hand draw one of his blades, the Obelisk knew that if he used his saber, he would wake the whole of the cave up. Allowing, his footsteps to quieten he slowly walked up behind the animal, sensing it breathing, he only hoped that his time in CSP would pay off. Focusing the force on calming the animal he took steps gently towards it, he knew that it would only allow him time to get close to the animal but not past the animal.

With one move Cethgus jumped up and brought his saber into the animals head, as if responding the Nexu jumped forward, sending both the Nexu and the commander rolling down the hill that was on the other side of the cave. Landing on the floor the animal stood up, the Sword has missed the main part of its neck, to Ceth’s annoyance he had to do it the old fashions way, saber. Grabbing his weapon he activated it and brought it to bare at the Nexu.

After a vicious fight the commander stood over the animal and looked up at the cave, hoping the team would manage to get out of there quickly and effectively. A claw cut had ripped through his leg and was causing a slow trickle of blood to move down his leg. Clipping his saber back onto his belt, and waited for the team, sighing he felt pain ripple across his arm and noticed he had been clawed on the arm as well. It seemed the Prelate sometimes expected to much of himself in combat.

Turning around he noticed that in the sight now through the straight and covered walk they had there stood a huge temple in front of him. Smiling he knew that he was nearing the goal, and allowed the pain to wash away as the blood dripped onto the ground. All he knew was that this temple looked magnificent in the light, and knew the team would be moving quickly towards that temple. He just had to wait for them to get out of the cave before they started there walk again towards the mighty building.

Kaira Rohana

26-11-2008 17:55:28

Kara had seen what Cethgus was up to. Her thoughts went racing as she knew the moment that he went to kill that thing the rest of the cave would wake up. That meant they were all screwed if they didn’t stand ready to fight. Putting her hand over her lightsaber she waited at the back of the group. There she knew at least the others would get out and she went make sure of that. Being the last person out was just something she could do for the team. What ever Cethgus was doing she hoped they didn’t die today. He was so selfish at times with the others around him. Dam she didn’t want to see her life end today but if it did she would come back and haunt him until his death. Standing there she watched the others of the team as well as the cave for sings of life. If something happen she was ready.


02-12-2008 10:19:50

Sneaking through the darkest shadows of the cave, slightly behind the rest of the group, Mograine kept his BlasTech DLT-20A’s stock tight to his shoulder. He knew that jumping on the shuttle in the last minute and out of stupidity had kept himself from reporting in to Cethgus during the ride, he had exposed his team for additional danger if he was caught some distance behind them.

Only the bare sound of their footsteps kept him at the right track about a hundred meters behind them. He followed the slight tapping sounds of leather boots used by his fellow Battle team members, navigating through the great stones and sleeping beasts. But then suddenly a rapid sound of a lightsaber turning on and off, followed by a heavy vibration in the basement of the cave, which made the ground shake.

Mograine halted right after the shake, for then jogging forward with his eyes focused into the rifle scope. He knew that something had happened, and could only hope he wasn’t too late.

((Sorry for being abit late:S))

Mehrunes Dagon

23-12-2008 23:20:41

Mehrunes felt kara tense up beside him and knew what was going happen. He quickly drew his armory hilt, and looked over towards kara giving her a slight nod. He saw Cern do the same, and Koga drew his Blasters, they were all ready.

Then it happened, the sound of battle erupted from just outside the cave, Ceth had made his move, and now it was the rest of the teams turn. As the Nexu awoke, the team ignited their saber, aimed their blasters, and began to fight.

Mehrunes was sweating as he was in the front of the action, fighting beside Kara, Brema, Cern, Khioo, and Cipher. Koga was in the back firing away at the vicious beasts, with the dark jedi working as a team the Nexu had no chance.

Kaira Rohana

24-12-2008 08:57:16

Having seen the Nexu start to wake she knew this wasn’t going to be pretty. Her saber in hand she just waited for the right moment to strike. Her eyes never leaving her fellow team members. They all seemed to know what was coming. Her senses were as alert as ever as she stood there calmly scanning the darkness around her of the cave. It was Mehrunes who acted first followed by the others. Kara her self had to take on a few of the creatures thanks to Cethgus actions.

It took them a while but soon they were all breathing heavy walking from the tunnel. Kara had her saber back on her belt and her blaster rifle in hand once more. Moving up next to Cethgus she frowned at him. “Need to watch your self a bit more next time unless you are trying to get us all killed.” She said in a rather grumpy tone of voice. Kara knew how ever that Cethgus wouldn’t take kindly to her saying that and in the end that might just come back to haunt her.


24-12-2008 13:16:14

Cethgus sighed and only shook his head, the temple was a straight walk yet something felt out of place when he looked straight. He noticed that the team had dealt with the Nexu, each of them looked beaten, blood on some of them as to be expected from taking on such predators. The team reassembled on the road and all of them started to hear towards the massive temple finally understand that Cethgus had mislead them and this wasn’t a training mission, but the real question was what was he after. As all of the continued forward, the walk to the temple wouldn’t take to long, but there was defiantly things laying in wait, question was what?

Suddenly from no were someone tackled Cethgus, as he rolled onto the floor, the commander stood up and bring his saber up with him glaring at the man in front of him before a look of surprise took him. The Zabrak instantly recognised the person. “Aalos is that you?”

Suddenly the commander was talking to the man and walking towards the temple, to the confusion of the team, the two them seemed to be getting on like a house on fire. As they walked and talked Cethgus turned to the battle team and beaconed them to follow him towards the temple.


31-12-2008 13:51:43

The Iktotchi eyed the team leader with a feeling of anger flowing through his blood. The games Cethgus liked to play with those under his command had started to grow old on the Jedi Hunter. But then again, I have known him far longer than the rest of the team…With a quiet grunt Cern shook his head and wiped some nexu blood from his face. He fell into step behind the team and wrapped himself in the feeling of the jungle life around him.

The Jedi Hunter let the Force flow into his body and a smile crept unawares onto his face as the power of the Dark Side closed a couple minor wounds and washed away what little fatigued had built up in his muscles. I always feel more…Alive when the Force is rushing through my veins. The Iktotchi inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with the rich jungle air. Khioo glanced back as the breath left Cern’s lungs sounding rather more like a sigh than anything else.

“Are we boring you Cern? Not enough action for your taste?” the Protector snarled at him. Cern just let the smile on his face grow and walked on without responding to the comment. The anger he had been feeling towards his Master had faded away to nothing. I don’t know what your “training mission” is all about Master, but I am prepared to follow you to the end. The smile faded as the thought ran through his head and by the end, Cern wore a look of stony resolve instead.