G&b Poem

Laigerick Sithelhood

31-01-2007 22:28:16

Here's the poem I submitted to my PCON's comp entitled, "The Good and the Bad."

The Good Side, or Light,
Blinds the users sight,
So they may never see their power's true height.

But the oppisite of the Light,
Is more powerful, due to its malevolence and might,
It causes, for all who oppose it, terrible blight and fright.

This Darkness, casting enternal night,
Upon the light,

Laigerick Sithelhood

31-01-2007 22:29:14

Here's the link to my previous piece...

Killer Instinct

Ylith Pandemonium

01-02-2007 10:30:04

This counts for 0.2 pages, together with 7, you will need 2.8 more pages and do 2 reviews on other stories to
qualify for a Dark Side Scroll.


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