Jedi Academy


10-04-2005 21:04:12

I was wondering which forums in the Antei Combat Centre are focused on Jedi Academy


10-04-2005 22:02:01

The Antei combat Centre is solely for writing based battles. None of the halls within the ACC are for Jedi Academy matches. For those I would reccomend checking out the IRC channels #gmrg on Tuesdays and Thursdays and #outerrim on Saturday. I hope this helps.

Jedi Hunter Lucien Azyr Do'Itek
Envoy of House Byss of Exar Kun
Judge of the Antei Combat Centre


11-04-2005 19:56:20

The Antei combat Centre is solely for writing based battles. None of the halls within the ACC are for Jedi Academy matches. For those I would reccomend checking out the IRC channels #gmrg on Tuesdays and Thursdays and #outerrim on Saturday. I hope this helps.

Jedi Hunter Lucien Azyr Do'Itek
Envoy of House Byss of Exar Kun
Judge of the Antei Combat Centre

Thanks it does help


11-04-2005 21:15:55

Glad I could be of service.