Anyone Interested?


01-05-2007 22:16:11

So since I'm now DC I don't have access to as many comps to participate in as you normal member folk which leaves me with some spare time I'd like to fill. I've done so with the ACC and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a fight or two? Come on you know you want to fight me. If I've denied a medal for you this is your chance to take out your frustrations on the medal nazi!! Or if you just plain old want to fight I'm game :P


02-05-2007 21:33:03

Oooh, ooh, me! Pick me! :P


02-05-2007 21:44:09

I'll fight ya Kravvy Krav B)


02-05-2007 23:49:53


Shinichi Endymiron K

03-05-2007 08:50:03

I'll fight you as well Krav.


03-05-2007 22:06:14

That reminds me Dismal, you still have yet to accept my challenge in the ACC. :P

Which brings me to a question for any ACC Staff: Is there a "time-out" limit for challenges, or will they just remain in the queue forever if the other does not accept/decline?


04-05-2007 05:26:43

They will stay in the queue forever - or, until you mail Jac/Sildrin to have them removed :) CM's have never had access to be able to clean them out.


04-05-2007 14:58:55

Haha but I do!!!1111 :P

And they shall not stay in the queue forver, for if I must I shall abuse my power and approve my own fights!


08-05-2007 12:33:36

Anyone else wanna fight?

Adien Falaut

08-05-2007 13:11:31

Sure put me in this too I could use the activity myself


08-05-2007 14:24:36



25-05-2007 14:39:05

Anyone else?


25-05-2007 15:01:10

I'll fight you again if you want to be beaten again, Kraval :P


26-05-2007 00:10:45



18-06-2007 22:19:58

Anyone else besides Dismal interested in a fight? :P

Baron Zarco

19-06-2007 13:37:08

In my best crazy mean voice,

"You talkin' to me?"



19-06-2007 13:44:13

If you'd like :P

Tarax Kor

19-06-2007 15:02:21

Don't play Kraval. He's a cheating hag. :P


19-06-2007 15:23:13

So's your mom! ZING


19-06-2007 18:47:43


Baron Zarco

19-06-2007 22:06:05

In my best Arnold S. voice, "C'mon, kill me!"


10-07-2007 18:19:49

So anyone new? Anyone I haven't fought yet? I might just start going around and randomly challenging people :P

Adien Falaut

10-07-2007 18:50:00

I've been doing that :P

Here lately it hasn't worked out so well :'(

But if you ever want a match again sometime I'm up for it! especial for the first few weeks of the GJW I'm still going to be stuck only with the ACC :D

Tarax Kor

12-07-2007 12:04:17

I'm interested.

ASLPLZ!! PIXPLZ2KKTHX!!!11!1!111oneone!1eleventyfour


12-07-2007 14:08:50

I'll get to you soon enough ;)