Some Riddles

Ood Bnar

10-08-2005 11:58:29

Voiceless it cries,
Wingless flutters,
Toothless bites,
Mouthless mutters.

What is it?

Ood Bnar

10-08-2005 16:26:01

i give a riddle and you can guess what it is!

Kaine Mandaala

10-08-2005 17:04:04

The Wind.
Halo of water, tongue of wood
Skin of stone, long I've stood.
My fingers short reach to the sky
Inside my heart men live and die.

Ood Bnar

10-08-2005 17:50:55

A Castle, Keep or fortress

Ood Bnar

10-08-2005 17:51:55

It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter.

What is it

Ark Dowell

10-08-2005 20:05:51



Always changing, yet always the same.
I am known as the element of life.
Men are fascinated by my movements.

What am I?

Kaine Mandaala

10-08-2005 22:42:39


Quarter of an omen band,
Go fast because you must.
Hold me not - I am a lack,
When fields are naught but dust.


11-08-2005 05:00:41


But can't think of anything myself... will do so later... :$

Ood Bnar

11-08-2005 05:22:42

oh yeah, Ark it isn't Death

It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter.

What is it

It's the "Dark"


11-08-2005 08:00:30

heres a new riddle:

I cannot be felt, seen or touched;
Yet I can be found in everybody;
My existence is always in debate;
Yet I have my own style of music.
What Am I?

Ood Bnar

11-08-2005 08:02:23


This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats high mountain down.

What is it


11-08-2005 10:33:04

A Dragon?

and for Links, Religion?

Ood Bnar

11-08-2005 11:36:23

no, it isn't a dragon


11-08-2005 12:14:00

ood: it is time I think..

and another new riddle:

I soar without wings, I see without eyes.
I've traveled the universe to and fro.
I've conquered the world, yet I've never been anywhere but home.
Who am I?


11-08-2005 12:24:57

Ood: Is it water?

Link: Time?


11-08-2005 13:07:29

ood: bacteria? :P


11-08-2005 16:50:30

yeah, I think "time" is the answer to ood's riddle :P

Ood Bnar

15-08-2005 16:39:58

link is right, it is time.

Ood Bnar

15-08-2005 16:40:43

so Link's riddle is the next one!

I soar without wings, I see without eyes.
I've traveled the universe to and fro.
I've conquered the world, yet I've never been anywhere but home.
Who am I?

Ood Bnar

18-08-2005 04:58:58

Link, is it Light?

Ood Bnar

21-08-2005 07:44:46

Link, the answer is my imagination.

Ood Bnar

21-08-2005 07:47:02

A box without hinges, key, or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.

What is it?


21-08-2005 11:10:39

your mind/concious possibly?

what dies yet lives, breathes yet doesnt, pretends to be happy, when in fact it is wanting?

Ood Bnar

21-08-2005 12:47:07

not your mind/concious

an egg

Ood Bnar

22-08-2005 07:56:42

what dies yet lives, breathes yet doesnt, pretends to be happy, when in fact it is wanting?

this is the next riddle.


22-08-2005 10:51:09

Is it wind?

Ood Bnar

22-08-2005 17:34:36

Is it wind?

Ood Bnar

24-08-2005 15:30:14

I am the center of gravity, hold a capital situation in Vienna, and as I am foremost in every victory, am allowed by all to be invaluable. Though I am invisible, I am clearly seen in the midst of a river. I could name three who are in love with me and have three associates in vice. It is vain that you seek me for I have long been in heaven yet even now lie embalmed in the grave.

What am I?"

Dark Sabre

24-08-2005 16:02:36

The letter V.

Oh and Ood, to anyone who's read the Hobbit some of your riddles are painfully obvious. :P

Ood Bnar

24-08-2005 16:03:32

correct, now it is your turn to post a riddle


24-08-2005 17:39:13

youre riddles are kinda like them, but not painfully like them

if im here, you dont notice, if i die, if im banished, youre happy, your clarity is ruined by my tainting, yet you need me for peace and quiet...

what am i?


25-08-2005 05:56:39

thought? mind?


25-08-2005 05:59:45

The smartest, funniest, scariest and most horrible of all vertebrates, having leaves for wings; its world is seen through plates.

EDIT- spelling

Ood Bnar

27-08-2005 10:32:41

don't know


27-08-2005 14:53:17

A book dear boy!

verterbrate- a book has a spine,
leaves measure of pages,
plate, a picture in a book

Ood Bnar

27-08-2005 15:53:50

nice one!

Give me food, and I will live;
give me water,
and I will die.

What am I?


27-08-2005 16:37:17

a fire

i've made up a really hard "cryptic" one, so ill tell you if you cant decifer,

I am not ugly,
just covered with seed,
i am a ghost and a minstrel,
what water kills i feed.

bottom line should be your biggest clue, put it there to make things simpler

Ood Bnar

27-08-2005 16:41:03

correct, now you may post a riddle!


27-08-2005 16:45:55

yes i forgot see edit above

Ood Bnar

28-08-2005 08:47:39

it's a duck! you said it on irc i believe!

next riddle:

What has roots as nobody sees,
Is taller than trees,
Up, up it goes,
And yet never grows?


28-08-2005 10:54:56

NO! A duck?! that was Quejo, but as you've moved on ill tell you the answer:


I am (K)not ugly,
just covered with seed, -wood grain?
i am a ghost and a minstrel, - pail and dark?
what water kills i feed. -fire?


skyscrapers? roots being foundations...


Marking the wrong,
But leading the "light",
I held the most powerful,
Yet now complement jumpers.

Ood Bnar

28-08-2005 11:53:25

no, a mountain

sorry to move on like that


Marking the wrong,
But leading the "light",
I held the most powerful,
Yet now complement jumpers.


28-08-2005 20:34:54

The sky?


29-08-2005 20:36:13

a (the) cross


29-08-2005 20:37:30

I can destroy the world,
And bring fame,
All powerful-
Maker of name.

I roll along pressed snow
Leaving my footprints as I go,
Here when sword ruled the earth,
And still I remain,
A curse, and bringer of mirth.


03-09-2005 16:56:33

a pen!

Ood Bnar

03-09-2005 16:59:32

give us another riddle!