Run On 2 (discussion)


11-01-2008 00:39:51

I decided to start this topic so we could get brain storming for a new run on. The first was designed explicitly to train new-comers, however every time Kazarelth tried taking the story to training exercises, the people who were supposed to be taking part did something else. I'm not blaming anybody, you've been here a long time and I'm sure training exercises are pretty low on your list of fun stuff (and this is supposed to be fun). With that said I recommend deleting all the posts in the previous run on after Kazarelth's and starting over. I will happily participate and write new posts (and I'm sure Sato will as well... maybe I can even get Smoke to).

So with that run-on an incredibly beneficial training run-on I think it would be nice to have a run on for you honchos as well.

However, I think the end product is as important as the journey. As such I feel that it's important that we outline what is going to happen before it actually happens. In the beginning we'll figure out a start, a build-up, a climax, and a resolution. Once we have it we'll start posting and people can dramatize the innards how they see fit (though if it does not fit well it should be edited for the product's sake).

I realize some people aren't grammar addicts (not that I am, but I try to make it look nice). English grammar sucks. Even for native speakers. I cannot imagine what poor Kazarelth went through learning it as a second language :). If you feel your grammar is not up to par then, instead of posting, write your post in Microsoft Word and send it someone whose grammar you trust and have them correct it. They can send it back and you can post it yourself. Just be sure your place-holder is up (and try not to take more than a day).

I've been brain-storming like crazy and I understand Sato has as well... hopefully you find this idea to your liking, I'm always willing to hear new fun ideas.

Also Shan-Long mentioned that this is how Clan Naga Sadow wins most of the ROs in the GJWs :).

Here's what I emailed you guys earlier:

Anyway to start... we need something that would actually
cause a large number of Sith and Dark Jedi some problems.
After days of rolling this idea in my head (with the
knowledge that we are not allowed to use the Vong) I came
up with the idea of a sort of ... incorporeal enemy. The
Corsair has been beached on the planet and must have
smashed deep into the ground, well past the base. It
could have opened up holes into any sort of place and
caused some serious ruptures in the hull. Such a thing
could enter through any of the ruptures via some sort of
cave network below the original facility. As far as what
the thing actually is... my best idea is that it's an
original Sith. Not a bullshit Sith like we are, but a
real one. The new novels are seeing a resurgence of
Sithness in terms of technology, dead worlds, etc... and
it might help tie us in a little. Such a nemesis would
provide us with a certain level of challenge even for
y'all dinosaurs. If the ... whatever ... is incorporeal
we could come to a climax with a massive force battle in
some part of the ship since physical attacks would not
hurt such a creature. Think what's his face from the Jedi
Academy series (which I didn't finish, boring).

Sith Bloodfyre

11-01-2008 18:59:16

I'd just like to point out one quick thing about the last run-on. Fictionally, it was an effort to train new members, yes. Realistically, it was intended to get new and veteran members alike posting, working together, getting to know each other, etc. The fact that other "plot twists" were introduced does not somehow detract from the run-on as an activity. There is sometimes a misunderstanding that what is said "in character" does not always translate "out of character." What other members were doing by introducing other plot twists was, they were trying to show that even when you arrange something and intend to work on something as simple as training (fictionally), the galaxy at large does not always say, "Ok, yeah, we won't throw any curveballs at you or anything. It's going to be a quiet day today."

It may be that was at times, but scheduling training exercises fictionally does not save anyone from the necessity of having to drop what we're doing and roll into action when called upon.


11-01-2008 20:04:06

Well, it's probably not my place to debate but...

Whether or not the function of the run-on was training, it appears as though it has reached a dead-end. Plot twists were presented but nobody who presented them seems eager to hash them out and finish them. I don't mean to offend anyone (though I'm sure I will), I would just like to actually be able to post on a consistent basis, and the current activity level of run on 1 is poor at best (which is a shame).

Someone mentioned that this idea seems more like preorchestrated fiction, though I would disagree. A vague outline only helps to increase consistency and continuity, which is important. As far as subplots go, I feel they should be approved for the sake of the run on. Maybe that is my perverse totalitarian system of ideals coming forward, but it's nice when things are orderly. Additionally, a sub-forum for the Run On would allow side quests to have their own thread. That would keep it clean, organized, easy to read, and more entertaining, as the people who go on the side-quests would not have to search through dozens of posts to find the ones which apply.

