Dalthid Question
16-02-2005 18:33:44
Hey sorry for creating a topic but can we now use Form VII if we arent an adept. i looked at the new compendium and it didnt say anything about it (that i could see).
16-02-2005 19:25:12
It's at the bottom of the CS Guide...
Fighting Style Notes:
- Lightsabre Form VII is solely restricted to Dark Side Adepts and above.
- The use of the Echani fighting style is restricted to all and must be approved by the Combat Master
Hope that helped.
17-02-2005 03:21:20
yup sure does. now i feel stupid but it'll pass. just thought i would ask because i didnt see it sorry for taking up your precious time
11-04-2005 09:36:56
Here's a question for you Dalthid. What is required to become a Trainer in the ACC?
Macron Sadow
11-04-2005 11:46:24
Hi I have one too.
Would my spiked chain be classified as a tethered/flexible weapon?
11-04-2005 18:57:04
Theoretically speaking Form VII Juno and Advanced Form VII Vapaad are different styles, so in a way, we could try incorporating that in one way, with 'advanced styles' like I think was mentioned elsewhere before. I still stand by the idea that Vapaad is a pretty weak style when fighting even a baby Dark Jedi though
Dark Sabre
12-04-2005 17:12:27
Rayne`Bloode: There are no specific requirements but you generally must have a lot of ACC experience so that you are qualified to train others. If a position becomes open it's generally on the News Page and/or in Dalthid's reports.
Macron Goura: Spiked chain does count as a tethered weapon. You still may want to talk to Dalthid about some further clarification.
Goat: Eh.
Macron Sadow
13-04-2005 01:22:37
02-05-2005 07:33:47
nope - DS covered both and, as usual, we'll just ignore Xanos
Drodik alTor
18-08-2005 14:19:13
With the new lightsaber flow guide created by muz can we use those styles in a match Even though we already have two primary styles?
18-08-2005 14:46:21
I belive that the new styles are going to be more useful in fiction and Run-On untill rebirth but don't take my word for it. I'm usually the one who gets ignored
Drodik alTor
18-08-2005 20:31:21
I was talking about just ACC matches but that also helps me understand them a bit, thx Callus
18-08-2005 21:22:58
Aye...those forms will be really used in Rebirth in terms of the ACC. THey will be coded into the whole Character Sheet/RP sheet, so they will be chosen there. For now, we keep with our current forms
18-08-2005 21:44:04
w00t I was right!
01-09-2005 20:34:47
Dathlid are you going to reply to my ACC Match, or are you busy?
04-09-2005 01:18:59
woah! I saw Satal Keto in his sig and I was like "what. when did that happen" oh how I miss the days
26-10-2005 10:43:09
i got a question...in the Proving ground do i have to chalenge a trainer or can i chalange anyone from the Staff?
26-10-2005 18:12:37
technically you can challenge a Trainer, Me or Halc, but I'd prefer you challenge a trainer.
26-10-2005 19:21:19
trainers are never there cuz they got a Training anex full of battles
26-10-2005 19:49:39
what do you mean "never there"?
26-10-2005 21:37:38
for one thing Vassicant has not been posting in our battle for 7 days now...i meen cmon...i know RL comes first offcourse but if i anyone can find 10 mins in a day, or 2 day, or a week to write a post so can he...
26-10-2005 22:09:02
#1. It has ONLY been a week (6 days actually) since your Training match with Vessicant started. Remember, staff members are here to help out but they to have other responsibilities outside the ACC. Vessicant also write extremely detailed critiques on each post, which you can tell by his other training battles. He also has 3 other training matches and 1 qualifying match on-going, not including yours.
#2. You have another training match currently going on with another trainer that is progressing
#3. Be patient. Everyone has different time schedules. Everyone writes at a different pace.
27-10-2005 04:57:38
oh... and the "grand-daddy"... Vess has 14 days to post, just like you do.
Ikusa Proujekuto Thanato
12-01-2006 09:12:51
yo, could you be a bit mre specific about the Echani style, wat do u need to know to use it my character only uses hand-to-hand combat, making it very useful for him.
All i no is that the Echani are a mysterious fictional race of well taught fighters from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. The last 5 Echani Handmaiden sisters reside with Jedi Master Atris at her academy at the polar ice cap on Telos. The Echani are trained to construct barriers in their minds in order to resist force based powers. They are also trained in hand-to-hand combat. The Echani maidens were often used to hunt down rogue Jedi and subdue them for the Order. They look human, but have silver hair and can share the same parents.
