Vengen Stormshadow
01-01-2008 17:43:06
I am trying to qualify, but I can't really write all that detailed.
Any tips on how to write detailed, or what the limits on my stats are?
I mean I can't even find out how to find someone to train with.
01-01-2008 18:54:31
Sith Bloodfyre
01-01-2008 19:37:24
The real trick to writing detail is to think about how you would describe it to someone who had to do what you want them to in a movie. For example.
"Go over there. Run at me, jump over my head, and then swing a baseball bat at my head so hard, it knocks my head clean off."
Sure, little bit of detail. It gives the general idea. But then, if someone told you to do that, wouldn't you ask some questions? Would you ask how I wanted you to jump over me, in a roll, a front flip, or whatever? Would you ask where I wanted you to jump from, where I wanted you to land? Would you ask how you were supposed to swing the bat? When you're writing a fight, or any story, think about the "Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?" questions.
Let me try and give you an example of re-writing that earlier sentence, with more information and questions answered.
The angered Sith Warrior glared at his prey, circling slowly around the wounded Light Sider who returned the glare with a defiant, willful look in her eyes. The Jedi was beaten; that much was easy to see. She could not win this fight. And yet, though she held her right arm over a deep gash inflicted by the Warrior's sword, and could barely grasp her lightsaber in her left hand, her off hand. There would be no great victory for the Light. There would be no help for this one today.
The Sith quickly broke into a sprint, his arms pumping back and forth as he closed the distance gap between the two of them. The Jedi raised her weapon weakly to defend and took a swing, making the first strike to try and throw the Warrior off. The Sith leaped up and away from the ground, boosted by the power of the Dark Side, tucking into a roll up and over the woman's head. The Jedi swung wildly, and was quickly turned around. The Sith landed as her spin came to a halt, with the woman's eyes staring directly into those of her attacker's, just as his sword came up in a vicious arc, removing her head cleanly from her neck.
The Jedi's head dropped to the ground and rolled about a foot away from her body as it quickly collapsed into the dirt, as well. The Jedi's eyes were now forever locked in the final look that had dawned upon her, as though her last thought was that darkness was now closing in, and her death would herald in the obliteration and final doom of the Jedi order. The Sith reached down and unceremoniously grabbed the dead woman's hair, and lifted the head of his defeated foe to meet her cold, unfeeling gaze. After a moment of staring deeply into her dead eyes, the Sith dropped the head to the ground once more, and strode away.
There's so many things that can be done with pretty much any idea. And that's just a quick expansion on an idea. If you spend a couple minutes figuring each fight sequence or scene in anything, you can really have some fun with it. Halc has pointed out several resources for you to use. Another one I'd point out would be to go read through what other people have done, and just try to build up your own ideas for things.
02-01-2008 15:22:43
Wow BF that was actually a decent post.
Vengen Stormshadow
03-01-2008 16:12:31
It was. Ok, THAT'S what I need to learn how to do.
Jalor Klestan
23-01-2008 16:01:02
It was. Ok, THAT'S what I need to learn how to do.
let your imagination run wild, thats what i do