Comment on this forums description.

Malus Maximus

01-07-2005 21:33:09

I'm sorry to take up space on the boards for this, but I couldn't find the moderator for us. Shouldn't the description for this forum be "Acta fabulam est"?


02-07-2005 13:22:09

"Acta est fabula..." is the correct syntax.


02-07-2005 15:32:07

Don't ever doubt the syntax of a krath :P especially one with spikey lightsabers :P

Dal usually knows what he's talking about though unless you happen to be talking about females. :P


02-07-2005 21:33:24

I never got why that's the ACC motto - after all, nothing is over, we keep fighting :-)


02-07-2005 21:48:01

That was low Callus...and Arania has the jist of it :D


03-07-2005 10:21:13

Ummm... riiight... if you remember, "Acta est fabula..." is the 'shortened' version of the motto. It's actually "Acta est fabula... The Game Has Begun". It's part Augustinian quote, part American cliche and part metaphore.