The most notable of the Echani was Brianna, the last of Atris' Handmaidens. She served with her Mistress on Telos until the Jedi Exile arrived. After speaking with the Exile, she stowed away on board his ship, the Ebon Hawk. Eventually, it is revealed that her mother was a Jedi Knight and she herself starts on the path of the Jedi. This story depended on the player of the game choosing a male character. If the player chose a female character, the above story would not occur as so.
It is known the Echani held a traditional rivalry with the Iridorians, who they viewed as bloodthirsty
or something like that...
Nekura Manji
12-01-2006 12:35:52
... we know the plot of KOTOR 2, thanks very much.
And you basically answered your own question:
"the Echani are a mysterious fictional race of well taught fighters"
To be more specific, Echani is a bloody deadly art which is extremely effective. Further research would also show you that it involves the use of two daggers and the teaching of it was heavily restricted. Meaning that you need to have CMly/Commander of the Guardly permission to use Echani as a fighting style.
Also, remember this- KOTOR and KOTOR 2 are set about four thousand years before the Galactic Empire and the timeline in which we operate. Meaning that information purely from that period is not going to be relevant.
Finally, if you're going to ask a question like that, make a new topic instead of doing it in someone elses topic which relates to an entirely different issue.
Thank you.
14-01-2006 15:16:41
Nicely done Manji
18-01-2006 23:25:43
Uzbad claps loudly.
Macron Sadow
07-02-2006 20:40:34
Hello, I have a question. How does one become a Teras Kasi master in the ACC?
thanks, macron
11-02-2006 13:21:05
Well, no matter what I tell you - you're just going to write a DV article and think that flies
Seriously, there are no "master" levels in the ACC for things like fighting style. It's a horrible system but one we just have to live with - just like the day someone puts on DJK...WHACK!...they slap 5 points (the max) in lightsabre skill. Utterly unrealistic and hogwash - but that's just how it goes. As for noting it on the CS or anything - that usually doesn't fly in any regard - basically, we just 'shy away' from any true 'skill' references.
I know that answered your question to about 0%, but that's all I got
Macron Sadow
11-02-2006 13:24:43
that answers it. Thanks!
19-02-2006 01:43:23
Hey Dalthid, a question about Shockgloves as a custom weapon: Do we allocate points to it same as any other custom weapon, or is it's usage covered by allocating points to hand-to-hand, physical atributes, etc.? Thanks.
Maol Nor Lexu
19-02-2006 12:49:08
ey i got question here. I got a little confuse, according to my match with Manji its my turn to post . But the match suddenly gone..
20-02-2006 17:03:20
Aghasett: ShockBoxing Gloves need to be addressed as a custom weapon. H2H and stats don't cover the gloves.
Maol: A good bet is that you already had a battle running. Initiate's can only have one battle running at a time, either Training or Qualification.
16-03-2006 22:58:57
Hey Dawlfid? I have a question fer ya old man.
Ok I'm currently in a battle that started after the initiation of the dual handedness thing where you have to allocate 2 custom slots or somthing like that to even be able to dual weild. (atleast I think that's how it goes) anywho I don't know if my opponent just hasn't updated his CS since your updates or what but how would that affect the battle? like would it still be like 2.5 and 2.5 skill in each hand or what?
17-03-2006 07:36:11
the incorporation of the dual wield stuff didn't remove a persons right to put two weapons of the same type in the same slot - it just removed the penalty. So yes, either weapon is still only worth 2.5 no matter how they weild them - which is as high as they'll ever be because the slots only go to 5

If it's anyone below KPN (minus those who meet other requirements) they shouldn't be dual weilding anything anyway, but most have been going by that for a while - it's just the random
that think they're God
17-03-2006 13:57:52
Well you could have just said "SEVERE REALSIM DEDUCTION" or somthing like that so I'll have to tell him.
What can you do? I'm just one DJK trying to get other people to DJK and they think they can just go all whoop arse on me gee
Happy St.Patties
Baron Zarco
17-03-2006 17:11:19
When in doubt do not double wield.
Trust the judges to know the rules.
Go with the flow. If your opponent is untrue to CS or compendium and you are (despite how much you want to point out your opponent's errors) I believe you will win.
But, like I have heard before, "what do I know?"
After thought - why does one feel the need to double wield in a writing platform? This is not a rhetorical question. I really wonder why.
