Lissom? No way you didn't use a thesaurus here =P Nice word use.
Perilous rifle? Heh. no. stop using words you don't know the meaning of =P
Blistered beads of sweat? Dude.... put thesaurus.com away
You can't knock over solid rock [Expletive Deleted] that's a few meters wide, man. You're an EQ 1 and even with OBL you'd have trouble with that. Tone down the power; this isn't force unleashed and you're not an elder
You finished the post having stabbed yourself in the side with a dagger just below the ribs in the side. I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure that'd hit some [Expletive Deleted]ing organs and cause you no small ammount of death. This may be a deal breaker if you don't RP it correctly down the line in the fight.
Neither of you have made reference to the somewhat catastrophic knifewound that would have Boba Fett himself checking into A&E other than acknowledging its presence. This mother[Expletive Deleted]er would seriously put a crimp on your movement and presumably the ammounts of blood you have left

However, both of you have done this, so it's not just your error now, Jay.
Otherwise, a pretty solid post. No major errors, no grammar or spelling issues of any consequence, properly annotated, and a nasty touch taking off her fingers
Down upon the downed Mandalorian? You can do better than that Jay =P
There's a lot grunting, snapping, barking etc in your posts Juda, I'm half expecting you to give up the charade and start rutting next.
Other than that, a couple of minor typos (CHECK YOUR [Expletive Deleted]ING WORK) but a good, entertaining end to the battle. You nearly at your best, I'd say. Though, [Expletive Deleted] punting your opponent is [Expletive Deleted]ing harsh =P
I've noticed something, Xath: you're very, very perceptive on how the ACC usually is judged - i.e. basically counting the mistakes the kids make, which is a shame as I try to base merit in there too, but it's hard to maintain at times. Your style seems to centre around making as few mistakes as possible. As a result, not as much happens in the posts, but you produce solid, battle winning posts, such as this one that are grammatically fine, just prosaic enough to be an entertaining read, however not much happens in them to build tension, just maintain it. It's a conservative method, but I gotta say, in this fight so far, it's working.
Okay, I'm a little put off by the opening to your second post, Kris. you've said that the rushing air cooled your burning stumps. This, whilst technically true, would NOT be worthy of note or even available to sensory perception when one loses fingers. Also, there ain't rushing air indoors in a sandy arena =P I know I shouldn't be ragging over one turn of phrase, but it really caught me out and doesn't seem like a detail that would even add to the atmosphere of the fight, i.e. it doesn't feel like your usual standard of posting. You also don't try to control the pain from losing digits and continue to fight. That's a little bit of a no-no in my eyes.
Wait, retract that las point. you used CTP in the next para. my bad.
Otherwise, solid post, not bad, not bad.
A usual solid effort, however, this post felt...rushed, somehow. The abrupt change of momentum at the end is jarring. Xathia has held the advantage all through the match and yet she suddenly decides '[Expletive Deleted] it, I'm tired'? I find that hard to believe. It's not like she's going up against a clearly superior foe - you're both EQ1.
No errors other than a change in continuity that feels forced and false. I dunno :/
This mother[Expletive Deleted]er has been close. Jay cocked up at the start of the fight with the knife, but made up with some fantastic writing later on and the clearly superior DP. Xathia, you've been consistently good all through the match, but you've never been great. In future, you need to learn to push the boundaries and gamble a bit; it makes for a more entertaining read, and at the end of the day, that's what it comes down to. The Judge is also looking to be entertained and feel part of the battle. Writing conservatively won't do that. I feel the momentous points of the battle were almost exclusively in Juda's posts, which also had an original flare I've not seen in a long time, so the win is going to him, however Jay, you do have a lot of room for improvement and you need to check damage [Expletive Deleted] in the future.
Jay = 12 points
Xathia = 4 points