Major Events of the Day


01-11-2005 14:31:42

To anyone who follows current events, it's been an intense news cycle these last few months. Plus, the Ep. III DVD has 13 hours of bonus material with 5 deleted scenes! >:)


01-11-2005 16:04:08

Is the question literal, as in the News of the DAY, or spread out over the year 2005?


01-11-2005 16:43:05

Aye...and ya gotta specify continent too, as I'm sure some of the US politics doesn't quite matter as much outside of North general :P

Mike Halcyon

01-11-2005 18:39:31

I've updated it with a German-specific option. :)

Sith Bloodfyre

01-11-2005 18:54:43

Just out of curiousity, what's a "coaltion" again?

Mike Halcyon

02-11-2005 04:37:28

See, in a true democracy, where there are more than two parties, sometimes two or more of them have to form a coalition in order to form the government body.

Sith Bloodfyre

02-11-2005 05:38:48

I was more pointing out the former typo. :P Glad to see you got the message. I'm well aware of what a coalition is.


03-11-2005 15:07:20

See, in a true democracy, where there are more than two parties, sometimes two or more of them have to form a coalition in order to form the government body.

Sorry Mike but that coalition is built on a foundation of sand. Good luck getting the Christian Democrats and the Green Party to agree about anything. Magic 8 Ball says Merkel's attempts at reform will flounder, Germany's precious social programs will remain intact, and the unemployment rate will stay sky high. Kind'a like Italy's parliment, where "dead-lock" is a constant state of being.

2 cents :P

Kaine Mandaala

04-11-2005 07:24:55

Options 1 & 3 can be grouped together, really. CIA Leak and Tom DeLay are nearly interchangable topics on talk radio.