Title|Ranks Poll
30-01-2005 08:25:16
Alright, I think every new CM has changed the titles/ranks, lets face it, its easy and its something they can say they did. Well, I don't want to be that lame about it. I must confess that I am NOT a fan of what they presently are, but I figured I'd shoot for a poll to see if anyone agreed with me.
Feel free to make suggestions or comment...
30-01-2005 08:26:17
No, that will only cause confusion
Dark Sabre
30-01-2005 08:27:31
Then vote Cybey, cuz I said yes and yes is at 100% right now.
They need niftier names, but that shouldn't really be a priority. We should work on more important stuff... once Dalthid decides what those things are.
30-01-2005 08:30:42
Holy [Expletive Deleted]... do you guys sleep here or something? I just posted this!
30-01-2005 08:31:46
Holy [Expletive Deleted]... do you guys sleep here or something? I just posted this!
What's that?
Dark Sabre
30-01-2005 08:40:56
Yup, nope.... uh. What are we talking about again?
Seeker = I liked Learner better personally...
Soldier = I liked Fighter better too...
Combatant = Eh. It can stay.
Warrior = Needs to be changed. Too easily confused with Sith Warrior. Maybe duelist?
Gladiator = Maybe. Depends on how they restructure the Guard as it used to be one of the guard ranks.
Knight = Acceptable, maybe not ideal.
Knight Lord = Ew. Never liked this rank. Samurai is a possibility.
Shogun = If we use Samurai Shogun would be logical, no? Except Shogun sucks as a rank name. I would think something that seems to say "Trained killer who is so much awesomer than you that you stand no chance." Obviously, that's a bit too long.
EDIT: Zealot would be an at least somewhat cool rank too.
30-01-2005 12:44:09
I don't like the ACC ranks because most of them are to much like titles from the RL. I like warrior, but do you have to be accomplished to be a warrior? I like names like zealot, warrior, and lord knight. Just a thought though.......
Nekura Manji
30-01-2005 12:50:30
Personally, I think the current ranks work pretty well. Although I am slightly biased- I just want to get Shogun at some point

Interesting face for you all- Shogun is actually a shortening of the original title, 'Sei-taishogun', which literally meant 'Barbarian subduing generalissimo'. Did you need to know that? No. I'll shut up now...
But anyway, one thing that could be done would be to introduce special ranks- perhaps for winning ACC Competitions or something? Say, using the current KRoS as an example, if there was an ACC event where you had to defeat some K'hamar'an warlord, the victor would recieve the rank of 'Subduer of the K'hamar'an'. Of course, that title sucks, but it's just an example...
30-01-2005 15:07:51
I wasn't quite fond of any of those rank names, old or new. Keeping it simple and using level 0 - whatever would be my preference.
30-01-2005 15:09:50
Level 0 etc? IMHO that's too MMORPG like..
30-01-2005 15:57:18
damn don't kill me... but I was actually considering a mixture of the class type thing and a level type thing...
kinda like Learner Lvl 1 or 1st Level Learner, 2nd, 3rd
Combatant 1st, 2nd, 3rd...
but that would only make sense if/when I revamp the ACC points stuff
I know its retarde... it was just a thought
30-01-2005 16:04:54
Yeah no doubt the points need fixing.
I don't see it as lame, it looks more lame to keep making up ranks when the DB in itself already uses ranks.
30-01-2005 20:00:48
I just dont like the current names myself. The leveling-up aspect seems ok, so long as the names used in conjunction are decent
Shogun? No

Star Wars people, Star Wars
31-01-2005 07:40:06
I agree with that Halc:)
Sorry Manji, he's got a point
Just replace Seeker and Soldier and I'll be happy, perhaps Shogun too...
Nekura Manji
31-01-2005 11:03:16
<_< Hmph... whatever.