18-03-2006 17:26:15
Its primarily a fictional issue Zarco. People just don't want to accept that they are the bottom of the barrel - what all the god-modders forget, though is that everyone in the club started at the bottom.
Anyone with half a brain knows that it's an odd premise to associate something like dual weilding to a 'rank', when it should be a matter of experience. The dual wielding 'skill' was created to allow that, so...an APP who has enough points can dual wield if they wanna spend them that way - or - they can stick with throwing both weapons in the slot and remain less than skilled (Skilled = 3 points) and never get any better. It's strange and confusing and kinda dumb in a lot of ways, but there's no other way to make it 'realistic'...otherwise, we'd have APP Grand Masters runnin' around...wait, we do! LOL.
Shinichi Endymiron K
19-03-2006 02:21:58
Hey Dalthid why is the Army so much better than the Air Force?

hooah bro keep up the good work.
19-03-2006 16:26:42
That’s easy – because they’re an expendable commodity, LOL
AIM HIGH (because if you don't, you'll shoot your toes off while you're in the recliner) AIR FORCE!!
20-03-2006 14:41:42
Another question please...Shockgloves:
"No weapons of any kind can be wielded while the user wears any type of shock boxing gloves."
Does this include sabers?
21-03-2006 23:10:45
Macron Sadow
22-03-2006 00:11:32
Hmm. If I am into Echani, how do I need to address the dagger aspect and the effects that I can write?
22-03-2006 17:56:40
Big daddy macrononi - can you clarify the question for me, please? Do you mean, "how do you write dagger fighting"?
Macron Sadow
22-03-2006 20:41:10
ah, okay!
I meant, do you need ranks in dagger to effectively use Echani? Thanks!
22-03-2006 21:19:34
So by default, if one is in a battle that includes saber dueling, one is presumably finding the time mid-battle to put on and/or remove the gloves. Hard to imagine.
Does anyone know of posted examples, or of ACC members who use Shockgloves aside from myself? I'd like to see how this could be written. I dig the concept of the gloves a lot and they go well with my character, but I'm beginning to think it's a difficult weapon to employ anywhere other than the Genesis Facility.
22-03-2006 21:55:01
Combat Master Dalthid,
I have only 2 questions for you. What are the requirements for submitting your own species to be looked over and hopefully approved?
How many pages is it usually?
In the force,
PRT Scyrone
22-03-2006 22:18:52
Muz Ashen
23-03-2006 10:05:32
I'm going to put my oar in on the Echani question (naturally, Dalthid can over-rule me on this for the ACC stuff, as i'm writing from the hand-to-hand combat guide that's in the works).
Echani is a martial art first and foremost, and very commonly, it is done with the small knives. The motions of echani however, also carry over into stick-fighting and regular unarmed fighting. (just like escrima/kali in real life, which it is based off of)
If you wish to use echani to its fullest extent, you're going to want to use the daggers, however. Quite a few of the advanced maneuvers and kill strokes are going to be reliant on an edged item in your hand. And, as we all know, to use daggers effectively, you need points in the dagger skill.
Now, whether or not you need to put points into dual weilding...that's up to Dalthid, as I'm getting out of my element on that discussion.
23-03-2006 17:06:38
Echani is clearly covered in the Compendium, i.e. "**Note: The Echani fighting style requires the use of daggers, and DOES NOT include the use of daggers in the approval of the Form – i.e. Echani users MUST have skill points allocated to “daggers” also. This can be achieved via the ‘standard’ Dagger/Vibroshiv skill OR ‘custom’ Echani daggers in the combatants editable regions of the CS. In addition, it is restricted in the ACC and it’s approval must be sought through the Commander of the Guard via notification to the Combat Master." from the ground combat section
As for the dual handed skill, no. approved Echani users don't need it - it's a given. Do the points in daggers split, no - not for approved Echani users.
Side note - the DB's combat guide will be completely autonomous from the ACC's Ground Combat Guide.
Custom species for the ACC (Halc addressed for the RPG, it's not completely the same) is ALSO covered in the compendium, i.e.
"Non-Star Wars Species/Characters will not be allowed unless approved (by the CM) prior to the submission of the Character Sheet.
Very few, if any, non-star wars species will be approved through the current CM. However, should an individual feel that they 'must have' a custom species, they should submit the following to the CM for approval:
Where/What is their home world and when/how did it evolve in the SW timeline
What reasons are present for their home world to have escaped mention in canon information
When/Where/How did the species evolve
When/Where/How does it fit into the SW timeline
What reasons are present for them to have escaped mention in canon material
Society structure of the species
Governmental structure of the species
Family structure of the species
Special traits " etc. from the rules supplement.
