20-06-2006 01:02:45
Okay, for the GJW ACC event, I've got one accepted challenge and one unaccepted--though the person in question prolly will coughcoughhitacceptconmancoughcough. Thus, I've got four duels left. Since I don't know many people outside my Clan and don't like randomly throwing out challenges, I'm putting myself up for grabs. I'll accept the first four (4) challenges I'm offered. I'm a newly-promoted Neophyte and a Pontifex and my pin is #7656. Just submit the challenge through the ACC site and I'll hit accept.
You want me, come get me.
20-06-2006 06:43:34
HaHa old man, I'll whoop your Tarentum butt!
Oh and feel free to challenge me as well
Macron Sadow
20-06-2006 09:11:56
Very well. I'll challenge you...