Light Side Powers


05-12-2010 23:43:52

I figured some people might like a short guide as to what DB Force powers can be considered "Light." I'm of the personal opinion that powers themselves can't be labeled Dark or Light and that it is how they are used the defines the users; so I will be the first to say, don't let this guide shoe-box you into using specific powers... feel free to use anything that you think your character would know (especially you dark side converts).

Firstly we don't have any house or order powers, so no need to worry about them.

If you want me to discuss my reasoning for any of these choices, let me know and I'll write it up. Also if you think something should be changed let me know (with your reasoning) and I'll look at implementing it.

n.b. yes I know the blue and purple can be hard to read on this background. Paste it into word or onto a white page if you're having trouble.

Legend: Encouraged Acceptable Disallowed

Hear - Speak - Communicate - Connect - Interconnect

Battlemind - Force Meld - Battle Meditation - Battle Coordination

Alter Ability
Enhance Ability - Rage - Feed on the Dark Side - Preparance

Burst of Speed - Equite Speed - Master Speed - Grand Master Speed

Suppression - Sever Force - Affect Force Imprint

Push - Throw - Whirlwind - Wave - Maelstrom

Pull - Draw - Beckon - Summon - Translocation

Jump - Leap - Soar - Flight

Grip - Choke - Crush - Annihilate

Telekinesis - Strike - Obliterate - Telekinetic Kill - Telekinetic Lightsaber Combat

Sense - Seeing - Psychometry - Farseeing - Flow Walking

Precognition - Dodge - Barrier - Defend - Shield of the Final Way

Instinctive Piloting - Instinctive Astrogation - Shroud Piloting - Shroud Navigating - Celestial Navigation

Sight - Vision - Shatterpoint

Primal Sympathy - Beast Control - Read/Write Language - Understand Speech - Comprehension

Cloak - Concealment - Immersion

Malacia - Slow - Affliction - Plague - Morichro

Cure - Heal - Heal Others - Regenerate - Transfer Life

Harm - Drain Life - Death Field

Control Pain - Cure Poison - Cure Disease - Crucitorn

Breath Control - Hibernation Trance - Tapas - Remain Conscious - Transfer Hibernation

Persuasion - Mind Trick - Control Mind - Dominate Mind

Illusion - Projection - Doppelganger

Drain Energy - Dissipate Energy - Absorb Energy - Deflection

Twilight - Blackness - Blinding - Flash - Void

Shock - Lightning - Force Storm

Fear - Horror - Torture by Chagrin - Insanity

Stun - Stasis - Stasis Field - Stasis Wave


05-12-2010 23:47:06

Another way to describe this might be:
Blue = Encouraged
Purple = Acceptable
Red = Disallowed

Since most of the "light" powers aren't all that light, save for the healing ones. They're just normal powers.


05-12-2010 23:49:22

What the boss man said.


06-12-2010 09:08:05

While everyone may have differing "philosophies" concerning Force power and how they're used, current canon is fairly black-and-white concerning this sort of thing. Force powers can very much be "light" or "dark". There was a time when they went by your reasoning, Windos, but they've since reverted back to the more strict definitions of force usage.

Thought I would throw that out there as it can be a nice addition when developing one's character and trying to turn from the darkness.


06-12-2010 11:03:17

i dont know, i have "Jedi vs Sith; The New Essential Guide to The Force" and it talks about some powers that are "darkside" used by "lightsiders" and example was Pol Koon used force lightning, traditionally a darkside power, on a mission onAfter much meditation, i believe it would be wrong of me to ignore this power that i might develop into a useful technique for combat. as for whether i was wrong to use it, i believe the only person who can rightfully answer that question is the 5-year-old girl. her name is claria Labreezle, she has been placed with relatives at Stratablock 7 on Metellos."

i think most of the members in the house would be considered "Gray" Jedi, i think we all could use DS powers as long as we had the moral high ground, such as Plo Kuun using force lighting to subdue a murderer.