My only motivation is having a nice, fun place to post for Cestus. At the moment, we do not have one.

Edit: Also, Shan did say that this was how his clan wins so many run-on competitions in the GJW and since practice makes perfect...


12-01-2008 00:17:02

That is the unfortunate side to run-ons, and why getting a really good one can be tough. Trev (Shan Long) is correct: CNS does tend to write very good run-ons.

It is alright for run-ons to have a basic plot and to be guided by someone, or a small group. In fact, I think it is preferable. But, those plots need to be flexible enough in case something really changes. Think of it this way: many novels, especially SW novels, have several plot threads that spread out in different directions. Ultimately, of course, the author brings everything together for a final result.

Good example: Return of the Jedi as the conclusion to the original trilogy. In RoTJ, we have the plot of Han and company trying to destroy the shield generator, Luke has his mission to save his father, and Lando and the other rebels are trying to destroy the Death Star. As we all know, each of these individual sub-plots came together to form the whole story.

It is also perfectly acceptable to write for other people, so long as you portray their characters along the same lines that they do (read other posts, character histories, and wiki pages). If they won't post again, then you, and other participants, can wrap up their sub-plot for them. If they do return, they can take it over again.

In the end, communication is the key. Not just on these message boards, but also in e-mails and chats. Talk to the other writers and say "hey, I'm going to take things in this direction" and get their feedback. Offer to make some adjustments to help them out if it will turn out best for the entire effort.

The clan will be working on its run-ons, at every level. Keep up the good work.


12-01-2008 02:53:34

Thank you, I think.

I realize that books take many directions. That's fine. The thing that happened with the first run-on is that somebody started something (the main run-on plot) and then someone took it another way. People started leaving the main plot to take part in this subplot. But NOBODY every even hinted as to what the subplot was. Everyone was waiting for someone else to take the initiative and decide what that subplot would be. So nobody posted. Still nobody is posting. I just find it kind of depressing. I would really like to be able to come on, read the posts of the day, write my daily post and be able to check it again tomorrow.

Ideally I think Kazarelth should lead this one also, since he's a very good writer.

Either way, we still need more input on the plot. I'm on IRC ALL the time, pretty much. Someone come brainstorm with me, ffs lol.


12-01-2008 06:54:16

In defence of the one Karel and I started, initally it was meant to just be for us two, so as not to overly disturb whatever plot had been agreed on for the rest. Let's face it, run on's for the most part need to be fun to entice people to participate and a training exercise isn't fun :P

Also, even if things do go tits up with just Karel and I away, what could be better for the Cestus Journeymen then a live fire exercise?

Sith Bloodfyre

12-01-2008 14:01:51

Having an overall outline for a run-on? Always a good idea. In the past, we have done this with Clan run-ons in GJWs and such. We try to have an overall vision of what is going to occur. After all, we (as a Clan) are the collective authors. No author writes a book blindly. They don't always ask themselves, or others, "Gosh, what's going to happen in the next chapter? I have no idea where this is going!"

Authors may not figure out every specific detail until it comes time to write, but they have an overall outline. This is absolutely something that we should all be working towards. Trev has as much experience with writing as many of us, and in some cases, even more. There are a great many members in this Clan who have a wealth of knowledge and experience with different facets of writing. Oberst is great at the technical aspects of writing, and also does a good job with visualization and imagery. Troutrooper and Saitou both have amazing abilities when it comes to putting an image into your head and drawing you in with their writing; they really make you feel like you're a part of what they're doing. Anshar is very creative, and is able to come up with ideas that stretch our possibilities and potential. There's so many other members of this Clan, and even this House in particular, who can help make each of us better.

Outlines? Great thing. Discussing problems and ideas as a House? Absolutely a great thing. You should never worry about bringing up your thoughts or concerns on an activity. Be a part of things. This House is made up of each of us, which means your input and your activity is just as vital as that of Karel, Kazarelth, Anshar, or anyone.

And I've lost my train of thought, so have a wonderful weekend.


