I decided to start this topic so we could get brain storming for a new run on. The first was designed explicitly to train new-comers, however every time Kazarelth tried taking the story to training exercises, the people who were supposed to be taking part did something else. I'm not blaming anybody, you've been here a long time and I'm sure training exercises are pretty low on your list of fun stuff (and this is supposed to be fun). With that said I recommend deleting all the posts in the previous run on after Kazarelth's and starting over. I will happily participate and write new posts (and I'm sure Sato will as well... maybe I can even get Smoke to).
So with that run-on an incredibly beneficial training run-on I think it would be nice to have a run on for you honchos as well.
However, I think the end product is as important as the journey. As such I feel that it's important that we outline what is going to happen before it actually happens. In the beginning we'll figure out a start, a build-up, a climax, and a resolution. Once we have it we'll start posting and people can dramatize the innards how they see fit (though if it does not fit well it should be edited for the product's sake).
I realize some people aren't grammar addicts (not that I am, but I try to make it look nice). English grammar sucks. Even for native speakers. I cannot imagine what poor Kazarelth went through learning it as a second language
. If you feel your grammar is not up to par then, instead of posting, write your post in Microsoft Word and send it someone whose grammar you trust and have them correct it. They can send it back and you can post it yourself. Just be sure your place-holder is up (and try not to take more than a day).
I've been brain-storming like crazy and I understand Sato has as well... hopefully you find this idea to your liking, I'm always willing to hear new fun ideas.
Also Shan-Long mentioned that this is how Clan Naga Sadow wins most of the ROs in the GJWs
Here's what I emailed you guys earlier:
Anyway to start... we need something that would actually
cause a large number of Sith and Dark Jedi some problems.
After days of rolling this idea in my head (with the
knowledge that we are not allowed to use the Vong) I came
up with the idea of a sort of ... incorporeal enemy. The
Corsair has been beached on the planet and must have
smashed deep into the ground, well past the base. It
could have opened up holes into any sort of place and
caused some serious ruptures in the hull. Such a thing
could enter through any of the ruptures via some sort of
cave network below the original facility. As far as what
the thing actually is... my best idea is that it's an
original Sith. Not a bullshit Sith like we are, but a
real one. The new novels are seeing a resurgence of
Sithness in terms of technology, dead worlds, etc... and
it might help tie us in a little. Such a nemesis would
provide us with a certain level of challenge even for
y'all dinosaurs. If the ... whatever ... is incorporeal
we could come to a climax with a massive force battle in
some part of the ship since physical attacks would not
hurt such a creature. Think what's his face from the Jedi
Academy series (which I didn't finish, boring).