25-03-2005 19:45:41
I have gotten some input that has led me to believe that the Ladder is moving on a bit slow for some people. I knew it would take some time, but I would have to agree - I'd like to see a bit more progression.
Here's my idea: During the 2nd round of each ladder (there's 4 remember), the next one will start (signups). This will give the folks who got booted from round 1 of the first ladder the chance to get into the second, as well as folks who never made it to the first (they have priority).
The rest from Ladder 1 will be able to sign up for the 3rd as soon as round 2 of the Second ladder has started (read that a couple of times, its a bit confusing

) - At round 2 of the 3rd, the 4th will allow for signups and begin.
Now, obviously, here's the catch - you cannot sign up for the next ladder if you are still involved in the previous one. That will have a pretty good impact on folks being able to signup before a ladder starts. I can say 'tough nuggets' and let it go or stick to the plan and just do the subsequent ladders when the previous one has ended.
26-03-2005 16:43:08
I have gotten some input that has led me to believe that the Ladder is moving on a bit slow for some people. I knew it would take some time, but I would have to agree - I'd like to see a bit more progression.
Here's my idea: During the 2nd round of each ladder (there's 4 remember), the next one will start (signups). This will give the folks who got booted from round 1 of the first ladder the chance to get into the second, as well as folks who never made it to the first (they have priority).
The rest from Ladder 1 will be able to sign up for the 3rd as soon as round 2 of the Second ladder has started (read that a couple of times, its a bit confusing
) - At round 2 of the 3rd, the 4th will allow for signups and begin.
Now, obviously, here's the catch - you cannot sign up for the next ladder if you are still involved in the previous one. That will have a pretty good impact on folks being able to signup before a ladder starts. I can say 'tough nuggets' and let it go or stick to the plan and just do the subsequent ladders when the previous one has ended.
The obvious downside is that the better combatants (I.E. the ones that make the next rounds) will actually have LESS chances to participate in the next ladder, and hence less chance to make it to the final four. The advantage beside speed would be that there would be more new people to participate in the second ladder.
All in all, I'd say wait. It would be really bitchy to make it to the finals of the first ladder and then lose, therefore being robbed of the chance to participate in the follow-up ladders.
As a compromise, we could also wait until the conclusion of every other round, so that the second ladder will begin with the conclusion of round 3 in ladder 1, and the third will begin with the conclusion of round two of ladder 2.
26-03-2005 22:13:10
I like the general idea of it Dalthid, but Timeros has a point. If the next ladder started in round three of the previous ladder, then anyone eliminated from the previous ladder would be forced to wait for the next ladder to start.
Guardian Lucien Azyr Do'Itek
Envoy of House Byss
27-03-2005 14:57:03
exactly - I agree with you both. Just trying to figure out a way to please the folks who are complaining - then again, maybe I should handle it like I always do... hehe...
28-03-2005 08:22:17
Ooo...kkk.... I'm confused, but uhh... yeah. I'll just make sure I keep winning so I don't have to try and understand :huh:
Seriously though, yeah, I'd probably agree with Timeros that if the 'second-chance' ladders start early it'd essentially be making it harder for the people who are actually winning, so yeah, makes sense to wait I guess. A few people will bitch this way... but meh, you've got a justified reason for making them wait- you want to make sure things are fair on everybody. If you started the other ladders early though the people who got knocked out of the round two ladder would have a valid reason for complaining about not having an equal chance compared to the people who got knocked out in round one (who presumably should have a lower priority than those who got further than them).
28-03-2005 08:40:58
Ohhh... I did have an idea actually... not too sure if it'll work given that I don't know the full dynamics of how many more people you need for the second ladder but, anywho... It's too late for round two now but it might make sense to do it in stages, something like:
Ladder 1: Round One
Ladder 2: Round One
Ladder 1: Round Two
Ladder 2: Round Two
Rather than:
Ladder 1: Round One
Ladder 1: Round Two
Ladder 2: Round One
Ladder 2: Round Two
That way the people who just did their round get a bit of a break, and the people waiting for the other ladder don't have to sit around for ages. Like I say though, don't know if that would actually work, there's probably something I'm forgetting that wouldn't make it practical.
03-04-2005 22:20:36
It prolly would have worked, a good idea actually...
Yet, part of me thinks that back to back rounds without a break is part of the stress of a ladder like this... it adds to the excitement for some...
I'll definitly consider this for the next series of CHL's