Caption Christmas Contest
Kaira Rohana
15-12-2011 16:21:51
So below are the first 4 pictures for week one 12/16-12/23. The rules are that you have to email Me the captions you come up with. Look at the Contest page for everything on the contest. Found here-

1st Drodik-Apparently the casting director felt Yoda was a better fit for the part than R2.
2nd- Marcus- After traveling across the galaxy; the three kings were surprised to see a baby older than they are. They brought plenty of diapers either way.
3rd- Krandon-"Yoda Baby!!" (Variation of you the baby

1st place drodik- Vader: So Boba, how are the kids? Boba: They’re good, Martha says hi by the way. Stormtrooper: ….Why does he keep staring at me?Boba: The Turducken is for us…you are for him. Maul: (Growl)
2nd- Marcus- To save money, the Empire decided to hold its annual meeting during the holiday dinner.
3rd- Krandon- Storm trooper says, "Pass the Ewok please?"

1st place drodik- …Where the hell are his pants, and why is the belt unbuckled? Don’t get me started on the beard.
2nd- Marcus-Droids just aren't as quiet as Santa and his reindeer.
3rd- Krandon- C3P0 says. "Belt's undone, beards off, let me take off my coat and I'll jingle your bells."

1st place drodik- Yes, there are cheesy Christmas photos in the Star Wars Universe too.
2nd- Marcus-What they are thinking... Han: "Leia, is this the right house?" Leia: "I told him to ask for directions." Anakin: "I don't want to sing anymore. My feet hurt. Im hungry." Obi-wan: "Must remain focused. Wait. What song are we singing?" Luke: "Bird!" Padme: "Next Christmas, im bringing the Brotherhood caroling!"
3rd- Krandon- Han says, "Luke, you're obsessed. Yoda is dead and you still want to send him this Christmas card?"
Have fun!
Kaira Rohana
23-12-2011 10:54:21
Week 2 pictures 12/23-12/30

1st-Miranda- "Hmmmyes, naughty you have been. Feel my presence, you may not!"
2nd- Marcus- "Here we go again."
3rd- Ji- "Too small Yoda's sack is."

1st-Miranda- Dad; "But I wanted a life-size ATAT. Daughter; "Not untill I get that pony, old man."
2nd- Marcus-Imperial Candy Company
3rd- Ji- "Say 'Gay Christmas Stormtroopers!'"

1st-Miranda- Vader; "Where are the Deathstar plans?" Santa; "You're going on the naughty list, sonny!"
2nd- Marcus- "Let me guess. You got in through the thermal exhaust port. Damm, I told them to keep it closed."
3rd- Ji- We have ways of making you 'Ho'."

1st-Miranda- Jabba; "Muhahaha Ohohohoh... Unda sin da jota, Christu?"
2nd- Marcus- "Mary? Why doesn't this kid look like me..."
3rd- Ji- "Jesus, mah bukee, keel-ee caleya ku kah. Wanta dah moole-rah? Wonkee chee sa crispa con Greedo?"
Jesus, my boy, you disappoint me. Why haven't you paid me? And why did you fry poor Greedo?
There was one more entry for week 4 I will post theres here as well.
Picture 1 Yoda - "A Merry Christmas, no Happy Holidays, you will have!"
Picture 2 Stormies - Little AT-ST between them, "Can I kiss you?"
Picture 3 Lego - Vader, "Enough of this! Where....are....the....cookies!!"
Picture 4 Nativity - Jabba says, "Bring me Han....and Jesus"