New Supreme Champion?


30-01-2005 08:45:45

I'm not sure about this, but won't the winner of the RoS Chapter 2 ladder become Supreme Champion?

Since it is a DJB wide ladder...

Dark Sabre

30-01-2005 08:49:09

Go read Dalthid's post.

He explains what's going to happen with supreme champion and champions and all of that.


30-01-2005 08:55:31

I apparently missed that...


30-01-2005 15:58:33

damned old guys :P


06-02-2005 21:22:49

Uh...I'll say the answer is no. Dalthid can't be beaten. Well he can be...but that club was a birthday present..... :S


07-02-2005 07:43:04

y'know... I HAVE lost battles before... 6 out of 38... though a few of them I disagree with :) (yea, even some of the wins)


07-02-2005 07:46:57

oh yea... and no... DJB ladders, just because they include everyone are not championship ladders...

much like heavyweight boxing, the 'title' actually has to be up for grabs, i.e. the fight has to be billed as such

the SCH or even the CH title, for that matter, are NOT always up for grabs, the only way to lose it is through a declared battle or ladder


14-03-2005 11:06:23

Good, I was almost afraid I'd miss out on the fun. At least I can participate in the second ladder, now :D


14-03-2005 15:40:33

Timeros! Long time no see!


14-03-2005 16:40:18

How delightful to see you!


23-07-2005 20:50:32

I didn't know there was a time limit on ranks. I like Dathlid, a new Cm would be wierd.


25-07-2005 17:40:58

Combat Master and Supreme Champion are not the same thing.

The Combat Master is the ruler of the ACC, the Supreme Champion is the ACC's 'supreme' fighter.

Mike Halcyon

25-07-2005 18:22:19

*grabs the mic and calls out Dalthid pro-wrestling-style*


25-07-2005 19:39:33

join the CHL's like everyone else, Lightie :P Then maybe, just maybe you'll get the chance to be beaten by me :P

Mike Halcyon

26-07-2005 05:29:17

You`re going down! Dark Side is Dark Side for life - but Light Side is Light Side FOREVER!


27-07-2005 10:33:23

ONce you go dark you never go....can't think of anything