13-04-2005 12:06:14
I tried out ACCLive last night, and I have to say that I enjoyed it. It was fun because it was fast paced and made you think about how to beat your opponent quickly. Plus you don't have to worry about your opponent taking two weeks to post his/her responses.
I only have one small problem with ACCLive, and that was that wins/losses don't count toward/against your win/loss record. I talked to Kat in the ACCLive chat room last night and she said that she thought CF's would be given for a win or three losses, and while I think that's cool (it means my first medal if it's true) I still think that the matches should count toward your win/loss record.
I personally find the matches tougher than a regular ACC match. Sure it's a short match, but you only have five minutes to respond. It takes some people a week to respond in the regular ACC, but in Live they only have five minutes. If you're DJK and you can't type fast or think on your toes you stand a good chance of losing to someone like a ACO or a PRT even if you could beat them in regular combat. I think because this makes it tougher that it should count. It would be a great way for people to advance their characters and I think it would spark new interest in the ACC if it was truly this way because it would give a "Anyone can win" feel off. I know that's probably the goal for the whole ACC (anyone that can write better can beat anyone), but I just really don't understand why it wouldn't count towards your record. Well that's my piece. I had some other points, but I've forgotten them Maybe I'll remember them for a reply to this or something.
13-04-2005 17:42:22
Your win/loss record only goes up for halls that have no other rewards based on them. Hence, since you can earn CF's in ACCLive! you don't earn wins/losses. The same goes for ladders, and other competitions involving the ACC. If there are other rewards, you do not get wins/losses on your record.
Oh, and the reason for this is that wins/losses help you gain bonus points for your CS. This way, you won't be rewarded twice.
16-04-2005 11:54:22
Perfect response Halc...
As for the "Anyone can win" feel... the ACC IS that way already. People don't win because of their rank, position, history or any of that. They win because of their ability and their writing. An APP can beat a DJM if they write better.
17-04-2005 10:44:16
An APP can beat a DJM? Awesome!
* goes off to fight the GM

Kat Pridemore
25-06-2005 10:48:27
ACCLive can be won by anyone - absolutely. As can the other normal battles. But, with ACCLive! if you don't win, you still have a chance at CF's .. lose 3, still get a medal. Win one, get a medal. I've been seeing a few new people trying it out recently.
Oooo I didn't see the ACCLive topic. By the way, whoever came up with the ACCLive idea, I forget who it was, I love it so much. lol Many a gaming night does Esca challenge people, mmmhmmm. I suppose this would be a good place as any to ask any interested to come and fight me in it some time. ^_^
21-07-2005 12:17:38
Would love to try out ACClive sadly, my mIRC doesn't work
25-11-2005 22:46:00
Kat Pridemore
11-12-2005 15:50:55
We have changed the awards a bit. You will receive one CF for a win still, but you also receive one CF for only 2 losses. I would like to see a few more people playing!
Kat Pridemore
14-12-2005 06:27:47
The "original" ACC live was created by Cyris and his ACC staff at the time (with the actual I dea being born of Timeros and Cyris) - the "new" ACCLive! was created by James and I (still based on the original idea) - with preliminary testing help by folks like M'Kel Kahn, Alanna, Arania, Lenzar, Nekura, Korras and Shan Long - but I could be missing a few folks.
11-10-2006 07:34:17
I have just started the ACC Live and i nearly wone apart from the fact i did somthing wrong in a sentance which lost me the match.