29-01-2005 13:31:25
So, will these boards be used more than the last???
29-01-2005 22:10:27
hope so, but what about the Galeres website? will it be updated soon?
Tarax Kor
29-01-2005 23:08:09
hope so, but what about the Galeres website? will it be updated soon?
Uhh. good question. My guess would be 'no', since Odjn and myself have no clue how to go about it. Or what to post on it. Most of the things we say right now are either going to be distributed via e-mails, or on the House forum,
31-01-2005 08:44:02
I think Odjn had said he would be creating a new one. A website is a good place to hold information about the house itself. News and such isn't quite as important to the website imo.
08-02-2005 14:44:58
Yes, I am going to be making a new House Website in the next 2-3 weeks. Right now that's where I'm trying to focus most of my energy so that I can just get it out of the way. As Tarax has been witness to, as long as I sit down and do the work rather then just talk about doing it, it gets done alot quicker
I'll keep you posted as to how the project is coming along, it's called 'Project:Rebirth-the 2nd Born that was reborn before the first.'
What little help I should need is really going to be with getting the information off of the old website. What you guys can do is get with Tarax and divide up the important pages of the current House Galeres Site and email me everything in .txt.
Tarax Kor
10-02-2005 22:54:18
What you guys can do is get with Tarax and divide up the important pages of the current House Galeres Site and email me everything in .txt.
Oh sure, saddle everything on me, why don't you. X-)
16-02-2005 14:06:56
Pay attention, Raid. He's never left Arcona.
16-02-2005 15:11:17
haven't read my signature then......or the roster