Concerning CS changes during important battles


30-04-2006 13:10:45

Dalthid, I believe you touched on the very solution to the problem in your post. It would be cool if there was some way to have like a table or something, just a little bitty thing placed in a corner or something of the battle page that shows the stats of both combatants at the begining of the fight. No matter how many times they change their sheet the stats stay the same for that particular fight. This presents another problem though, people who change their sheets now during battles will most likely take advantage of that and change their sheet for every battle trying to gain the edge with stats instead of the written word. However, I think the pros outweigh the cons in this. Thats just my two cents on the matter at any rate.


30-04-2006 14:26:54

Yea - we 'were' going to go with a little table right underneath the fighter's name in the left column - but I think the issue was that we couldn't get it to stay 'static', so it would have had to have been mnaully inputted - although, something like that can be done in the intro's by the Judges I guess - hmmm...

There are already folks who change sheets for every battle - they usually suck anyway so it doesn't help; just makes them suck more because they don't know how to write with the new stats - let alone the old ones :)


30-04-2006 14:31:27

Having the stats stated in the begining of the intro would be a pretty easy fix as well, and involves no coding. And I agree, the people constantly change their CS usually have very little in the way of writing skills, but they do make for entertaining battles.

Sith Bloodfyre

02-05-2006 23:28:23

Actually, why not a melding of both? Why not have a "static" mini-sheet that would show up somewhere in the battle (within or next to the judge's opener), in which the judge enter's values for both opponents? Basically, the judge could just reference both sheets, go down in two separate columns, enter the numbers, and then the thing would generate a sort of snapshot for each opponent. Could be more work than it's worth, but there's got to be some kind of an option.


03-05-2006 07:45:05

actually BF, that's what I meant - not [OOC]ing them *in* the intro - my issue though, with doing it manually, is human error. People take stuff so personally around here that - heaven forbid - should we type a number wrong, the world might actually end :)

Sith Bloodfyre

03-05-2006 09:28:29

What about having combatants do them, then? Have them enter their current stats in their challenge or acceptance, and the judge can cross-reference them for accuracy. And either combatant not filling in the stats (or filling them in erroneously) results in the challenge being denied, and possibly other issues for trying to cheat (for erroneous stats entered).


04-05-2006 06:14:42

good idea - I'll look into how hard that would be to set up. 'member - I only have access to the ACC 'site' stuff - the challenge forms and whatnot are dbjedi folder stuff :) So I have to get my groveling hat on, LOL.

Sith Bloodfyre

04-05-2006 09:41:42

I know, no worries. I'm just here to help brainstorm.

Macron Sadow

04-05-2006 09:44:03

I like that idea.

The human error factor cannot be denied, even with people entering their own stuff.

Vangar Blade

25-05-2006 09:44:01

You could jsut have the post one right after another, but that means that it would take time out of your day. you could always check the players stats before you post and if they had tryed to change them you could disquaify them for it, just a thought.:)


14-11-2006 12:42:02

Wait.....Wait......Wait.....Now, I have been known to change my char sheet from time to time *looks around* But I have never taken it upon myself to try to get a boost in the stat department. I would also like everyone to know that the reasoning behind some people changing their characters is so that they can choose what's best for them through trial and error (or they just cant make up their damn minds). I on the other hand have been through many character sheets and I'm sure Dalthid and Halc hate me now for it :P

But I feel that all that time searching was just what I needed to find my recent character, who I feel is a perfect match for my style of writing. In no way am I saying that it's an excuse to constantly change and I know that you all are probably shaking your heads right about now lol.

But it's 12:40 pm and I havent slept, boredom may have driven me to reply to this seemingly dead topic but I was just reading through the ACC forum stuff and thought I'd throw my two cents out there, after all two cents is all I have left. For shame :(


I'm now editing my post because I forgot to add what originally drove me to even reply to this topic.

I like the idea of having a system where stats are shown *IF* someone feels the need to post in the middle of a fight, HOWEVER, I think it's pretty stupid to change when you have battles currently going. Why, you may ask? Because even if the Judges can keep track of your characters stats, you still need to finish that battle as the character you started with, so wouldnt changing your sheet during battles be kinda pointless?

I mean seriously. Common sense should tell you "Hey I have a battle going and I have to finish with said character anyway, so why not just finish my battles and THEN change.?"

Ok I think I'm done. This was a pointless reply from the sleep depraved mind. If you can filter through my ramblings and find any significant information, by all means do so and take heed to the message in this reply....if....there is one that is :P