02-02-2005 11:04:59
Dark Greetings to all of you.
For those of you who do not already know me, I am Sith Warmaster Aticus
Jade. The Aedile and acting Quaestor of Ziost. I am one of CEK's newer
members I guess you could say.
My brothers and sisters of Kun, I come to you today to point out
something that is going to destroy us. The sad thing is, it isnt even going
to be an enemy that does it, it will be us. I know that some of us here
in CEK have worked hard and never caused problems, and some even try to
bond everyone.
I am not here to ask everyone to bond and hold hands. I have never been
that way, and never will be. However, I have awakend to what is around
me. The larger part of the picture as some say. That larger part being
this clan.
When I first joined, it seemed that everyone got along and things were
working. And during my first few weeks here, things just kept getting
better. This was something I loved to see. But I was only looking at my
house, and not my clan.
Now that I am looking on a clan level, I honestly see no unity between
us. Yes, we call ourselves the children of Kun, and all of us call
ourselves CEK members. Some are proud, others just say it. Regardless of
what you might feel, it is a matter of who is beside you. That person
plays a role in this clan. They play a role in its survival.
Have we been so self blinded to see that if one house fails then the
other will fail as well? Yes, this is the truth. Should one of our houses
fall, the other shall feel its conciquences, and those consiquences are
nothing any of you want to see, I assure you, as I have seen it at
least three times myself.
We fight with each other about who's right and who's wrong, about who
is better and who is worse, who is an ass and who is a leader. All of it
is pointless. Though we all have different views, we can not go on as a
clan blaming each other for what happens. We must accept what happens
and just continue moving forward.
For a long time, I did not care what happend to Byss. I even spoke this
out loud as I truelly did not care. Then I realised, that if Byss
falls, so does Ziost, and then CEK is no more. And if Ziost falls, so will
Byss, and CEK will fall there as well.
I thought to myself, "How can I stop such a weakness?".. and it
honestly plagued my mind for days. Until I resolved. It is so simple people.
We are in this togeather. We are a "clan". Where one is weak, the other
is a sheild for him or her. It has always been this way in a true clan,
and can be this way in CEK. Where one ally falls, another should be
there to help them up, not spit in their face and leave them to rot.
This goes for everyone, including myself. If we dont start looking past
our own selfish actions, we are going to fall and be forgotten faster
than we fell. When I read post on the MB from other clans that we should
unite, then it is truelly obvious that we have no true orginisation
within, and will fail like the dark jedi have always done.
I have watched clans destroy themselves before. Sometimes I was in
them, and some times I was watching from another clan. It is nothing I want
to see happen to any clan. Including the clans that hate CEK. It is
sign that everyone failed. And I refuse to fail.
This clan spends so much time complaining about others in it, that we
have truelly forgotten our goals. I ask each and everyone of you, what
is our goal as a clan? I do not know, I have not asked. I know my goal
as an Aedile and summit of my house, but as a clansmen, I have never
seen a goal until I thought about what we could be.
If this clan has no other goal, then let it be this. Other clans laugh
and mock CEK every day. They make fun of us, they tease us, and they
hate us. Let this be our fuel. Our strive to go on and prove them wrong.
CEK is a powerful clan. I have seen what its members can do if driven
correctly. I have seen what we can do as two seperate houses, and franky
it is beyond imagination at what we could do as a clan. I know that no
other clan has what CEK has. We have each other, and that is more of a
weapon than any.
However, we have been killing ourselves with our own weapon. We have
been back firing the entire time and not even noticed, but the other
clans have, and are letting us bleed ourselves. This can stop here and now.
Instead of looking at Byss as Byss and Ziost as Ziost, look at them as
Clan Exar Kun. We are honestly not that far apart at all. We are in
this togeather, and we are all in this to better ourselves and our houses,
so why not better all of us?
The KRoS for example. We have been very blind to this, me the most. All
orders can participate, yet we look at it as a Krath event. People, the
Krath is a part of CEK's heart. Just like the Obelisk and just like the
Sith. If only a portion of the heart beats, only a little of the blood
flows through the clans body.
