Okay I’m new to this, but yeah, Conscripts seem the only reliable source of soldiers, which means the vast majority wouldn’t be career soldiers (think the Cyprus military) and little more than cannon fodder which I’m sure nobody is thrilled about, however without a dedicated training facility on a par with the Imperial Academy on Carida or Coruscant we couldn’t expect that level of discipline from line troops. As for compliments of support ships etc, well I’ve looked into what the Arcona flotilla would have, and they are as follows:
Carrack Cruisers:
5 TIE Fighters (oh joy, our domination will be supreme and unquestioned with these awesome displays of power and wealth)
Lancer Frigates:
2 Shuttles apiece, I’m guessing the book (The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels means Lambda, as it says in the next sentence “carried troops and vehicles are always kept to a minimum”)
Corellian Corvettes:
Well, Ep3 suggests to us they have a hangar on the underside, whilst most written canon implies that they don’t have hangars, however the Wraith Squadron books detail a pair of Corvettes that have been extensively modified to hold up to a squadron of assorted fighters apiece in the tube-like protrusion running horizontally across the front of the ship (i.e. the Hammerhead of the ship on the underside, as if it were a face with the bridge viewscreen being the eyes and the hangar being the mouth)
Escort Carriers:
Pretty sure it’s a given they hold a full wing of fighters (72 ships divided into 6 squadrons of 12 fighters each).
As for troop and mechanical divisions, well that’s bloody hard to find out, truth be told, but I’ve only heard of heavy mechanical stuff such as AT-STs, AT-ATs and the likes being on board Acclamators or larger, which unfortunately we don’t have access to.
This suggests to me that in terms of a hardened military force, we would have something barely suited to a police force to keep the races subjugated and free the Force-users up to wreak havoc as they see fit.
As for the anti-Jedi, I personally like this a lot, but it’d be necessary to train them by-oooh, brainwave. The whole Arcona Army/Fleet could be trained by the members of the clan who are more military in their background, could get a RO out of that I’m sure or at least a fiction topic.
Lastly, the times-of-war hierarchy where the clan-members take control of forces a la the Jedi in the Clone wars, well in the clone wars cartoons and ANH it was General Kenobi as he was an established, proven Jedi Master and Commander Skywalker for a newly appointed Knight. I’ve drawn up a couple of ideas here that are meant to be totally [Expletive Deleted F-word]ed about with or disregarded if necessary, they’re just idle musings of a bored teenager
Seer (as in they can predict when danger is coming and often provide insight that the average trooper wouldn’t have, but their military prowess is little more than the rank and file)
Executor ([Expletive Deleted F-word]ing lethal in combat and have the edge of considerable force abilities, but lack the subtletites of the art of war possessed by the Elders)
Overlord (wtfpwn lethal, force-sensitived to all hell and back, plus being able to see the eddies and currents of a war over a single battle, can see the grand plan as it were, almost Revan-esque in tactical prowess).
Just a few thoughts and the names I went for were blatantly stolen from various castes in the Yuuzhan Vong hierarchy and are only there as placeholders.