12-01-2008 20:53:07

Well, thank you.

I appreciate the support of the outline idea, but this thread really isn't designed for that. So far nobody has actually posted any feedback on the idea of a new run on or any ideas for said run on.

I'm a little disheartened.

Also, how come no Cestus are ever on IRC anymore? :(

Sith Bloodfyre

12-01-2008 23:26:08

No one may be supporting said idea because either no one is interested in that specific idea, no one has the time to discuss it yet, or any number of reasons. If you want to work on starting up a particular run-on, my advice would be to work with Karel and Kazarelth and see if they're interested in working it as a House thing, or work with Smoke on doing a team one.


13-01-2008 01:38:24

Well, I got a positive email response. I sent out another email suggesting we take it here. And have gotten absolutely zero response here.

I don't really care if other people don't want too. I would still like to have something to write consistently... even with only 3 or 4 other people it would still be fun so long as everyone is active.

I haven't heard from either Karel or Kazarelth in weeks :( I miss them.

Sith Bloodfyre

13-01-2008 13:16:20

Karel and Kazarelth may be working on school stuff. I think they mentioned something about that a while back.


13-01-2008 13:50:56

Ah I must have missed it. I'm lucky, classes don't start for over a week :D


13-01-2008 14:47:34

/me spanks BF Dang you, you awoke my slumber :P (J/K)

Well I feel entitled to post my thoughts, as this is my only take it as such.

Im not a fan of RO's, never have been, never will be. Reasoning for this is simple, yet silly. My grammar is horrid, and trying to read through all the post's to find something that will fit is not fun, hence why I stay away from them. Im not saying, I wont ever post. Just that you could count me in for other stuff in a vendetta, before I would post in RO's. I agree having something fun to do in the house is always a good idea. More power to those that want to do the RO's. If I normally write, fiction wise....I usually go with this thought "If its not a plot, or topic Im into, then I dont and wont do it." Ill do ACC on a occasion, normally when I feel up to it, or write poetry, or fiction based apon my thoughts and what I want to see it as.

I hate to be a downer, but I stay in this club for many reasons, and RO's are just not my idea of fun. I can give ideas, that much I can and will do, posting wise, maybe if I like the plot.....or if its at the beginning, or I can actually see where its heading(topic wise).

Anyway back to the issue,
I agree it would be nice for the house to have a RO, that might be used as a basis of "history, or Cestus fiction" but then we also look at the fact we have 19 people in the house, with that low of people we are not going to see 100% activity, most may not even know what a RO is.
So what can we do? Well RO's can lead to fun issues, and lets be doesnt need 500 people to make it a success. Yes, some people might feel everyone in the house has a opinion, thats true for the most part. But we also look at why is there a lack of the younger crowd not being a part? Well school, jobs, and Real life stuff take us away at times, more so than others, some get the wrong idea when they sign up for this club, and just didnt know what we truly do, others get burnt out, and some just wont plan do anything. Lets be thankful we do have a small base of good active people, even if they dont seem to "always" be around. They are, some like me...just need a good ol electric shock to prod us into activity.
SO what all ideas do we have at this point?

The last RO (#1) I never read the plot.....sorry my bad. Even the house fiction escapes me. I do know that we have a ISD/SSD thats about it.
I do remember the RO, with the Draguar(sp?) and that was a neat RO, but then...posts got huge, and the idea was multi-pronged. I agree with the fact, there is sub-plots to everything...and at times, yes it gets confusing. I can see where Huldrych is coming from, an organized RO, is something we would all like to see...I even feel it is done in such a manner, most could follow the posting, even as far as someone getting the word out there as such, that we could easily post in, and that it flows well enough to be a good and fun item. If I knew from day 1 to half way through were it was, and what most if not all people were doing....I might be able to post, and not haveto read for an hour to catch up.(Yes thats where I get discouraged....playing catchup sucks!)

So small RO's will be good, but not at the effect that we see people getting left out. Even going as far as talking to people to get them or try to find out why they havent posted yet.


13-01-2008 16:51:12

Woooooooow! Smoke posted! :D

I'm coming on IRC, DON'T LEAVE!


