31-07-2005 01:26:32
Leadership Guidelines
Below you shall find descriptions detailing the basic duties for each leadership position in Clan Arcona. This guideline can be used by each house in Arcona and it will be used to monitor and evaluate each leader in Arcona on a consistent basics. Not meeting what is outlined below will be a primary factor in determining whether a leader will be removed from his or her position.
Although specific duties are mentioned, all leaders are more than welcome to go beyond what has been described. Leaders shall reap the benefits of both fulfilling their duties and going beyond them. A leader should be committed and driven, wanting and doing what is best for both their House and Arcona.
Any questions or comments should be directed to the Consul of Arcona.
Dark Side Adept Corran Halcyon Arconae
di Tenebrous Arconae
Praetor to the Combat Master
Knight Class Envoy
Guardsman of the Master at Arms
BattleTeam Leader:
§ Must be rank of Acolyte or higher to apply
§ Must keep weekly track of member activities (include in report)
§ Run upto 2 Competitions per month (no more than 2 weeks for each Competition)
§ Must submit weekly reports to the House Summit and post them to the Dark Brotherhood site
§ Stay in constant communication with your Team and House Summit
§ Any other duties assigned by the House Summit
Along with the above requirements, the main responsibility of the Battleteam leader is to motivate his/her members. Although you may run your own smaller competitions, your primary duty is to ensure all relevant information is passed onto your team and seeing that they participate in House/Clan/DB competitions and be an active part of the house and clan. It is also your duty to “lead by example” and be the most active member of your team.
§ Must be the rank of Guardian or higher to apply
§ Directly responsible for all members below the rank of Acolyte (in most cases, shall be named House Envoy)
§ Assist and/or run House competitions
§ Assist in the maintenance of the House website
§ Run “silent” AWOL checks (mail member deemed inactive directly; should no response be given, AWOL the respective member)
§ Stay in constant communication with your House, Quaestor and the Clan Summit
§ Any other duties assigned to you by the Quaestor
§ Weekly House Report in the absence of the Quaestor
The job of the Aedile is two-fold. Their first task is to ensure that the newest members of the House are formally greeted and given a detailed mail explaining their House, Clan and how to get through their initial ranks. As such, an Aedile shall normally be named House Envoy with all duties that entails.
Secondly, an Aedile is the right-hand of the Quaestor, and as such, is expected to assist in any and all projects that are related to their House. Should the Quaestor be on leave or the position empty, the Aedile shall assume these duties during the short-term.
§ Must be the rank of Jedi Hunter or higher to apply
§ Must keep activity records of their members (to be taken from Battleteam Reports) and either post amalgamated records in their weekly report, or send to the Consul directly on a consistent basis
§ Must submit a Weekly Report to their House and the Clan Summit; Report must be posted on the Dark Brotherhood site
§ Ensure that members of their house are rewarded in a fashion consistent with their activity (Promotions and/or medals equalling their activity)
§ Run competition on a consistent basis, that relates to the “platforms” your House members may participate in; Two Competitions per month
§ Maintain an updated House website
§ Track the activities of your Aedile and Team Leaders, ensuring that they are meeting their positional guidelines
§ Stay in constant communication with your House as well as the Clan Summit
§ Any other duties assigned to you by the Consul or Proconsul
A Quaestor’s job is intensive, overseeing the entirety of the House and making sure that each individual part is running smoothly. The Quaestor is perhaps the most important position in any Clan, able to make or break a House no matter the external influence. As such, all Arcona Quaestor’s must never falter in their activity levels, motivating both themselves and the rest of their House to achieve the greater goals.
Due to the structure of the Dark Brotherhood, a Quaestor should have knowledge of all of the platforms used, or have the initiative to learn. They must also know how and when to delegate work. Although ultimately responsible for the well being and activity of the House, a Quaestor also has an Aedile with whom he/she can utilize to assist in various duties. An Aedile however should never be doing the bulk of House-related work. They are there to assist, not take over.
Reporting Schedule:
BattleTeam Report:
§ Wednesday or Thursday
§ Focus on Team activity; Competitions that team member can participate in
House Report:
§ Firday or Saturday
§ Focus on House related news and activity
Clan Report:
§ Sunday or Monday
§ Focus on Clan/DB news and activity