Perhaps we need some kind of commitee to think of new names for the ACC Ranks? I mean, Soldier? :S
31-01-2005 11:06:43
I also like the whole level thing. It makes more sense in a wierd sort of way. :blink:
02-02-2005 08:30:23
I can't stand the current ranks... there just isn't any flow to them, plus they clash with other ranks. Knight=Dark Jedi Knight anyone?
I really think that they need some kind of common feel to them. I actually agree to an extent with a far more simple set of ranks like Arania suggested. Maybe not "Level 1, Level 2" but something along the lines of the ranks I formerly proposed for the DBPA would probably work, as they're ideal for any Society:
First Circle Initiate
Second Circle
Third Circle
Fourth Circle
Inner Circle Initiate
Eyes of the Inner Circle
Hand of the Inner Circle
Or something like that... I just pulled them off the top of my head so there would no doubt be a better set but I think something SIMPLE is better. KISS after all. The ACC ranks are not meant to sound cool or better than your real Dark Jedi rank, they're just meant to be an indicator of your status within the combat center.
Like... an Obelisk Templar is an Obelisk Templar! I'm going to address them as Templar. I'm not going to address them as Knight Lord or Shogun no matter how high they are in the Antei Combat Center.
That said... they're not really ranks as much as rankings. I think the First, Second, Third Circle etc. idea is a far better approach to ranking than trying to think up some names for ranks.
We have ranks. They go from Apprentice to Grand Master. People don't need multiple other ranks.
02-02-2005 20:37:51
not a fan of the "circle" bit... but I get the idea and I agree - it seems the majority who care to read the boards thing the names are... well... not the best they could be
03-02-2005 23:25:59
not a fan of the "circle" bit... but I get the idea and I agree - it seems the majority who care to read the boards thing the names are... well... not the best they could be 
I like the idea of levels. Yes, it is a little RPG-like but it's more appropriate than ranks; at least I feel so.
Sith Bloodfyre
04-02-2005 00:18:41
Actually, I do like the idea of levels. Learner lv.1, etc. You'd only need, maybe... 3-5 ranks, and 3-4 levels per rank, depending on how many you chose. And I'd choose names that sort of fall on how much they've learned, like Aspirant, Disciple, Guru, etc.
04-02-2005 16:19:08
I suppose you could do a rating for each rank, that would compromise it, so we get a fair number of levels but without the over-reliance on rank titles. Kind of like your traditional pilot rating where you might get Veteran 2nd Class, Veteran 1st Class, Ace 4th Class etc.
I don't actually care a great deal if the terms clash with Initiate, Apprentice, Novice and Acolyte, at times you just can't find other words than those four.
Initiate, Learner, Novice Combatant, Combatant, Warrior, Champion, Supreme Champion
I'd be happy with something like that. Not like that, as I've just pulled them out of my ass in five seconds, but something like it.
07-02-2005 07:38:18
Some things are getting mixed in with the ranks, so we might not see the changes until re-birth, but here is the *tentative* structure that I'm leaning on going with:
TIER 1: Combat Learner
Level 1 = Initiate
Level 2 = Fighter
Level 3 = Combatant
ID Line: [CL:1][CL:2][CL:3]
TIER 2: Combat Novice
Level 1 = Duelist
Level 2 = Duelist
Level 3 = Duelist
ID Line: [CN:1][CN:2][CN:3]
TIER 3: Combat Expert
Level 1 = Veteran
Level 2 = Veteran
Level 3 = Veteran
ID Line: [CE:1][CE:2][CE:3]
ID Line: [PAR]
07-02-2005 12:27:32
Thats pretty nice.
Nekura Manji
07-02-2005 15:42:49
Looks pretty cool... except for Paragon- for some reason, I don't like the sound of that one. All the others, however, I have no problem with whatsoever. But 'Paragon'... just doesn't sound like the kind of kick-arse title somebody who has pwned many people should get, if you know what I mean.
Perhaps something more vicious like Marauder, or Lord? To reflect the fact that anyone getting that far will have had to crawl over many corpses... sorry, I suck at suggestions. <_< But nevertheless, I like all of them except for Paragon, which sounds a bit iffy to me.
Just my two mon...
07-02-2005 15:49:37
Hmm... must have missed Paragon, yeah, I'm not too keen on that one either...
I'm quite happy for it just to be called Combat Elitist personally.
07-02-2005 15:54:05
It may be a little too late for me to wander in on this topic, but I highly dislike the ranks Dalthid proposed. They strike me as too like the XWA/XvT ranking system. Can't we just base it on the current rank system, just renaming the ranks?
07-02-2005 16:10:49
But then that would be confusing again... I think the ranks are quite ok, and we can't use Lord because some of us are Ladies

