31-10-2005 19:00:54
Yeah, the title really says it all, but I'll put it in a question. How will clan powers (such as Tarentum's Necromancy powers) figure into the Force Pool system? Will there be later evaluations of Clan Powers, their types, and costs?
31-10-2005 19:44:45
Currently, Clan/Order Powers are not allowed in the ACC, but once they are put up and "leveled" by the RPG folks (Kaiann) I'll do a set of tables for those as well. Until that is done, however, Clan/Order powers will not be used in the ACC.
Aidan Kincaid
31-10-2005 20:33:22
As far as I know you can't use Order/Clan powers at all in the DB yet. Some clans have their powers written out but that's about it.
02-11-2005 11:45:13
I always thought that you could use the powers in like RUn Ons or fictions?
02-11-2005 11:56:17
Run-Ons/Fictions are a completely different matter. We're just talking about the ACC where weapons/items/powers must be kept fair for all parties
Sith Bloodfyre
02-11-2005 15:22:58
The Clan and Order Powers got approval as a project, which means they're pretty much official. However, when I was working on the powers with the individual Clan Summits, we didn't come up with RPG stats. We decided to leave that up to Kaiann, and just create them with broad descriptions so the actual stats could be figured later. They're fine for fiction and run-ons, and whatever you want to do, but Dalthid is within his authority to keep them out of them ACC until he has stats or whatnot to go off of, to make sure it's going to work into the systems that he's using.
12-12-2005 14:22:05
Random question concerning actual posting. The points used are going to be counted by the Judge, or will each fighter need to put in an OOC section in each post listing what powers they used, and how many points are left as shown in the example battles? For example, something like this:
{Last line of post here}
(OOC - Points)
- [PRW] Prowess, Augmentation power; 3 points
- [AA] Attack Anticipation, Sensing power; 4 points
- [TES] Telekinetic Strike, Telekinetic power; 7 points
FP Points Remaining:
- Augmentation [AUG] 62*
- Energetic [E] 55
- Healing [H] 56
- Mental [M] 42
- Sensing [SEN] 37*
- Telekinetic [T] 57*
- Viviform [V] 50
- Suppressive
I'm pretty sure we won't have to do that, but I wanted to clarify.
12-12-2005 14:36:53
Yeah, Dalthid has already said not to add-up the points yourself. Judges will do that themselves to help them in terms of force usage is one aspect of it.
So, just use the force powers like normal
Tarax Kor
12-12-2005 15:21:18
But what if in your posts you end up using more than you can? Some people's posts/outcomes of posts may end up being pointless/unusable once the Judge looks through it.
12-12-2005 15:34:52
Of course they'll look through it. As I've said and Dal repeated in his reports, this FC Conversion is one component of overall realism. The more you go over, the larger the "ding" against you. However, there are also a number of other points that are used to judge a battles. THere are 4 main "areas" we use to judge. Realism is one such area. Force points is then one aspect of Realism. As such, it doesn't play as significant a factor as people seem to believe.
That being said, the reason it was continuously mentioned was that it is something completely new. As such, people need to know about it. It was never once said it would be a huge factor in the outcome of a battle...because it isn't. The opposite would be true...if we hadn't said anything but used it in our judgements, people would be all over us again
Hopefully this post explains who the Force Conversion is used and the reasoning behind why information was always given out.