1) Complete re-work of *new* championship ladder system
- This was a proposal to create a "looping" CHL/PCHL system that constantly kept running
2) Dual Handedness re-work
- Present system too complicated, simplification is necessary
- Can be CS coded but just as easily made manual
3) Creature System
- Mailing system
- Writers or just passive NPC's
- Will it be win/loss (rec. No - CF's instead)
- fix CS's
4) Shadow Academy stuff
- Update Initiates Course
- Create Learner and Advanced courses
-- should be cumulative info from course to course
5) Training Reformation
- giving clans control over their own halls
- segregate ACC code to keep from giving access to the ACC proper
- Auto-default, no win/loss so clans can award stuff
6) ACC Tech Data/History
- Update ACC history
- Create tech data for the halls and fictional processes of the Centre
7) ACCLive!
- Nix the current staff. find reliable staff
- Find a mIRC coder to fix the proggie

Hall Cleanup
- Move timed out and drawn battles to archive
9) Clan Training Policy
- dig it out from the engagement options chapter and define the policy
- make a 'clan chapter' that centrally locates info pertinent to them
-- clan training
-- clan powers
-- clan comps
-- etc.
10) Establish CM/DCM and M:CM duties
- re-establish M:CM as an 'assistant' position to both the CM/DCM
-- admin stuff, chapter re-writes, mediator, award tracking
- DCM as "Live!" admin, nix the LJA position
-- Live judges under the DCM, almost as if a separate ACC
-- autonomous comps and awarding
-- full-time live staff
-- bi-weekly comps
-- bi-monthly large scale comps
- CM, everything else
11) ACC Compendium
- Update whenever anything changes
- Get with Muz to dump the ground combat chapter of the ACC compendium and merge with DB combat manual (dont forget to make sure Muz doesn't delete/eliminate user-created fighting forms, SW canon or not!)
- Same thing with ACC weapons guide and sabre guide
-- link both from the compendium
- Keep the ACC armory
-- add clothing, artifacts and jewlery
12) Weapon Policies
- revoke the ability to carry more than 1 of a particular weapon type into battle
-- unless DH is possessed
-- unless shurikens/thrown weapons
-- no more 15 swords for APP snuffy
- nix ALL non-DH exceptions, make DH required...period. i.e.
-- OT and above for dual blasters
-- Echani for dual daggers
-- etc.
13) Species & Custom Species
- develop set procedures for creating custom species
- build ACC custom species databank
-- those previously approved, who fail to supply info will have CS deleted
-- custom species that are approved may be used by anyone
- Scour SW info for 'difficult' species and define their abilities, i.e.
-- Gen'Dai - define their regenerative properties by stats
-- the tree guys that can morph - define their limitations as well
-- etc.
14) Gambling
- Get with the MAA and see the possibilities of CF's (or whatever) being able to be "put up" for gambling
-- these battles wouldn't grant CF's (or whatever), but take them from the looser and give them to the winner
15) Co-Op
- annual cooperative events
-- the derelict code never ran, it can be used
16) Separate staff position from ACC ranks
- disassociate staff position from points for win/loss
- staff members will hold a position AND a rank
17) RL timeline
- keep it updated
18) Create Vong weapon as standard weapons
- there will be a billion custom weapon requests after the GJW
- beat them to the punch and make standard ones, or armory ones