And Lord is a title given to superiors and Masters here so, not a good idea.
07-02-2005 16:44:04
Ara? A lady?
07-02-2005 17:52:59
Females can use the title of Lord, its neuter for all senses. Lady is generally subserviant to a Lord. Nothing actually stops a woman calling herself Lord.
07-02-2005 18:26:22
Uh... sorry... "Lord Alanna" and "Lord Arania" would sound utterly dumb :$
08-02-2005 05:24:17
All female Dark Lords of the Sith were just that; Dark Lord of the Sith.
Its the same with all female Jedi Masters; just that, Jedi Masters.
The only reason the titles are considered masculine is far more because historically women were second place and it would have been considered impossible for a woman to be the Lord of the household or the Master or whatever.
The titles of Lady, Mistress especially, are more second place than equal. While I might consider Lady comparable to Lord I certainly don't Mistress comparable to Master, as Master is almost entire neuter.
Darth Traya, Dark Lord of the Sith; female.
Jedi Master Adi Gallia; female.
10-02-2005 06:01:04
Well, see...? That's where I differ from you folks
I dind't pick "Paragon" for what it 'sounds like'... i picked it for what it means:
"model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal" - I didn't explain what they all were for, but Paragon isn't actually a "rank" like the rest as its requirement will be... well... a bit nutz. Now, there may be more than one "Paragon" despite the fact that it is "one having no equal", but I felt is meaning was poignant enough to have me overlook that.
You're just lucky I did go with "Super Dooper ACC Fighter dude" - or, "dudette", in the case of our ladies
14-02-2005 12:01:58
Well, see...? That's where I differ from you folks 
I dind't pick "Paragon" for what it 'sounds like'... i picked it for what it means:
"model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal" - I didn't explain what they all were for, but Paragon isn't actually a "rank" like the rest as its requirement will be... well... a bit nutz. Now, there may be more than one "Paragon" despite the fact that it is "one having no equal", but I felt is meaning was poignant enough to have me overlook that.
You're just lucky I did go with "Super Dooper ACC Fighter dude" - or, "dudette", in the case of our ladies 
Nice choices, Dalthid. I like!
Nekura Manji
17-02-2005 05:33:59
'Super Dooper ACC Fighter dude' sounds good to me
Yeah, I see where you were coming from- I looked up paragon in the dictionary before I commented ^_^ Still, it may mean somebody who is a model of excellence, but I still think it sounds a bit weak. Personally I'd go for something Japanese like 'Hachimantaro' (First Son of the God of War- Hachiman being the God of War, Taro meaning first son) but I appreciate that wouldn't be popular. ^_^
17-02-2005 07:53:20
Sure Manji, we can do that... as soon as the DB goes "anime"
I'm just not a fan of the 'japan-esque' stuff being thrown all over the place, y'know? Fighting styles is one thing, cause it sorta fits there, but I'd be happy to leave it at that. It should also go without saying that my feeling even stretches into the whole of the SW realm... I never liked the incorporation if the theme. It steals away the originality of what SW was meant to have... i.e. there's no such thing as Japan in the SW universe

But that's just my opinion.
18-02-2005 10:42:49
Dalt, just an idea, but why use words from RL titles? Why not invent titles of your own which can both sound nice and have a proper meaning?
18-02-2005 10:47:41
Same goes for the Latin theme in the DB, positions and all.
18-02-2005 10:51:53
Sounds good to me. Nice to see you again, Ara!
18-02-2005 18:36:46
That is definitly a thought... I'll have to chew on it and see what I come up with.
I think though, no matter what I come up with... it's gonna sound like somethin'
08-03-2005 16:39:18
At least it will be more original, no?
12-03-2005 17:29:22
Thanks for all the replies and comments to this thread... it was great to get the input.