12-05-2006 14:44:10
*In instances where a question asks for "according to the ACC..." it is referring to a word-for-word example from an online ACC source (i.e. the Rules or Compendium); not your 'fabrication' of the answer. Yes, you may copy and paste - but please, only what is pertinent to answering the question.*
Include your ID line when sending answers or your entry will not be considered.
1) How many Force Pool points does a Jedi Hunter possess for Sensing [SEN] powers?
1A: 12 (Chapter 8, ACC Compendium; Journeyman Table - OR - Quick Reference; Journeyman Table)
2) Name 1 type of weapon that may NEVER be dual wielded in the ACC, by anyone.
2A: # No combatant may wield dual 'blasters' that are of a two-handed nature (i.e. rifles) - OR - # No combatant may wield dual 'staffs' of any kind that fall under the quarterstaff/pole weapons type. (ACC Rules; Dual Weapon Requirements)
3) What ACC creature can "cloud the mind of a below average Journeyman"?
3A: NightHunter (Databanks; Creatures of the ACC - OR - CS for dossier #7260)
4) Free of any situational circumstances, how many times can a Dark Prophet use Control Pain [CP] in a single battle?
4A: 150 Times (Chapter 8, ACC Compendium; Elder Table - OR - Quick Reference; Elder Table)
5) According to the ACC, what is the "GMRG Option" and what does it pertain to?
5A: The GMRG Option is an item addressed in the misc. section of a battle challenge. By requesting this option, the combatant is requesting that the battle be guided by the following elements:
* One weapon of choice
* Venue: GMRG Meditation Chamber (see Venues, Locations and Terrain)
* Loyalty points may be awarded (CoG or Guard Captains will calculate)
* May be judged by 2nd Echelon members (and above) of the GMRG
* At least an 8+2 battle
(Chapter 10; Engagement Formats and Battle Options)
6) To what rank will DJK Snuffy (Sith) be elevated, in a battle with KE Shark, if the Rite of Exaltation is requested by Snuffy?
6A: None. (Chapter 9; Rite of Exaltation: "It elevates the Force 'availability' of the combatant to within 1 rank of their opponent") Power is increased, not actual rank...trick question
7) Logically, why is ACCLive! not included in the ICTE?
7A: "Except for special events, ACCLive! is available on gaming nights, excluding the ICTE (simply because other clubs don't have access, duh)." (Appendix; A1 ACCLive! Manual)
8) Citing the specific rule, note or guidance; does JH Harold's 'super duper armor', listed in the Physical Appearance section of his Character Sheet, have any use other than appearance only?
8A: Note: "Any information regarding your character's abilities or possessions (in the description) are for appearance only and will play no other role unless addressed in your custom slot and allocated points." (ACC Rules; Species and Descriptions) - OR - "Weapons and armor in this section are for 'appearance only'" (Chapter 3; Character Sheet Guidance; Basic Information, Physical Appearance)
9) According to the ACC, what attribute is defined as "You need to make an undistracted effort to call the Force for defense"?
9A: Chapter 3: Character Sheet Guidance; Mental Attributes; Charisma: Average 9-14 Skill Points.
10) Who was the first leader of the “Antei Combat Centre”?
10A: Xizor
**For ACC staff (to include Webmasters) entries to be considered, they must answer the following question correctly (non-staff need not answer the following question).
Under what circumstance MUST you include a second staff member (not of your ‘job’; who must go ‘on record’) to review a battle rating?
Appendix; S1 ACC Staff Handbook: Duties and Critical Items; Dealing with 'Crits'; "If both combatants are guilty of crits, you may forgo the DQ and rate the battle apart from the critical items. If you choose not to, and decide to DQ one of the fighters, then you must do the following:
- Justify which combatant you've decided to disqualify
- Explain why their breech was more 'severe' than their opponent's
- Involve a second staff member 1 (who must go on record - by name - in the battle's decision) to review your decision before you make it official.
1 The second staff member may not be of your position - for instance, if you are a Judge, they must be a Trainer, the CM or DCM (Live! Judges are not included in this policy)."
Include your ID line when sending answers or your entry will not be considered.
02-06-2006 18:15:21
"Know Your ACC Stuff" Winners
1st Place w/no incorrect answers: KPN Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama
2nd Place w/1 incorrect answer: SW Tek Cicero Dantes (submitted 5/15/06@12:00am)
3rd place w/1 incorrect answer: DA Halcyon Rokir Arconae (submitted 5/15/06@2:12pm)
The rest had more than one incorrect answer, but there were two in particular that confused me a bit: first leader of the "ACC" was Xizor - not Mairin and "Charisma" was the stat question (#9) - not Wisdom...bunch of folks from the same clan all had that wrong
Aneehoo - there'll be another one of these things soon. Thanks to all who participated!!