The last request I received was 81 pages of plain text.
Shockboxing Gloves - what's more hard to imagine is someone thinking that the construction of the glove allows for the dexterity to hold a sabre
23-03-2006 19:08:33
Shockboxing Gloves - what's more hard to imagine is someone thinking that the construction of the glove allows for the dexterity to hold a sabre
huh? Why is that necessary?
Macron Sadow
23-03-2006 20:27:10
Thanks Dalthid.
24-03-2006 08:16:58
No prob Macron
“huh? Why is that necessary?”
Why is what necessary? The comment? Because it is a direct contrast to the one it was replying to, clearly showing the ease with which a point could be drawn from the other side of the issue – no offense was intended. Fact is, we used to allow Shockboxing glove-wearers the ability to wield weapons, but then it was pointed out to us that it was incorrect, so it was fixed.
The other part, which I completely forgot about, was the users and examples. I know there are a lot of “new” users adding Shockboxing, but nothing I can reference off the top of my head. I believe Xizor used to use them once in a while and I know there’s other “vets”, but you’re right – the employment is difficult to do “well”. One does have to remember to ‘take them off’ or put them on – but the ease by which that occurs is up to the user.
We don’t have a lot of restrictions on the construction of the gloves as it applies to the CS, save not being able to wield weapons and the basic ‘construction’ of a shockboxing glove, I.e. the elements of it. But what’s to say that the “glove” isn’t a shroud? Projected and retracted through a wrist-mounted gauntlet, kinda like window blinds that scroll out over the user’s fist? Hardened, impact resistant, plastic maybe for flexibility and the mounting of the contacts that deliver the “jolt”. Would prolly have to be a plasticel element because durasteel wouldn’t afford the flexibility and it would be way too heavy, and we’ve always held the “unknown” material as garbage on CS’s – if you built it, how is the material unknown…meh, idiots

anyway, the point is, the gloves can almost be anything, not necessarily something that really looks like a glove – we just want the ‘no wielding’ issue and the ‘shockboxing’ factors – within reason, anything else can be up to the user.
24-03-2006 20:52:05
Yeah that was completely my misunderstanding -- I didn't really get it, taking it as some type of jab -- my apologies, Dalthid. Thank you for clarifying and for your reply, it helps a lot.
24-03-2006 22:45:06
no worries - can't really get inflection in text, or intent for that matter.
Glad I could clear it up a bit.
27-03-2006 14:43:44
Sorry CM, last question: When your opponent accredits you with using a force power in his post, is that deducted from your points as a cost to you? Thanks.
27-03-2006 15:27:21
No, force powers your opponent attributes to you doesn't affect your personal force point total
27-03-2006 19:01:35
cool, thanx Halc.
Vangar Blade
25-05-2006 09:54:39
Hey C.M.,
I need to know how many years have you worked to get where you are today i mean I been trying for months to get higher than Acolyte but I just can't seem to get up there I thought I had to go through you first so just asking. :blink: B)

25-05-2006 16:37:09
Talk to your Battle Team Leader or House Leader about being promoted.
As for me, it's never been "work" - I stuck with what I liked - writing. I did my part for the Krath for a while; KMT's run-ons and the like - but when the KCC came online, I was hooked. Petitioned repeatedly for a Judge position and was turned down three times before I was hired - the rest is kinda history...well, present - meh - I dunno.
Fact is, I never really used a formula - I've been in the DB for about 3 1/2 years and have never done the 'same thing twice' to get promoted. That is to say, I had the type of leadership (at the time) who didn't hold your hand - sure, they provided guidance - but they expected you to be concerned about your own future - a thing the DB has lost these days - too much hand holding - then again, I've been out of the "Clan" game for a while so that could just be a bad perception.
meh - I'm babbling...
Vangar Blade
09-06-2006 09:52:22
Talk to your Battle Team Leader or House Leader about being promoted.
As for me, it's never been "work" - I stuck with what I liked - writing. I did my part for the Krath for a while; KMT's run-ons and the like - but when the KCC came online, I was hooked. Petitioned repeatedly for a Judge position and was turned down three times before I was hired - the rest is kinda history...well, present - meh - I dunno.
