To Odji


02-03-2005 21:09:08

As I told you yesterday I keep getting mails baunced back from your account everytime the system send you mail with updates. Please fix you addy because it's starting to be really annoying, this story has been going on for a whole week now.


08-03-2005 04:34:10

Dude, I'm still getting mails back.. maybe the mails from the addy end as spam or something, check it ASAP and get back to me with an answer. Or simply get a gmail addy :P


18-03-2005 13:49:46

Dude, I'm still getting mails back.. maybe the mails from the addy end as spam or something, check it ASAP and get back to me with an answer. Or simply get a gmail addy :P

Oooooh I got 50 invitations right here! Anyone? Anyone? I'm tired of inviting myself =P


19-03-2005 03:47:26

I would take one but I cant get the damn thing to work. I dont know if it's cause I'm dumb or just plain stupid :P


20-03-2005 22:58:09

I never get any invites!


27-03-2005 07:45:44

Oooooh I got 50 invitations right here! Anyone? Anyone? I'm tired of inviting myself =P

Gimme one then :P


31-03-2005 04:27:51

* Pushes Karimicus out of the way :P *

Oy! No such thing as a party without Konar :P