Winner Take All - Looking for Input


31-01-2005 21:12:09

Based on an idea I attempted, that just never got finished, I was thinking of proposing a "Winner Take All" Hall.

Supposing it could be done, meaning those responsible wouldn't mind updating dossiers, how would you feel about actually putting something up in an ACC battle?

Some time ago, before the latest with Halc and Ktulu, I sought approval for putting up my SB as the 'prize' for one of my battles. I got the approval, but the fight just never happened... no takers - well one, but that would have been too easy :P Don't get me wrong... my twist was that I got to take ANYTHING from them... even their last name (which means they would have had to change their DB name - a pain in the butt, I know, but it sounded cool at the time :P) so I think that just turned a lot of folks off. It's not that I think my SB is worthless, because I don't, I was stoked to get it - its just, when I'm on my game... I KNOW I'm that damn good... however, those bad days? eek, their bad :P

Anyway, I figure this would also be very cool with re-birth and the possessions, prestige and credits... it would just add something "more" to actually going through all that effort. Of course, there are guidelines to winning yo sh*t back, and it can be done... but I won't get into too much more, as I just wanted to get an opinion.

Thanks for your time.


31-01-2005 21:25:09

As you know, I'm up for that sort've thing (and hopefully we can do the battle of ours...I just don't know if Ktulu is here :P)

But as for the general idea of having "winner take all" battles, I like it. I also had the idea of actual death matches. This would be rare of course, but basically the point of the battle is to kill your opponent (you must write that you kill your opponent in the DP). The loser will then have to remake their entire character (new name, history, CS, etc...). Just another twist. And perhaps for these locations, the venue would be real, instead of the morph hall.


31-01-2005 22:19:39

Ooh deathmatches, sounds interesting. I'd be up for that, if the opponent had a real enough reason for getting themselves turned into O-)

Nekura Manji

01-02-2005 14:12:06

Sounds interesting... although, perhaps instead of putting up your own awards, there could be some kind of award for beating somebody? For example, for beating Dalthid (not likely, but hey... I managed it :D) the winner could get some kind of medal showing that they bested the Supreme Champion? Just a thought...

And deathmatches sound okay- although, personally, I would be pissed at having to remake my character. It would depend on how attached you were to your character- they would have to be a rare event, kinda like the one in KOTOR where it's a one-off.

There's my two pennies for ya. Enjoy.


01-02-2005 14:30:09

These type of matches would be by choice, not forced on you. They would just be "official" in the sense that the loser must "pay up".


01-02-2005 14:58:45

This sounds like a really cool idea, but what if there were a type of battle (like a mp game "deathmatch") where there are more than 2 people. Could that work?


01-02-2005 17:52:48

first, nekura... awards for battles, and what I am talking about here are two completely different things... and sure you can have an award that says you beat me... if you go around the DB and let them know that I stomped the sh*t out of you twice :P

Dal 2 - Manji 1 - the kid's been pwnd

and yes, chaos, it can work in a 'deathmatch', lust like ante - ing up in a poker game... winner takes the pot


02-02-2005 11:10:16

I like the idea. It sounds good, cause then you will face people who trully spend time on their posts. This way they aren't just like "Oh, just another loss." I would like that as it will show peoples true colors. ;)


02-02-2005 17:35:52

Well, as Halc said... this WILL NOT be mandatory... so, you won't get any half-assers in these battles, I assume - these will be people that WANT to win

Nekura Manji

03-02-2005 03:58:41

'Dal 2 - Manji 1 - the kid's been pwnd'

You just wait, Combat Master... I'll get you next time :P
But yeah, this seems like a cool idea- gets my support. Although I wouldn't rush to take part... I love my character too much :D Just a thought- would the new character that would have to be created be the same rank/have the same medals/etc as the one that got killed?


03-02-2005 06:22:19

Actually... what you're talking about is Halc's proposed "real" deathmatch, that he mentioned... this thread is actually about the "Winner Take All" Hall idea... :P so you don't have to worry about killing off your character for the WTA Hall

Ktulu Xyler

03-02-2005 14:13:39

Shove it Rokir :P Anyways I'm still up for the WTA match and I'm actually intrigued by the real deathmatch type battle. Although right now I think I would have to get heavily back into the ACC before we attempt that battle ;)

So yeah I've been reading up on the proposed changes and I likes. Very Much.

Xyler out.


04-02-2005 08:29:18

Based on an idea I attempted, that just never got finished, I was thinking of proposing a "Winner Take All" Hall.

Supposing it could be done, meaning those responsible wouldn't mind updating dossiers, how would you feel about actually putting something up in an ACC battle?

Some time ago, before the latest with Halc and Ktulu, I sought approval for putting up my SB as the 'prize' for one of my battles. I got the approval, but the fight just never happened... no takers - well one, but that would have been too easy :P Don't get me wrong... my twist was that I got to take ANYTHING from them... even their last name (which means they would have had to change their DB name - a pain in the butt, I know, but it sounded cool at the time :P) so I think that just turned a lot of folks off. It's not that I think my SB is worthless, because I don't, I was stoked to get it - its just, when I'm on my game... I KNOW I'm that damn good... however, those bad days? eek, their bad :P

Anyway, I figure this would also be very cool with re-birth and the possessions, prestige and credits... it would just add something "more" to actually going through all that effort. Of course, there are guidelines to winning yo sh*t back, and it can be done... but I won't get into too much more, as I just wanted to get an opinion.

Thanks for your time.

The WTA Hall looks like a nice idea to me. However, I've got my reservation when it comes to battling for eachother's medals. That way, someone could win (let's stick to the original example) a Sapphire Blade for winning a battle. And I don't think that someone who writes one battle, no matter how good it is, deserves a Sapphire Blade. It degrades medals if you can bet them in a battle.