Fact is, I never really used a formula - I've been in the DB for about 3 1/2 years and have never done the 'same thing twice' to get promoted. That is to say, I had the type of leadership (at the time) who didn't hold your hand - sure, they provided guidance - but they expected you to be concerned about your own future - a thing the DB has lost these days - too much hand holding - then again, I've been out of the "Clan" game for a while so that could just be a bad perception.
meh - I'm babbling...
No NO no, I wish to stay on as long as you did and you are still going you are a pro
02-08-2006 22:12:04
Why couldnt we possibly fight other initiates or people closer to your rank in battle? Its just getting a little pissy typing "Scyrone gets punched here and there and doesnt recover" in the first post.
If we fight Initiates or people closer to our rank (like in the real ACC) then we would be able to learn alot better I think.
Kaine Mandaala
02-08-2006 22:42:21
Punching out APPs? Not my style. I like to give the false hope that someone might stand a chance... Even the DJM's.
02-08-2006 22:44:35
Ima Guardian.
02-08-2006 23:14:47
The entire point of training/qualification is to learn how to write within the confines of the ACC. Rank does not matter one bit when it comes down to it. If you think you have to be able to "stand up" to your opponent, then you will lose. In the "real" ACC, you can still be fighting people much higher than you in rank. It happens, and once again, it shouldn't matter, not if you do things "properly". The entire point is to write a story using your own skills within the rules of the ACC.
04-08-2006 06:57:41
Actually, we DID survey the possibility of INI's training and qualifying against each other, with a staff member being a spectator and giving the final rating and maybe even 'in battle' instructions and story lines. This was a great idea given by one of the DB's veterans...but it hasn't panned out yet - too much grey area and not enough "hands".
The biggest difficulty is that we couldn't marry a standard - that is, we couldn't decide how and why an INI would qualify. Would it be based on the same standards that exist now? Would it be purely based on writing or solely on any of the other criteria? Would it be who just didn't suck as bad? MANY INIs learn 'during' qualification because of what their staff member writes, and pass because of it.
"Training" is equally difficult because of the nature of the ACC. Would someone who has never played, seen, participated in or shown any skill in basketball be selected as a head coach? Probably not - so why would an INI - i.e. a non-qualified member - be a good choice for a Trainer?
To solidify a point Halc made - your rank doesn't matter. Just as your weapons don't matter, the venue doesn't matter and all of that - it comes down to what you do with what you're given. If you don't like writing yourself getting beat up (especially as a low-ranking Journeyman) - then you'll face some hardships. Equally, among the higher Elders, there is a general state of 'boredom' because - when they fight those they outclass - they can't really write themselves too 'down' either - so both ends of the spectrum feel the brunt of 'realism', not just the Journeyman.
However, just as most would enjoy their character's unwavering success, they must be able to steer clear from those fallacies when the situation presents itself. Many are still hung up on the fictional outcome having something to do with being selected as the winner - which it doesn't.
For a moment forget about rules, forget about standards - focus on the story...would anyone, in their right mind, accept one of those little Padawans rising up and taking Anakin out in the temple? Seriously? Absolutely not. Sure, stranger things have happened and we don't frown on 'twists and turns' but generally we are speaking of the "norm". For the unlikely to be believed it has to be very well written and justified - an occurrence that is not usually made manifest in a single sentence of "chance" and 'Die Hard' (the movie) cliché.
14-08-2006 23:43:22
Ok, I think I know what you and Halc mean now, thanks.
Adien Falaut
08-09-2006 14:43:24
I've been trying to get the Antei Combat Centre down and I don't know what to do everything i write is wrong and I'm not sure I'm ever going to get the basic writting down much less to ACC standards any help would be aprecated
09-09-2006 13:53:33
I've been trying to get the Antei Combat Centre down and I don't know what to do everything i write is wrong and I'm not sure I'm ever going to get the basic writting down much less to ACC standards any help would be aprecated
First, you need to write using proper grammar (including punctuation) and spelling. Once you can understand that, then you won't have as much of a problem. After understanding grammar and spelling, you get into the fun stuff like descriptions and action scenes.
Adien Falaut
09-09-2006 14:38:47
I have never been able to do that...
Ood Bnar
09-09-2006 18:25:49
A question: What's the ACC stance on Clan powers?
can you use them in battle?
10-09-2006 02:15:30
Clan powers can be used only within the Clan Halls. You will find a listing of the powers as well as the proper abbreviations in the Compendium
Ood Bnar
10-09-2006 07:07:29
10-09-2006 20:51:23
Dalthid: ok 2 questions
1) When is the next Championship ladder?
