Okay, getting to all the questions:
1) Callus: The line you are referring to has been removed. It was just left over from before the incorporation of the sabre style points to the CS. What you need to do is use the Shien style in the sabre forms section of the CS - that's about all you can do. Since the sabre styles were added to the CS, a custom slot can't really contradict it.
2) Why is the Compendium so Complicated and Redundant? (I'll try and keep this short) First of all, redundancy: there are only a few items, throughout the ACC that are truly redundant - to include the dual weapon thingy, for example. This is for one simple reason: because it falls between different aspects of the Centre. It is a 'skill' as well as a subject of 'mechanics' - it is listed twice so there is absolutely no confusion about it - as are all the 'pain in the arse' items throughout the Centre - that people STILL screw up, despite being mentioned repeatedly
As for complication, I really can't answer that because I don't find it complicated and neither do the folks who've been helping to edit it. I'd hate to think that complicated is synonymous with 'lazy' in a lot of circles, but that's how it seems. But I am far from being above scrutiny - I just need a little more specifics than "the compendium needs a major revision..." because it has already had 3 of them since it's been open.
3a) A lot of Information. Yep - there is. Why? Because there's a lot of aspects to the ACC - but lets go over it:
1) ~History - just for fictional stuff, not really important to how to play
2) ~/*/**Intro - just a hi, how're you doin - here's some basic info. Maybe used once in a career
3) *CS Guide - hardly a lot of 'useless' information and key to discerning opponent's abilities
4) **Species index - virtually useless after you've selected your species, maybe a quick glance on opponents
5) **Ground Combat Guide - fighting and sabre styles, only really worth a quick opponent glance once you pick a form/style
6) **Weapon Guide - again, just a quick glance databank
7) **Piloting Guide - just a glorified databank

*/**Force Powers - regular usage, better informed than the DSC, pivotal to Force use for those learning, can be ignored for vets
9) */**FP System - not a big deal in higher ranks, good for lower ones
10) RoE - barely used
11) ~Ranks and Titles - good reference for where your points take you, but generally useless
12) ~Creature Guide - not even done yet
13) **Venue Guide - good for reference and terrain selection
14) */**Operational Information - battle set-up options, mostly
15) ~Even Guide - only really for those who run competitions
16) ~Five Steps - just a guide or a bit of advice, not really pivotal
* These sections are important for use during a battle, there are 5; but they turn into mere reference once someone is familiar with them
** These are virtually 1 time references for things that pertain to a battle, mostly based in just understanding an element like a weapon or fighting style, there are 9
~These are purely for reference and not really pivotal in a battle at all, in fact, they are probably glanced at once or, in the case of ranks, only as needed, there are 6
So, out of all 15 chapters - only 5 really matter in a battle, and even then - as someone gets familiar - are reduced to mere reference. Like Force Powers, I am familiar enough with them that I barely ever look at the section during a battle - but it took time and experience to get there. While there is a lot of information (just like there is in the DSC or any rule book), people only use what they need. My main thought on that is people are afraid of it because it 'looks' like a lot - not because it actually is.
3b) The rules are a different beast - but far from complicated or even 'long' (again, that's just another opinion

). Those who have been around the ACC for a while will hardly ever use them, because it's all common sense to those who play - but there is no denying that they've gotten longer as the members have become...well...let's say; mentally diverse

hehe. Don't get me wrong, we don't find anyone dumb or anything, but the things members are willing to try and get away with now seems different than even the short time ago when I joined - then again, I could just be seeing it different as well, who knows? Nevertheless, the rules are meant to be in depth - that's why they cover so many things - we tried to leave absolutely no room for conflict, but in that; people seemed to assume that we've also taken away room for ingenuity - despite that idiocy, it's not the case.
There's no less room for that now than there was then - it's just now; instead of waiting to find out that you did something wrong and lost a battle in the comments, you can see that what you're attempting isn't 'legal' before you even try. The rank thing, for instance, and self promoting. It was NEVER written in the original rules, but people lost battles because of it (way before I was CM) - right or wrong, that's what went down. Now, though, folks can read that they can't do that and it has ceased to even be an issue, overall. Rest assured, all the problems that people faced have been cut drastically now that certain things are 'in stone' - and that's good enough for me to keep them the way they are. People lose battles now primarily based on mechanics like how to compare stats - which is totally normal - instead of losing because they breeched some 'unseen' rule that was hailed as common sense, but not really common knowledge.
4) 80 Page Species Stuff. I was asked once: "how long does a species description have to be?" I answered, "I've gotten some that were 5 pages and the longest was over 80...(but never approved)" I have never said that "80" was a requirement in the ACC...I merely used it as an example to point out how in depth a person could be. Can a species be approved in the ACC and not in CRAPS? Absolutely - as CRAPS seems a little defunct for the moment anyway.
There are thousands of SW species, the need to create a new one is absurd, but I never turn away those who want to try. We will never allow demons and vampires and that kind of garbage because we are a star wars club (but we will allow the SW species that already exist in that likeness

), but if you meet the requirements, then we won't deny you. There are 3 approved species in the Users list - of which I have never seen word 1 of their histories/write ups - they were all 'approved' by the ACC long before I was CM - much like the 'grandfathered' Echani users on the list, I won't ask...I just accept - provided they were on the list when I took over
Even now, if Arania or Kaiann mail me with a 'this has been approved' thing - I won't even ask if the person has gone that route. The description would be nice for people to research, but even that isn't necessary if the CS/history is adequate. However, if they want to approve through the ACC, then they gotta go by the specs - it is strict (seemingly moreso than CRAPS) because I am hoping that if we give them the "go", then they'll be able to keep it when CRAPS fully kicks in without much hassle. Can ACC approved species be accepted into CRAPS? I am in no position to even say.
Anyway, think I got it all...