Did any of you know that CEK is so shrouded from the rest of the DB
that they have decided to just start making up stuff to make us look bad?
Well, we cant do anything to stop that, or can we?
We have no foot hold in the DB, we are just another name on the roster
to everyone. We must get our name out there. This can be accomplished
through unity. And you will see what I mean.
Unity isnt getting along with each other, its working as a team and as
one. While the Krath of CEK handle writing, the Obelisk will handle the
ground MP and the sith handle the flying MP. However, the DB has opened
up to give more oppurtunity to unity. Everyone can do anything now
almost. So we now have the chance to use every skill in our arsanal to over
come and defend our clan.
However, up to this point, I cant call what I have seen a clan. Just
two houses with a large name over their heads. This time is over guys.
Its time to move on and forget our past rivals and problems, and start
making new progress and sucesses. This isnt hard at all, it just takes
team work and activity from all.
House Ziost will no longer see house Byss as another house, but an
equal and worthy ally to this clans cause. We shall see house Byss as we
should truelly see them, our fellow clansmen.
This is the time and chance to put our past problems behind us, but ego
and pride is a powerful enemy just as much as it can be an ally. If we
our to selfish to end our problems, then we our not leaders, but
children not worthy of this clans title. There are others who join the DB
every day, who come to CEK and start their careers. Think about them,
think about what they will be like when they are further into their career.
Do you want this clan to succeed once we are gone? Or do you want it to
be a memory, if that, of problems and fights?
I ask for no responces to this mail, but people are entitled to their
opinion I suppose. The only thing I ask for, is action. For all of us to
start working togeather for this clan, and for ourselves. It's time to
wake up and be a clan my friends. It is time to be, Clan Exar Kun.
02-02-2005 15:17:27
Well written, Aticus. It is nice to think that someone may finally have my back. All the bull[Expletive Deleted] about one man armies aside, Shadow was completely right when he said that Clans are about unity. Communication is the life blood of unity; if you don't tell people what is going on, they can get all sorts of weird ideas and never know the truth of any situation. Although in retrospect I should have communicated with Khalin myself a few days ago and kicked him around a little, but there was this thing with creepy Zoraan feelings and weird emails and stories. Anyway... O-)
I chose some time ago that I wasn't going to let anything stop me, that I wasn't about to give up. I had chosen to not let whatever goes on in this Clan distract me from hunting down every opportunity I could to get our names out there. Its a simple choice, really, being powerful. Power does not come from who's first; Exar Kun will never come first. It is not about which Clan is stronger, or faster, or better equipped to deep fry sushi in ten different ways.
Power is about not being last. It is about more than just playing those matches or writing those stories you can fit in over the next week; its about hunting down that time, and taking it now. Power is not about who's best, or who's bigger, its about commitment, and courage. There will always be rough times. The Clan that survives them, survives it because it has commitment and courage, because it has power as a whole.
The Clan that doesn't gets closed down by the first Consul of Arcona, DJM Nighthawk, and placed in House Oriens Obscurum but they're back now and doing great (Hi CSP! :w00t: . And for the record, if I have to fictionally invent the next "new" House for the next unlucky Clan, can the GM not switch the club to Single Order half way through and cause a week of re-writes? Thanks Jac
Lets not be the Clan that is weakest, that fights amongst itself and is teased by everyone around us. Lets not be the one on the bottom of the ladder. Lets go out there and compete in every competition we can. Lets show this club that we have power.
It is a simple choice. Are we ready to be powerful, together?
Vote Yes on Proposition Nine.
02-02-2005 18:42:57
Well said. I don't know what else to say. However, I have to agree with both of you.
Don't get me wrong, I have been guilty of many of these "crimes" as has everyone else. :$ We have all said something wrong or put each other down. I have seen this coming for weeks now. We were all bickering and fighting over petty things.
For those of us who are in Ziost, lets pull at least our house together, so when Talon gets back he does not have to deal with all of this [Expletive Deleted]. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, so it is time to utilize these strengths and pull forard together.
Only one more thing to say. GO CEK!