2) When is our next battle to end all battles?
As the score stands now
14-09-2006 21:14:22
Heyy Dalthid,
I was wondering if you knew anything about the Clan Plagueis Clan Powers. What rank do you get what power? If you dont know, could you point me towards someone who would? Thanks a bunch.
Sith Bloodfyre
14-09-2006 21:28:13
The appropriate people to ask about Clan Powers would be your Clan Summits. The Clan Powers were developed outside of the ACC, and were done between the office of the DGM/GM (Jac) and each Clan Summit.
However, if you're just looking to know "when" you get those powers, they are acquired by gaining specific combinations of medals, not by rank. The information can be found on the Projects and Policies page of the website (
http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/policies.asp) and is the "Clan and Order Powers System" document. You gain the power levels by "unlocking it" with those listed combinations.
Further information can be provided by your Clan Summit, or from asking me really nicely.
14-09-2006 21:54:17
Ask BF? psh yea right that'll be the day sheesh. Especially not nicely I mean BF dosen't respond to nice but he does like a good crack across the noodle.
15-09-2006 22:53:19
Me asks Bloodfyre really nicely O-)
17-09-2006 04:32:48
Clan powers in the ACC can be found here:
http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/acc/clanpwrs.asp Sorry I didn't check this sooner
These are all the powers sent by the CON/PCON's for each of the clans, segregated and arranged so they fit into the Force pool system; which itself was adapted to fit Clan powers because of the differences in structure. However, because the ball keeps getting dropped on these - they are only allowed in clan matters, like the Clan Halls and cannot be used in any other place in the ACC. The biggest issue that the 'big dogs' have is the lack of SW realism in the powers of some of the clans - unfortunately, there is nothing any of us can do about it and, as usual, no one's prolly gonna budge; i.e. changing powers or stop being a SW based club. But, by all means, feel free to use them in your Clan Halls of the ACC - some will make for great battles, I think, even if they are a bit outlandish. Equally you don't need your Clan requirements either in general; i.e. merit awards and all that stuff to use them. However, be careful with Clan comps! Chances are, your clan will determine winners from losers and won't adhere to ACC stuff; your comp specifics 'may' require you to follow the clan laws governing your clan's powers - gotta remember to seperate Clan from ACC. But if you're just a couple buddies gettin' their fight on in your Clan hall, then have at it.
17-09-2006 12:44:16
Clan powers in the ACC can be found here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/acc/clanpwrs.asp Sorry I didn't check this sooner
These are all the powers sent by the CON/PCON's for each of the clans, segregated and arranged so they fit into the Force pool system; which itself was adapted to fit Clan powers because of the differences in structure. However, because the ball keeps getting dropped on these - they are only allowed in clan matters, like the Clan Halls and cannot be used in any other place in the ACC. The biggest issue that the 'big dogs' have is the lack of SW realism in the powers of some of the clans - unfortunately, there is nothing any of us can do about it and, as usual, no one's prolly gonna budge; i.e. changing powers or stop being a SW based club. But, by all means, feel free to use them in your Clan Halls of the ACC - some will make for great battles, I think, even if they are a bit outlandish. Equally you don't need your Clan requirements either in general; i.e. merit awards and all that stuff to use them. However, be careful with Clan comps! Chances are, your clan will determine winners from losers and won't adhere to ACC stuff; your comp specifics 'may' require you to follow the clan laws governing your clan's powers - gotta remember to seperate Clan from ACC. But if you're just a couple buddies gettin' their fight on in your Clan hall, then have at it.
Thanks Dalthid
17-09-2006 22:33:11
Ugh *cries* Dawlfid you didn't answer my question
Adien Falaut
21-09-2006 11:44:38
Well Since all of my efforts are in vain I will not endevor in the ACC again
Kaine Mandaala
22-09-2006 11:14:02
Well Since all of my efforts are in vain I will not endevor in the ACC again
Don't give up too fast... You just need to find the right people to challenge.
Let me know what you find - Everyone I fight times out.
24-09-2006 13:59:01
Callus? Ohh… the CHL and our next battle…
1) the CHL will be after the Live! ladder kicks off on 3 October
2) our next battle = when you stop sucking

Seriously…dunno, lemme just get my plate cleared off a bit.
