30-01-2006 15:28:02
Going over a few Arcona documents, I have noticed that our various fighters don't currently have any Squadron Names. Our current list of fighters is as follows:
8 TIE V38 Phantoms
6 B-51 B-Wings
6 E-Wings Model B
51 TIE Interceptors
That means we need roughly 7 Squadron names for the time being. I'll probably take 8 so as to have one for later.
Step #1. Get a list of names together. Anyone in Arcona can submit a maximum of 3 names, just by posting on this topic (no discussions

). On the weekend I'll put all the names together in a few polls and we'll vote until we've narrowed it down to the top 8. We may continue voting until we get the top 3 names (for our 3 special fighter squadrons). As such, those who submitted the 3 names will each receive a crescent
30-01-2006 15:51:14
So we must reply to the names in this topic?
My three are as follows:
1. Night Ghost
2. Dark Apocalypse
3. Jade Gryffin
Ceric Crimson
30-01-2006 17:12:16
1. The Crimson Scar
2. The Banshees
3. The Red Eclipse
30-01-2006 17:47:15
1. Wings of Burden
2. Death Triumphant
3. Shadows of the Past (probably better for tie ints) or you could take out past and put Empire
Just quick names I thought of nothign special
Trooper Kale
30-01-2006 18:04:40
1.Deaths Shadow
2.Emperors Wrath
3. Claws of Fear.
1. Arcona's Shadow (gotta incorporate the powers and the Clan.

2. Striker Division
3. Cloak Squadron
30-01-2006 23:09:55
1. Tyrants
2. Deathshead Leigon
3. Trailblazers
31-01-2006 00:16:51
1. Death's Hammer
2. Spectre's Kiss
3. Winged Oblivion
31-01-2006 00:35:43
1. Oriens Fury
2. Dragons Vengence
3. Souldfires Vengence
31-01-2006 01:30:07
uhh, Lemons of Darkness?
what about Citrus of evil?
or Grapefruit Inferno?
31-01-2006 10:46:08
Scimiter Squadron
Night Stalker Squadron
Armageddon Squadron
02-02-2006 23:47:39
1._ Relentless Fury
2._ Wolfpack
3._ Swift & Lethal
Ylith Pandemonium
03-02-2006 00:50:22
Hells Horde
Demon Squadron
Death Company
Ark Dowell
03-02-2006 16:53:46
1. Kamikaze
2. Myst Squadron
3. Ethereal Wings
Wes Biriuk
03-02-2006 21:39:15
1. Oblivion Squadron
2. Shadow Helm
3. Phantom Squadron