Lorien Sinclair
28-06-2005 20:56:31
Hey, Dalthid, if someone wanted to add a race to the species list, and had detailed info to offer about them, would it be feasible, or would the info need to be tweaked?
28-06-2005 21:46:18
I do not believe the current Compendium is being updated, but a Star Wars species will be allowed if there is a sufficient number of different sources with information on this species.
If it is a custom species, write out your detailed description/history of the species and submit it to Dalthid and go from there
28-06-2005 22:28:20
FYI: a race and a species aren't the same thing
29-06-2005 08:38:01
FYI: a race and a species aren't the same thing
You can't just say something like that and not explain. I'm all confused now :huh:
29-06-2005 09:09:56
African American, Latino, Mandalorian = Race (though what we call a 'race' may sometimes get confused with nationality - point is, each of those examples are human).
**Race = beings who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock**
American, German, Asian, Corellian = "Nationality", not necessarily condusive with 'race or species'
**Nationality (or, planet-something, for us

) = the status of belonging to a particular nation/planet by birth or naturalization**
Homo Sapien (we say "Human"), Zabrak, Falleen = Species
**Species = a specific kind of something; taxonomic group whose members can interbreed**
In the ACC, we are looking for your "Species" - your nationality and/or race can be described in your appearance or your DB history. For example: 1) JH X is Human, with Mandalorian origin, born on Corellia - he wouldn't be called a 'Corellian' in the ACC because he's human. 2) JH X is a Zabrak, born on Iridonia - he's a Zabrak. "Iridonian" only tells you where he's from.
Muz Ashen
29-06-2005 09:44:44
Here comes the biology stuff... (disclaimer: this is based on our world and theory extrapolated from our world, so mrah)
Well the humans in the SW universe allegedly spread out all over the place. Naboo, corellia, coruscant, tattooine, et cetera...and while some developed particular traits to adapt to their chosen home, they are still just human... as shown by Anakin (tattoine) having kids with Padme (naboo).
Moving on, it seems that most of the human-like humanoids in SW would be interbreedable... like Chiss and the Zabrak... those things that are different are not fundamental changes, and could be simply adaptations.
the Falleen and the Twi'lek (and those planty things) are fundamentally different and can't breed... the lekku and lack of hair on twi'lek are alleged proof of massive genetic differences, and the falleen are reptiles that just look human. (the argument could be easily made that the falleen developed their more mammalian traits to best manipulate/seduce humans, as well as their hormonal tricks)
"But Muz, the Zabrak have horns!"
yeah, and you can too, if you find a surgeon willing to do it.
Medical grade coral can be implanted beneath the subcutaneous layer of skin on your head. Your body will think the coral is dead bone, and eventually run vessels and new bone to replace it. Voila, you got horns. (and Voila, you are now unemployable by anyone but the circus!) I can give more details via PM if interested, but realize that it is VERY expensive.
And the chiss are just blue. Their blood is even red. They can prolly interbreed....
Now trandoshan, gungan, mon calamari, wookie, ewok, and all those crazy fun races...well, they are very obviously of different species (unless you wanna shave a wookie and see if they are just particularly hirsute humans with crappy vocal cords...)
heck, GL never said what planet Yoda was originally from (or yaddle for that matter)...and my own personal theory is that he's human. People shrink and discolour as they age...and at 900 years old.. well...
and i'll quit rambling now.
09-07-2005 05:58:31
Yo Lorien Sinclair wat is ur dossier.
09-07-2005 12:56:45
It's prolly the same as the one that you'd get to if you clicked the "View Dossier" link under the avatar
Ark Dowell
28-07-2005 23:47:59
Question! A Miraluka is considered a SW species, but it's not in the Compendium. If I wanted to use it, would I have to write out a history and description? 'Cause I already have info from Wikipoedia. Just wondering.
29-07-2005 08:51:50
The ACC species list isn't all inclusive - just like it reads at the top of the page
Miraluka is an acceptable species, though I wouldn't put too much faith in Wikipoedia - in fact, that's not really even a valid 'source' for us, in a lot of cases.
So "no" you wouldn't have to supply any extra info apart from what you just want to write in your CS.
Ark Dowell
29-07-2005 09:16:43
The ACC species list isn't all inclusive - just like it reads at the top of the page 
D'oh! Must've missed it... Man, I'm dull witted, just like my ACC Char...
Thx for the info, though. I've been wondering for some time now... ^_^
Mike Halcyon
29-07-2005 10:50:54
If you want your own race to become canon, send a mail to the Lord Hegemon with all the important details. It will then reviewed by the Committee for Race APproval and [Expletive Deleted] (CRAPS) and either send back with request for changes, denied or accepted. From then on, it is a DJB canon race. This, of course, in turn means you can use it in the ACC - albeit the stats will still have to be ironed out.
Note that once Rebirth is out, only CRAPS-approved species (and of course canon SW races) will be allowed. Everybody else will probably be forced to change their race.
Ark Dowell
29-07-2005 20:15:46
Cool. But what's a Canon SW race? One that's in the Compendium?
Dark Sabre
29-07-2005 20:24:47
A canon Star Wars species is one of the ones that are from the movies, games or books and have information to back them up.
Examples would be Rodians, Twi'leks, Gungans, etc.
29-07-2005 20:32:03
don't forget, MH - if they want a "species" approved, they also have to do the same thing
Kaelin Ring
18-08-2005 00:04:13
So whats so special about canon races?
19-08-2005 23:19:21
Nothing - except they're the only one's the ACC acknowledges - 'cept for approved species, of course.