14-01-2008 23:38:05

Whoa. When the hell did this happen? :P

Anyway, just to clarify a few things:

1.) I am really sorry about the previous RO. It was completely my fault. I couldn't knit in a lot of threads together (I thought I could heh). Still, it hasn't reached such a distraught little point-of-death, i.e. I do think it can be salvaged.

2.) I hadn't posted in some time mainly because I had my exams, which are still going on. Currently my tough ones are over and I am here to spend my free time.

3.) About the organisation of the RO: Most of you must have seen Tarentum's GJW RO. From my point of view that was very well done, with a few minor digressions. We stuck to our plot, and that was due to the guidelines BF provided in another thread. Which brings me to this: I had posted a help thread. No one posted back. I had also asked people to mail me if you had any problems, no one did so {If you did, then my spam glutton must've eaten it :P}. I just had a really small discussion with Karel about the run on's plot to which he sarcastically replied "Awesome plot Kaz" :P

4.) The plot: I refrained from posting again because of a few plans of Anshar's. I wanted this run on to merge with our Clan's story. So, I tried running around for a while till the official word was released. I now realise that there should've been a minor plot before this. Again, my fault. Sorry.


So, how about salvaging that one and making it a small RO, as Smoke says?


15-01-2008 13:08:02

Well, any ideas I've posted here are perfectly applicable to RO1 as well. So long as I have some place to post I am happy :).


15-01-2008 16:22:06

Kaz....I guess the question is, what will it take to "fix" the RO?

I mean all well here, but if the RO soured this soon, maybe we need to look at why? Was the plot not working for others? Sometimes people might need a little poke to get ideas. I guess I cant talk, since I dont know what the plot was :P
Maybe I might go back and look to see what I can try and help.

Edit: After finishing reading the RO #1, I guess I cant see where or why anyone would say its defunct. As of current, Sato/Huld are heading towards Yridia IV to save Karel/Welshman from a trap.....BF, Im not sure if hes still on the Corsair. Kaz, is still there holding the fort down.

Now I see two plots, as discussed that every story has more than one plot.

Plot #1: Journeyman are facing a challenge, that await them. (However with Huldrych going with Sato, throws a monkey wrench there.) This plot is very salvagable, by every reguards.

Plot #2: A trap lies for Welshman/Karel....However we do not know as of yet what is truly happening on Yridia IV. With 3 incoming Equite's and a Journeyman. I cant see where this would be a big issue, all looks well enough even for a fan of non-RO's like myself :)

With everyone posting as such, all the writing looks rather great at this point. I cant see any issues with another post to help clear things up and set the stage for Plot 1 to continue as soon as Huldrych and Sato return to the Corsair, as I do remeber that Huldrych did say there was a issue with the plot, this is true as I stated in the first plot me Plot 1 gets a small pause, so that plot 2 can be finished.

This of course is just my 2 cents......still like to know where BF went to ? His character was last seen in the corsair meditating then conferring with Karel right before Karel/Welshman left to attend to things on Yridia IV. After that Sato felt in the force that BF left? or did I miss something?


20-01-2008 23:06:13

The reason I call it defunct is that nobody's posted on it in 17 days. Obviously there's something wrong lol :huh:


21-01-2008 09:50:20

Knowing we have Sato, Karel, Huld, Kaz, welsh, and BF(sorta, school!) and I guess me...that are around and active so to speak......I guess maybe a email to these people to find out whats the dealo.

Sith Bloodfyre

21-01-2008 13:04:23

I can be around on weekends. I'd be around doing stuff today, but I'm only home for a few minutes longer. I've got all sorts of studying for a test tomorrow, and since it's a day off of school, I actually want to go do something. :P

The run-on can be considered defunct. It can also be restarted. Posts can be deleted, and we can go back to the first post, or anything like that.


22-01-2008 04:37:06

Right then. There is no plot as such for now for this run on, since I was thinking of going along our Consul's Clan fiction lines. [Cestus gets new supercool equipment which needs special fuel to run it. Special fuel available only in a select few systems. And so on..]
Since Anshar scrapped that idea, and will be releasing a new one later this month, which will include an RO as well, I'd suggest we leave RO1 as it is for now. After our Clan comp. is over, we'd see what we can do with it. :)