Melkor – I tried to help and you sicc’d your clan leaders on me, so I won’t go down that road again. Suffice it to say, the ACC is a writing platform – writing is necessary, I don’t know how else to say it. If you don’t have the ability to write well, then you might want to focus on comprehending the mechanics of the game like stats, force powers, characters and understanding character sheets. That’ll probably get you through qualification and into the proper, but the writing is going to have to come sooner or later.
11-10-2006 07:35:07
Hey everyone
14-10-2006 21:18:43
is that a question?
15-10-2006 11:08:25
it clearly isn't...maybe the "Dalthid Question" topic threw him off
18-10-2006 05:50:11
I have just started ACC Live and well i was wondering if maby you could do a kind of on Wensday and Monday have training days like ACC LIVE but practise Matches so what do you think?
19-10-2006 06:29:41
I really don't see that happening Cethgus, for a few reasons; 1) Staff coverage - while a good chunk of folks want to play, there are very few that want to be or have the ability to be Live! judges; 2) Live! battles don't tally wins or losses to a person's CS, they're just for CF's (apart from comps like the tourney) so why 'practice' for nothing when you could - at worst case scenario - lose for CF's and still get practice? 3) The days -apart from gaming nights- need to be set up and basically scheduled; if we werere going to go for the effort of that, we'd make it a comp and award CF's so it wouldn't be 'practice' anyway.
Hope that answered your question.
Macron Sadow
20-12-2006 13:28:42
Here are two questions.
1. Do I need dual-wielding to use an armor Fist and a saber?
2. I remember losing points both for writing my opponent speaking, and them using Force powers way back when. Does this still hold?
Thanks a lot, Macaroni
30-12-2006 19:02:55
1. Not necessarily, but depending on your sabre sty;le, it might not be effective. remember, that fist thing is cumbersome.
2. folks will always loose points for writing their character speaking "incorrectly". Take al'Lan, for example, his character doesn't speak coherently (clearly addressed on his CS). So, if someone writes him saying stuff like "hey man, how's it goin'?" they'll get docked. You should have never gotten docked for writing someone else using force powers - unless you did it wrong, like if the power was beyond their ability, they didn't possess the WIS to accomplish it or whatnot - basically you'll get docked for writing their use of a power "illegally" just as if they wrote it themselves.
Get all that?
Macron Sadow
30-12-2006 19:42:04
Sure did, thanks a lot!
31-12-2006 00:22:16
I've got 2 questions.
1) what is the procedure for getting a battle put on hold, say somone's going on vacation or whatnot
2) are they just handing out DJM promotions here like they do rubbers in high school?
01-01-2007 09:31:59
1) Read the ACC rules
2) Not sure how to answer that, because you don't earn rubbers, they're free. DJM isn't - but I'm not about justifying the decisions of the leaders of this club to you; or explaining to the contrary what you and your little cohorts feel the need to spin yarns about. Thanks though.
05-01-2007 06:53:56
Here is another 2 questions
1) I just whanted to know if your fighting an Opponent that is a lower rank that you you should be alive at the end of the match right?
2) You know the ACC Live ladder when will it be fully running?
12-01-2007 19:54:04
1) No - that is not a definitive statement. The higher ranking may NOT always be alive at the end of a bttle - it toattly depends on how the battle is going. If the realism of a battle dictates that the higher ranking die, then so be it.
2) Its' running now - but since I'm late with this reply, I'm sure you already knew that
Macron Sadow
04-02-2007 21:30:01
If you wanted fight an apprentice in a regular 6+2 as a trial thing, how would one go about using training lightsabers? I understand the basics for the Jedi Hunter, but as to myself? I don't have any skills with it... Can I de-power my own blade or use a training saber myself?
thanks, mac
05-02-2007 06:37:39
That's actually a topic that I'm working on with Muz and Jac, the 'training sabre' issue. I guess you could 'de-power' your sabre, that's up to you, but 'you' can use a training sabre -
the issue that might have spurned the question is the declination of your battle request. The point wasn't that you had chosen a TS, it was that you had selected 2 (with no dual sabre style) and were "trying" to give one to someone who had no skill in it.
Macron Sadow
05-02-2007 13:42:44
It was quite right to be declined, I had no idea what the heck I was doing. Thanks for your answer as always!
cheers, mac
20-02-2007 11:37:37
I came across somthing interesting during a recent battle where my opponent had a VEND rank
In the Physical Attributes section He had 48 points to my 32 (I have a CN:2 rank and hold the same class rank as him DJK)
In the Mental Attributes I have 30 points to his 36.
In the weapons section I had 20 and he had 14.
So I don't understand how the points are apportioned could you help me out here?
