Vengen Stormshadow
24-02-2009 18:00:02
I was wondering how long I should wait for one of the trainers to accept my challenge.
I really need to get in the ACC, but I've been waiting like 4 days.
24-02-2009 18:36:14
It shouldn't take that long for a trainer to accept or decline...however, e-mail me the information and I'll look into it.
That being said, it would be best to try and find a clan mate to help you qualify as there is only so much staff to go around
Vengen Stormshadow
09-03-2009 12:55:51
Ok, apparently I suck at this whole combat writing thing.
Now, I've gone and forgot. Whom exactly would I contact about getting someone to train with?
09-03-2009 13:01:28
Until the GJW is over, there probably isn't anyone with the time to do a qualification battle. However, if you can find a Clan mate to help you, you can do the battle with them.