06-12-2010 22:16:22

"Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks"


07-12-2010 02:45:47

"Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks"

Woot! Woot!


09-12-2010 23:52:01

Not to mention we have some Grays too :)


10-12-2010 08:03:16

Yeppers :P


11-12-2010 20:02:26

Attempt number 2 at posting this...

I'll attempt to remember all the points I made last night while attempting to make this post via my phone at the apartment...

To say that there are "good" or "evil" Force powers is to deny one fundamental fact. These powers have no actual substance until the USER gives it to them. Power is power. The intent is different for each user. One person might use obliterate to demolish his opponent, while someone else my only use obliterate to clear some rubble from pinning down a victim. In which case is the power doing anything but what it is told to do by the one wielding the power?

The intent of the power lies within the user, not within the power itself. Not to mention the fact that the majority of the members of this house are either converts or gray. It would make sense that those who have arrived from Dark Side houses will have fairly intimate knowledge of the powers used by the "bad guys".

Being the "good guys" doesn't mean our powers should be limited. To limit means to close one's mind. Instead, our thinking has to be rearranged in order to best utilize the knowledge already gained from the tenures in the other Houses of the DB.

I had more points, but I open the floor to discussion of these for the time being.

*gets off the soapbox and offers it to the next person*


12-12-2010 13:38:09

an example i like is an knife, a knife is a vary helpful tool, it can be used for many good things, but it can also be used for many bad things, it all depends on the user of the knife, the knife itself does not care if its used to cut food for your dinner, or to kill some person so you can still there shoes.

"After much meditation, i believe it would be wrong of me to ignore this power that i might develop into a useful technique for combat." - Pol Kuun refereeing to force lighting


02-01-2011 02:49:54

Just two cents from an old Sith here, don't mind me...

Some Force powers are designed as weapons, and in that sense, they're of a Darker persuasion. However, an excellent point made is that many of those can be used toward other ends. Obliterate can clear rubble, to restate one example. Even so, some powers are unquestionably Dark Side powers, examples being Choke, Crush, Sever Force, and Dominate Mind.

Choke has one purpose, strangulation. Few and far between are the instances in which it is alright to strangle someone. Crush is more of a direct example; if you have someone in a position to fold their body up like a napkin, why didn't you simply subdue them and take them hostage?

Sever Force has only one acceptable "Light" usage, which is to stop Sith Lords and other Dark Side adherents from using their abilities in harmful ways. Even so, many will argue that redemption is possible, and that there are better ways to stop them. I'd liken its usage in many cases to rape, simply because you're forcefully taking something sacred from them. Thus, without supreme justification, it's a Dark power.

Finally, and this is my strongest suit; Dominate Mind. This power makes the user your absolute puppet, walking your walk, talking your talk, doing whatever you please. You completely override their thought processes and replace their will and feelings with that of your own design. It's so powerful an act of control that its victims are usually left debilitated and handicap. How, in any way, is it not Dark to completely destroy a person's mind in the name of controlling them for a certain period of time?

Quoting the knife example, another good example of most Force powers would be the hammer. It makes a very effective weapon by all means, but it can also be used to make things and to fix things, or to clear away obstacles. A knife can cut and stab, but can also be used for cutting food, among many other purposes. The Dark Side powers I've listed, and others, are akin to swords; too long, too thin, too light, and improperly shaped to be a tool. They have one purpose; to kill.

Seems I really know how to stretch two cents... :P


03-01-2011 14:57:49

Although there was a brief moment when the NJO officially recognized that there were no inherently Light or Dark powers, that ended pretty quickly.

The idea that a power is evil comes from the classical Jedi mindset. Really this argument is pointless because you can feel either way and still be a member of the house :P. HOU will not be taking an official stance on the issue. If you think powers like Obliterate and Lightning are evil without question that's fine... if you think that they are useful tools, that's fine too.


08-02-2012 00:32:32

A year after the fact, I come back to this thread and think on it with fond memories. :P

To Ji, even though it's way late and I almost sound like a Jedi saying it - no discussion or debate is pointless. :wink: