Hello everyone
04-10-2005 10:23:10
Hey people,
I just wanted to stick my head in the door (the rest of me is still in the Shadow Academy) and say hi.
Once my test comes back I'm gonna be transferring here to this... Arcona-thing you all love.
Hope to enjoy working with you!
- Mohicana
Kaelin Ring
04-10-2005 13:28:42
Well, let me be the first to say Welcome. Are you going to be Krath, Obby, or Sith?
Ark Dowell
04-10-2005 14:02:06
Welcome to Arcona, one of the top six Clans in the entire DB!
04-10-2005 15:22:33
welcome to arcona!
04-10-2005 15:35:42
Well, let me be the first to say Welcome. Are you going to be Krath, Obby, or Sith?
I believe his ID Line that was on his post would expain
INI Mohicana (Krath)/Deneba Campus of the Shadow Academy
Kaelin Ring
04-10-2005 18:17:53
Heh, lol. I was just trying to get the little feller to talk, Halcy.
Ceric Crimson
04-10-2005 18:41:27
Always a pleasure to see new faces in our almighty and kick ass clan.
Kaelin Ring
04-10-2005 20:34:06
There's another new one, my sister in real life. Lol, how do I distinguish between them? I wanted to know, how do I transfer them, the new guys I mean, into my BT?
04-10-2005 21:31:55
Hey y'all,
This is ACO Devani, I'm Revaan's big sis in real life. I just transferred in from Clan Plagueis, I'm excited to be here. Just thought I would introduce myself!
ACO Devani
Yukimura Ansatsu Mifune
04-10-2005 22:19:20
welcome to the mighty Clan Arcona, both of u,
Im Protector Ansatsu
05-10-2005 10:45:47
New meat for Tuskani. Tuskani likes.
Kaelin Ring
05-10-2005 11:05:27
Where'd that come from, Tuskani? Does anybody know how to get her in my BT? Or does admin. do it?
Ark Dowell
05-10-2005 13:49:59
Revaan, you QUA and AED have the power to place her in the BT. And welcome, Devani!
05-10-2005 14:07:02
Thanks, I'm excited to be here. Partly because of my brother, even though he's well Revaan, he is a really funny and great guy, albeit a little too much like me sometimes! Anyway, can anyone tell me a little more about Clan Arcona? When I first joined the DB I was in Clan Exar Kun and then I was suddenly in Clan Plagueis and it was a little crazy. I was thinking about switching clans for awhile but my QUA was really awesome, he retired and so I switched to Arcona. I dont' know much about it though, anyone care to enlighten me? Thanks, ACO Devani
05-10-2005 14:25:40
Arcona is full of weirdos, lunatics and juveniles.
Kaine Mandaala
05-10-2005 14:35:33
Arcona is full of weirdos, lunatics and juveniles.
And some of them are all three.
Hitokiri Bokuzen Mifune
05-10-2005 19:23:00
I'll put her in right now, Himura.
Ceric Crimson
05-10-2005 19:47:36
Arcona is a place of many...unique individuals.
But were all cool, and thats what matters.
Kaelin Ring
05-10-2005 21:05:30
I'll put her in right now, Himura.
Thanks, Hito. I agree with Ceric and the Herald on this one. Go to the Arcona web site and it gives you some background.
05-10-2005 21:30:54
Arcona is full of weirdos, lunatics and juveniles.
Like you, I presume? (All 3 I'm sure!)
05-10-2005 21:32:09
I'll put her in right now, Himura.
Put who in what? If its me, again in what? Thanks
05-10-2005 21:46:33
Welcome to Arcona. I'm the Quaestor of Galeres for those of you who didnt know and I am alwasy willing to answer any and all questions. You can reach me by email at
quejobandon@gmail.com or you can find me on IRC. Once again welcome to Arcona and may your stay here be a pleasant one.
Yukimura Ansatsu Mifune
05-10-2005 22:17:06
welcome to the BT again, and hito, u missed grad announcements today, if u check this b4 tomorro mornin, i will give ya the packet. and im glad u finally saw the light about Arcona being the best
06-10-2005 16:11:44
I thought i should warn you all that tuskani has returned to arcona, you know for your own safety.
Kaelin Ring
06-10-2005 20:03:00
Thanks Diablos!
Everybody these are some quotes (in latin) that my sister found that you might enjoy.
Dulce bellum inexpertis - War is sweet for those who haven't experienced it.
Duc, sequere, aut de via decede - Lead, follow, or get out of the way
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem - In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags
Apudne te vel me? - Your place or mine?
Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris - If Caesar were alive, you'd be chained to an oar
Cogito sumere potum alterum - I think I'll have another drink.
Corripe Cervisiam - Seize the beer!
Crudelius est quam mori semper timere mortem - It is more cruel to always fear death than to die.
Quid me nutrit me destruit - What nourishes me also destroys me
Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war
Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare - I think some people in togas are plotting against me
Ergo bibamus - Therefore, let us drink
Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre? - Is that a scroll in your toga, or are you just happy to see me?
Fas est et ab hoste doceri - It's proper to learn even from an enemy.
Si fecisti nega! - If you did it, deny it.
Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt - Men readily believe what they want to believe
Sobria inebrietas - Sober intoxication
Tanta stultitia mortalium est - What fools these mortals be
Dum spiramus tuebimur - While we breathe, we shall defend
Divide et impera - Divide and conquer
Ceric Crimson
06-10-2005 20:56:27
Ohh!! Foreign language!!
If anyone ever needs a translation in either Russian, German, Thia, Korean, or Latin...I am your MAN!!
Really, feel free to ask, you will find non better.
06-10-2005 21:05:52
Ohh!! Foreign language!!
If anyone ever needs a translation in either Russian, German, Thia, Korean, or Latin...I am your MAN!!
Really, feel free to ask, you will find non better. ![Very Happy :D]({SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif)
I love Thai food, the best restaurant is Indochine in Tacoma, WA!!!
Mmmm...fresh spring rolls, mango fried rice, gang curry, carmelized noodles, coconut smoothies, I miss that place!
Ceric Crimson
06-10-2005 21:06:52
Stop it! STOP IT! I haven't eaten dinner yet!!
06-10-2005 21:20:16
Stop it! STOP IT! I haven't eaten dinner yet!!
Ooooh, and did I tell you I absolutely love, LOVE, LOVE Olive Garden. The salad, the breadsticks, and chicken fetuccine alfredo pasta. Got to have a blackberry italian soda along with it. MMMmmmm....I'm hungry! >:)
Ceric Crimson
06-10-2005 21:22:12
I'm not so big on Italian food. Mabey because I've never been there. Thailand though....
06-10-2005 22:22:09
Good food, is good food! And the Italians know how to make food but Thai is my favorite, hands down.
Kaelin Ring
07-10-2005 12:50:49
When did this turn into food talk?
07-10-2005 13:38:27
When...um...well we were...I dunno? But who doesn't want to talk about food? Mmmm mmm good! I was trying to "introduce" Thai food as the best kind of food ever!
Kaelin Ring
07-10-2005 15:37:27
And I'm introducing the idea of HELL NO!!!
Ark Dowell
07-10-2005 17:09:56
And I wish to introduce meh idea of... W00T!!
Ceric Crimson
07-10-2005 20:54:42
I have to concure with Ark on this one.
07-10-2005 23:45:29
Alright, no more food back to introducing people
Ark Dowell
08-10-2005 06:59:15
*Introduces self*
Kaelin Ring
09-10-2005 17:06:54
No, I was inroducing the fact that Chinese food is the best. That or Mexican food.
09-10-2005 17:16:19
I just have to disagree...
Kaelin Ring
09-10-2005 17:21:18
You would! *points* She's the weird one of the family!
10-10-2005 02:34:58
Thanks bro, I love you too! You don't know what your missing in Thai food.
Ceric Crimson
10-10-2005 13:46:11
Yeah...sorry Rev. Thai is best. Your probably oblivious to this because of the fact that you never tasted an authentic Thai food, prepaired by an expert chef.
so sad..
Kaelin Ring
10-10-2005 17:35:09
Could be, but I think curry smells funny...
10-10-2005 20:30:01
Yeah, maybe Indian Curry, not Thai curry, its soooo yummy!
Kaelin Ring
10-10-2005 21:27:57
Still smells weird...
Ceric Crimson
11-10-2005 15:41:05
Most things smell funny until you eat them... :mellow:
Kaelin Ring
11-10-2005 20:59:03
Naw, I'll stick with Chinese for now. Maybe in a year or two.
11-10-2005 23:36:34
Yeah, when you grow up!
Ceric Crimson
12-10-2005 15:30:23
Blow below the belt! Ouch!
Metaphorically speaking, of course.
Kaelin Ring
12-10-2005 23:54:50
Naw, she's just jealous of my good looks and cool friends... with the exception of like two.
13-10-2005 16:44:27
Like Fernely Mike...
Ceric Crimson
14-10-2005 16:35:37
yes..............he is a uh...pig.
Kaelin Ring
16-10-2005 21:39:29
Pretty much and a d*ck to boot! But ya gotta respect him! Even with all of his faults he gets more girls than Devani and Ceric and I put together... now if I just apllied myself...
17-10-2005 00:38:20
Excuse me? I have NOOOOO girls, lets have that straight, I'm appalled you would include me in your list! anyway...enough about above subject...how about them yankees?
Kaelin Ring
17-10-2005 13:12:33
I feel like introducing Sir Lancelot, my little "knight"! He's not sooo little though. Above average, really.
Ceric Crimson
17-10-2005 16:30:38
...I am sorry Revaan, but I do not take kinedly to being compared to an American (foot ball player is it?) in the amount of booty that I get. First off, if this Mike is such a cock sucking son off a beach, then this is why he gets girls: Because GIRLS like bad asses, pigs, swines, dicks...and then they become women and realize...no...no more A$$ holes for muah. Now, women...women like men in power. Men in power are confident men. And women like that. An old proverb explaines it quite nicely: "The man is the head, yes, but the woman is the neck." That is why, kind sir, I will always be the hottest thing out there.
Good Day.
Kaelin Ring
18-10-2005 00:53:21
Nice!! No wonder I don't get as many rejects as him. Actually, he's a drama student, no jock. He just loves to piss people off and he's not really a badas$. He kinda looks like a chipmunk. I was kidding. I'm sure you get many women. Lol. But you shall never be as hott as me.
Ceric Crimson
18-10-2005 15:13:27
Hot? no. Cool? Sexy? Unresistable? yes yes and HELLA YES!
18-10-2005 15:17:23
I see there is no distracting you boys from your narcissist ways.
Ceric Crimson
18-10-2005 15:21:10
I'm sorry, did you say something?
18-10-2005 15:25:23
No , it was the wind, a mere fragment of your imagination...Mmmph
Ceric Crimson
18-10-2005 15:28:43
No , it was the wind, a mere fragment of your imagination...Mmmph
Was that a Mmmph, like the good kind of Mmmph, or like the Marge Simpson Mmmph?
18-10-2005 15:41:54
Marge Simpson, defintely!
Ceric Crimson
18-10-2005 15:46:38
:mellow: ...*backs slowely away*
18-10-2005 15:55:04
Hey, now. I'm not a ticking nuclear bomb bent on your utter destruction... :@
Ceric Crimson
18-10-2005 16:00:25
Sound the retreat!!!
18-10-2005 16:11:20
Well, now if you were to make some kind of amends...
Ceric Crimson
18-10-2005 16:13:44
You mean like...can't we make up, baby?
18-10-2005 16:14:57
Well, that wasn't exactly what I was thinking...
Ceric Crimson
18-10-2005 16:16:12
Sure it wasn't
Kaelin Ring
18-10-2005 23:13:46
Ceric, my sister.... I'm the ticking nuclear bomb. She's the one saying its God's will...
19-10-2005 07:24:22
Tis true...
Ceric Crimson
19-10-2005 16:12:19
Aha! I knew she was an angel sent from up above!!
19-10-2005 16:17:33
Well...thats confidential information, lets just say Rev needed a lot of heavenly help!
Ceric Crimson
19-10-2005 16:25:41
In what respect would that be?
19-10-2005 16:38:59
I'm afraid thats confidential information but if you read the fine print...
Ceric Crimson
19-10-2005 16:42:41
Dammit, I can't make it out!!!
19-10-2005 16:44:30
Really? Its in Russian...
Ceric Crimson
19-10-2005 17:03:47
Pre Revolutionary, or Post?
Kaelin Ring
20-10-2005 00:33:54
Pre, and all I was stating is that she's my Osama Binladen, saying that by me commiting suicide bombings that I will atain paradise. Not a very tasteful joke... though the spin you two gave it...
20-10-2005 15:05:27
Hey now! Watch yourself...
Ceric Crimson
20-10-2005 17:52:05
The spin we gave it made it more tasteful? B/C if its pre Red Revolution, its gatta be good.
20-10-2005 20:32:51
Defintely Pre!
Kaelin Ring
20-10-2005 22:24:14
Post then, watch what, Sister?
20-10-2005 23:22:39
You're smarter than that Rev
Ceric Crimson
21-10-2005 09:02:59
Hay Rev?...What the FK is wrong with you, son?
Kaelin Ring
21-10-2005 15:12:43
Many things. Too many to count. My friends say anything and everything....
21-10-2005 15:25:50
That is true
Kaelin Ring
21-10-2005 15:38:39
quiet you!
Ceric Crimson
21-10-2005 15:52:24
...yeah. I think you need to chill.
21-10-2005 18:06:09
Chill this: :lukevader:
Ceric Crimson
22-10-2005 22:18:01
Or this:
23-10-2005 10:14:50
I find this highly amusing.
23-10-2005 13:32:47
I'm glad SOMEONE does! LOL JK
Kaelin Ring
23-10-2005 19:56:37
It was a joke, sir Ceric.
Ceric Crimson
24-10-2005 18:36:43
Thank you, Lord Revaan. Truly your maners know no bounds, good sir.
Kaelin Ring
25-10-2005 22:56:42
Quite so, my Lord! And may I say, that is one fine tunic!
25-10-2005 23:45:41
You guys make me want to puke :sick:
Kaelin Ring
26-10-2005 23:49:49
Poor lass... you has a sensative constitution.
26-10-2005 23:55:43
When it comes to boys kissing a**, yes I guess I do!
Kaelin Ring
27-10-2005 00:00:35
To food and to civilized conversations more like, knave! This is between the Gentleman and I... JK my lady.
27-10-2005 00:03:19
So you aren't a Gentlemen Rev?
Kaelin Ring
27-10-2005 00:04:54
How'd you figure... we should really stop spamming sooo much.
27-10-2005 00:05:46
Um...I'm introducing my dead brother: Rev
Kaelin Ring
27-10-2005 00:07:32
Dead? I'm introducing my dreaming...
27-10-2005 00:24:05
You dream of me killing you?
Ceric Crimson
27-10-2005 20:59:24
Indeed. So sad, the women of this day and age...so sad.
They used to be refined, once upon a time... :w00t:
27-10-2005 21:13:57
Thanks a lot, brother, you needs a whoopin :whistling:
Ceric Crimson
27-10-2005 21:35:35
Come now M'Lady, surely there is no need for violence...unless of course its with a saber... *passes Devani saber under the table*
27-10-2005 21:43:20
I'm a Dark Jedi, of course I crave violence :whistling: but are you good enough for the saber? I don't know...
Kaelin Ring
28-10-2005 00:19:24
Saber's are for the weak. Use your bare hands.
28-10-2005 01:23:15
Mmmm...have you ever played Soul Calibur? The character Ivy uses the sword I would love to have: The Snake Sword, it rocks, thats what I would use!
Kaelin Ring
30-10-2005 12:33:39
Weak!! More like Nightmare's blade!!! Or Talim. Hey Peeps!!!
30-10-2005 15:46:55
I just like the way it unfurls like a whip/sword.
Ark Dowell
30-10-2005 19:14:40
Y'know what? I think I shoulda been a character in Soul Caliber.
Ceric Crimson
30-10-2005 22:15:17
Nightmare all the way!
But when I said saber, I meant the actually metal kind. They are so...refined, and aristocratic. It takes skill to use them properly, so no, they're not weak.
Kaelin Ring
01-11-2005 21:34:13
One-thousand!!! Woot!!! Yes, I know saber's take a llittle bit of skill but they don't take as much finesse as other weapons such as the Katana.
Ceric Crimson
02-11-2005 08:11:56
I would say katanas take more skill then finesse, but...
Kaelin Ring
03-11-2005 21:11:14
Fine then... RAPIER!!!
Ceric Crimson
05-11-2005 23:47:28
Aha! Now your thinking!! I LOVE the Rapier, its so...in between skill and finesse...perfect balance...mmm...I love my weapons, what can I say?
Don't even get me started on projectile weaponry!
Kaelin Ring
06-11-2005 14:29:25
Those are barbarically evil, and unsophisticated... I think that's one of the few things I agree with Obi-one on.