20-02-2007 13:38:07
Did you mean 38 or 48? 38 would make sense...physical/mental attribute points are added together, meaning you each have the same number of points. ACC rank only adds to your skill-points, which you had more of anyways
20-02-2007 23:29:37
Oh I see what your sayin ok, it's been so long since I've messed with my CS. so I just cant add is all
Thanks Halc
21-02-2007 12:10:36
Ok sorry but another question,
Can somone who has attained their real lightsaber use a training saber. For training an apprentice or somthing of that nature?
I mean because a real saber vs. a training saber really makes it hard to teach or whatever. I was just wondering if there are any policies or restrictions on this.
21-02-2007 19:13:21
Yep, if you have points in lightsaber you can request a training saber.
21-02-2007 22:55:51
wow you guys are so good!
Drodik alTor
21-02-2007 23:24:22
To put a variant on Callus' question, when fighting a Journeyman under DJK who has a Training saber, can we put in the "Weapons Used" Section a training saber for ourselves to make it easier for the Journeyman? Not for training urposes, but for an actual battle in the ACC. I don't normally pick on the youngins but I dunno how many other people might have wanted to know.
01-03-2007 11:47:22
I have a quick question. I was trying to request a training battle as I've noticed my skills have fallen off recently. I logged into the ACC and went to challenge and I cant access the Training Hall.
I don't know if this is just a CALLUS problem or an ACC issue. I thought I'd ask.
01-03-2007 16:15:19
Only ACC Initiates may request battles in the Training Hall, I think.
Adien Falaut
02-03-2007 14:54:20
I was wondering just how does the bonus points from ACC battles work is it ONLY on weapons or in time does it refeclt other areas as well over time as the ranks go up?
Macron Sadow
16-03-2007 13:55:07
Here's a question. How does one annotate Clan powers in ACC battles? Thanks, mac
16-03-2007 20:10:53
Revenge, the descrip. says Pre and Post Qual. Training...so Idk
17-03-2007 10:37:58
Drodik: If you are skilled in a 'real' lightsabre, and want to use a training one just for the heck of it - that's not a problem. It's when folks try to go the other way that it screws the pooch.
Callus: Who were you trying to challenge? If it wasn't a staff member, then that's why. Non-staff cannot train anyone in the TA; if you want a training battle with, lets say, a fellow clan member - use your clan hall.
Melkor: Points from ACC wins go to skills, weapons, customs - apart from sabres; DB rank points go to mental/physical and lightsabre.
Macron: In most cases, I have provided bracket thingy's in the ACC's listing of the powers, but they don't 'hover' with that the power is. We will manually look them up based on what clan you or your opponent are in. If there's no bracket, then just use a footnote...like an asterisk in the sentence with the power at the bottom of the post.
Is that everyone?
Macron Sadow
17-03-2007 13:44:37
18-03-2007 00:54:37
Hmmm Ok I selected Nekura, who's listed as a traier, and still there was no option to select a training hall.
It's not a huge deal or anything but you know if there's anything you can do I'd really appreciate it.
18-03-2007 18:25:57
EDIT: Question answered. Thanks anyway.
18-04-2007 04:54:59
Dalthid I was wondering if I put a custom weapon as daul weild and put points in that then made dual weild sword and put points into that am I allowed to do that.
And if I was could would the dual weild sword points also count as normal sword points?
26-04-2007 07:16:43
26-04-2007 09:59:05
That is exactly what I said when I read this. I think I may have an interpritation though.
If he makes his custom weapon a Dual Weild weapon would his custom weapon points keep him from having to use up his points on actually "dual weilding" as described in the ACC Compendium.
And then would his ability to Dual Weild a sword give him the ability to use just a single blade.
atleast I think it's somthing like that though I could be completely wrong.
I don't wanna step on Dal's toes or anything but I have some advice that might actually be useful
I found out that the best way to find out if you can do somthing is to submit your character sheet the way you want it.
If it gets accepted then you can do it.
If it gets rejected you cant.
The person who rejects it will usually tell you why.
just my 2 cents.
29-04-2007 09:39:12
first; you can't create a dual wield weapon - well, not really as the ability to dual wield a weapon is based on the weapon's type. All weapons are going to fall into a specific type.
With that, no - a dual wield weapon would not negate the need to follow the other stuff.
HOWEVER: the entire DH process WILL BE changing - in fact, I'm getting ready to post a topic here on it today - so, you might wanna just wait