However, WTA matches with credits are an excellent idea. As far as I've been able to find out, credits will be given as salary, and not for special achievements (we've got medals for that), and they're not person-bound. So they'll be great to use in such matches. Of course, we'll have to wait for credits to arrive before the Hall can be opened... but that's just a minor issue, really. :P

- Strat


04-02-2005 08:43:58

I think that idea would be very interesting. It wouldn't be like simply battling to get ACC ranks. You would actually be trying to hold on to something 'precious.' Hey, Dalthid. If you ever want a battle for something like that, i'm up for it. ^^;


Nekura Manji

04-02-2005 12:04:23

I like the idea Strat put forward about credits... perhaps we could even increase the idea and have people being able to bet credits on who would win? If we're going to have a regular source of income with Rebirth, then who wouldn't want to trip down to the ACC and do a little gambling, drink a little corellian ale, watch a few Twi'lek dancers? :D


04-02-2005 18:23:41

Right Strat, the SB was an example... besides, I chose my opponent (s) on that, trust me, they are folks who either have them already or I'm wondering why they don't. NEVER will anyone "unworthy" be given a shot at something like that... not from me anyway.

Esca - read above :P

Nekura/Strat... you've almost hit the nail on the head - there will be betting, prize fights, an ACC store, the whole nine yards... which is why I wish I had someone to take over the ACCLive! project for me :( that would be cool... a live fight that folks could bet on.


04-02-2005 18:31:32

That would be Betting on fighters...hmmm


Nekura Manji

05-02-2005 06:17:32

Heheh... an ACC store. I got an image of a little souvenir store selling ACC t-shirts and coffee mugs... 'I got my ass kicked in the ACC and all I got was this stupid T-shirt'. Heheh... :P

I would offer to take over the ACCLive! Project if I knew a little bit more about how it all actually works- once I've made some more progress on the INI trimming, do you want to get in touch with me explaining a few technical things and we'll see how it goes?


06-02-2005 20:52:27

I don't like the idea of actually having a character killed and having to start over from scratch. In my mind that makes a mockery of what could be years and years of faithful service, and detracts from the fun of the ACC. No institution in the DB, except the GM and Chamber of Justice, should have the power to demote someone that insanely.

Medals should maybe be limited to the general awards. As has been said before, a Sapphire Blade for one battle is a bit much...even if it is against which case it is semi-warranted, but battle?

Minor points of honour are ok, but not something that comprimises a whole career.


06-02-2005 21:19:58

Betting on fights is an awesome idea!

It doesn't need to be restricted to the Live Hall though. All you really need is publicity surrounding a normal battle.

Two fighters agree to battle one another, choosing their weapons, hall, and terrain. The CM makes a public announcement stating all the particulars of the agreed upon fight except maybe for a few....

I can see why it would be useful to keep this strictly to the Live Hall, to prevent Clans from conspiring to make their champion's posts better. But that can be dealt with easily...withhold the fighter's names and Clans, and swear the fighters to secrecy. It would also be good just to give ranks and comparative combatant stats (ie. DJK X is slightly stronger, but has way less intelligence than DJK Y).

OR you still report their names, but decrease the amount of time people have to post. That would limit the peanut gallery interference nicely, and keep the battle from dragging on forever.

People send their CONs an email detailing their wager on the fight, CONs compile Clan lists, and the lists are sent to the CM who holds them until the fight is done in however many weeks it takes to complete.

Then people on the ACC staff just have to go through the lists and tally how much each gambler wins/loses.

This might seem a bit more complicated, but it opens the field up the field to every single Hall we have.


06-02-2005 22:05:09

Just a note about the "real" Deathmatches.

#1. They'd be optional
#2. Only your character, not your actual DB history, would be erased. ie. If Halcyon (me) were dead, I would have to make a completely new character with a whole new backstory to use that explains my history upto being an Adept. I wouldn't get demoted back to NOV or something (once is enough :P)


07-02-2005 07:31:33

okay kids... as if what I do with my SB is any of your business :P

I did my bit for club and clan and got an SB out of it. Hardest work I did at the time and earned the reward, and I cherish it... HOWEVER, for me to put it up in a battle does not diminish its worth... yes, even 1 battle. It doesn't take away the work I did to get it, nor does it amplify the individual with the perception that they 'earned' it - ask them :P With the recent concern about devaluing awards (not only in this thread) it is plausible to assume that I may have to pick another price for Halc or Ktulu, but if not, and one of them wins it... ask them if they think they 'earned' it. I bet you they will say "no, I 'won' it... there's a difference" hence, why I would offer such a gamble to members of that stature and not some APP right outta the SA.

What you're failing to realize is that my opponent is NOT being 'awarded' it for service (it would even continue to maintain the blurb from the person who awarded it to me), they are "winning" it because I put it up as a prize, I gambled and lost, though that hasn't actually happened yet :) There are also the guidelines about my opportunity to win it back... which cannot be denied by the opponent.

So, with that said, lets lay off my sh*t :'( and get back to the thread....



07-02-2005 12:46:39

Not a bad idea as such , although I think there's some stuff off limit in regards to what can be gambled away. Credits are always ok, of course.


07-02-2005 22:01:34

Ah, ic. My resignation about the deathmatch is hereby retracted. I see I'm overmedicated...or not medicated enough.... :blink:

For some reason it didn't register that the blurbs would remain. Again...medication....
And I suppose it should indeed be completely up to the combatants what they wager. Very well, I'm onboard.


10-02-2005 06:11:39

yea, there are things we can't touch, which will be described in the hall location, when its ready.