Ceric Crimson
14-11-2005 16:19:01
Every weapon style has an adiquite use. Never think otherways...thats why the samurai lost their freedom...why the natives of your country lost to you...and why that one guy in Indiana Jones with the cool sword got himself a bullet through the heart. Heed this lesson well...
Kaelin Ring
18-11-2005 15:35:19
The Indians lost this country for two reasons.
1) They were ill equiped and behind the times... being away from the civilized world and all.
2) They didn't have the sense to fight back before they realized there were too many to fight.
Ceric Crimson
30-11-2005 17:12:34
1. No offense, but that was very ignorant of you.
2. They were well equipted enough to survive in their own world, against things that they knew how to fight.
3. If a "civilized world" commits genocide then it is clearly not a civilization that I would want any part in.
4. Some clans didn't fight back b/c they were pacifistic, something that was waaay ahead of their time. And something that the 'civilized world' could have learned a thing or two about. Not to mention their deep connection with nature.
5. I could go on and explain how 'civilized' the conquestadores were, breaking treaties and all, but why bother.
Kaelin Ring
02-12-2005 13:12:37
I recognize that some were pacifist but I was speaking in general.
They were NOT equiped well enough to fight the new enemy that had appeared on their shores.
I recognize the fact that the conquistadores raped, pilaged, burned and other such things, but some of the immigrants that came over here to settle, yea most, were not here to kill. They were here for religious freedom and because of the fact that Britain was overcrowded.
What are you trying to suggest about me?
Ceric Crimson
02-12-2005 16:25:16
What I meant to show by stating the facts that I did was simply that the Native Americans were out-matched and relatively defensless against the cruelty of european culture in that time and era, and I only did that, because you made it sound like it was the Native Americans' fault for dying.
And as a side note; the conquistadores murdered and pillaged and raped all in the name of 'god'. Because they regarded the 'Indians' as a barbaric and (as you said) 'uncivilized' bunch of savages.
In my humble opinion, they were plenty civilized in their own right and far more understanding of the way the world worked (in some respects) then the "modern" colonists that so eagerly found an excuse to murder in the name of a corrupt church.
(corrupt Roman Catholic church of the era, I mean. By no means do I wish to offend anyone that is Catholic, I'm merly stating historical fact.)
(Oh, and I by no means said, or meant to say that all, or even half the people that came over from Europe were the blood thirsty murderers that commited the act of genocide...though Columbus was definatly not among the happy-get-along-with-the-savages kind of guy)
Kaelin Ring
04-12-2005 22:30:49
Oh, and I agree totally. I just... nm. You're right. I understated the facts and humbly appologize.
Ceric Crimson
05-12-2005 14:41:42
I didn't mean to come off as an arse(as they say in England). Sorry for getting on yours, Rev. I just have a passion for correctivness(if thats a word) in history.
Kaelin Ring
06-12-2005 11:49:49
It's cool, I'm nearly the same way. I just haven't studied the Native Americans very thoroughly. I would rather study the good old days when it took some skill to kill your enemies.
Wes Biriuk
07-12-2005 05:46:36
I love Ancient history, Greek and Roman in particular, but I LOVE Late Republic Rome and Alexandrian Greece over anything.
07-12-2005 13:56:09
My Great Grandmother was a full blooded Native American needless to say I know alot of their culture
Ark Dowell
07-12-2005 20:07:55
I wish I had a Native American relative.
Ceric Crimson
08-12-2005 15:29:13
I LOVE the glory days of the Spartans...the battle of Thermopolaye in particular.
Heroes, hell, GODS--to the last man!
Kaelin Ring
09-12-2005 12:53:05
We'll probably have to drop this board too, my friend. They banned me from posting for a day "becauseof spam". Whatever, dude.
Ceric Crimson
10-12-2005 21:29:09
When have you been spamming!? You have always been responding to the previous post!!
...by the way...HELLO EVERYONE!!!
10-12-2005 23:28:05
Responding to posts for the sake of responding to posts is SPAM. All of these topics have basically turned into SPAM (ie. going completely off topic). As such, any other responses are also Spam. We have asked that you stop this practice
Kaelin Ring
14-12-2005 11:18:26
You must be blind.... We have been, if not stoping, limiting ourselves and where we post. Open your eyes, and look around the boards.
Ceric Crimson
14-12-2005 15:13:52
Easy Heraldo, that post is a bit old.
Kaelin Ring
16-12-2005 15:11:59
I'm trying, but since I haven't been on for awhile I have to catch up. Sorry.