Looking To Lead


13-08-2007 19:31:51

got the email that our leaders are leaving the House and that there is openings. looked at our roster and there is only 4 ppl left in the Keepers of the Night and a couple dozen in the House. Unless someone objects, going to ask if I can assume a leader role so we don't lose our house

Sephiroth Kali

14-08-2007 23:18:53

I would suggest emailing Bloodfyre and Korras. good initiative!


02-10-2007 23:35:00

got the email that our leaders are leaving the House and that there is openings. looked at our roster and there is only 4 ppl left in the Keepers of the Night and a couple dozen in the House. Unless someone objects, going to ask if I can assume a leader role so we don't lose our house

I'd say if you want to lead your first step might be to actually introduce yourself to your Quaestor, who I assure you is very much here. It's good to see someone with some initiative, all you need now is some talent and wisdom to go along with it and you'll be an unstoppable force, or farce, as the csse may be.