Nintendo Revolution


04-08-2005 16:26:23

Nintendo are pretty secretive about their new console.
They have said the controll pads will "not be your normal pad with buttons and anologue sticks." Then what will it have on it if its not buttons or sticks?


04-08-2005 16:53:17

tyrus agrees and is also skeptical about this revolution nintendo has unleashed(or not). Tyrus has never been pleased with this so called nintendo for it SUCKS...that is all tyrus would like to say

Aidan Kincaid

04-08-2005 18:38:46

How can you be pleased or displeased about something that has yet to be released?

And Shadow thinks Tyrus needs to stop talking in the third person.


04-08-2005 19:24:38

I don't think the controller will really be a big deal, unless it's tech that will allow you to put on a special hat that allows you to control it with your brain waves. :P

The only thing that I like about the Rev is the ability to download and play all of the old school games. I'm dying to get my hands on a Goldeneye and Contra multiplayer match again!

Nekura Manji

05-08-2005 05:03:43

I saw something somewhere about the Revolution being the most remarkable console ever. Seriously. If it uses 3D projection (I think that was what the source said) then it'll be a killer machine to play, and so much different from Microsofts *spits* latest machine of evil.


05-08-2005 14:07:04

My Idea is that Xbox 360 is going to blow away Revolution and PS3. PS3 is waiting 6 months after the release of 360 so they can copy all of the new and improved [Expletive Deleted] on it. to counter that Bungie is releasing Halo 3 the same exact day. Bill Gates himself announced that. I am getting all three of them, but I am personally attached to the Xbox/Xbox 360. I have seen screenshots of the games and was utterly in awe by it.

Aidan Kincaid

05-08-2005 15:17:37

The Revolution will be cool for its backwards compatibility with all of Nintendos gaming systems (NES to GC) or so they claim.


05-08-2005 15:30:51

The Revolution will be cool for its backwards compatibility with all of Nintendos gaming systems (NES to GC) or so they claim.

If it is backwards compatible, I'm getting it :P Should've never sold off my NES and SNES *sniff*

Nekura Manji

06-08-2005 04:15:00

My friend still has a SNES- we go round to his and have big Contra 3 games while drinking beer and eating beef jerky, like real men. :D

But yeah... I personally hate the Xbox, and by default the 360 as well. I just dislike the way that Microsoft thought "Hey, let's take over the games market because we have lots of money and by 2015, we'll rule the world" And because not too long ago, my Windows PC crashed completely and I lost absolutely everything on my hard drive... including a story I'd spent about a year on. Apparently, it was because the 'operating system could not be found'. Bulls**t.

But yes... there's my beef with Microsoft. And besides, I played a PSP at the Sony building in Japan... Oh. My. God. I'm getting one of those. It's like holding a Playstation in your hands. F**king incredible. And since the tech demo for the PS3 was the intro of FF7, remade with STUNNING graphics, I'll get a PS3 as well in the hope that they remake the whole of FF7 :D


06-08-2005 09:37:50

ok, no more 3rd person, but i have beef with nintendo...i bought a nintendo gamecube, in the hopes they would have a shi* load of rpg's and you know what? they practically punched me in the GOOD rpgs, oh they had rpg's, ffcc sucked...very unless ff7 like manji said comes stickin with xb360, where the military games are at...


06-08-2005 11:32:15

The PSP is indeed awesome. Currently I have Metal Gear Ac!d, Midnight Club 3: DUB edition (Currently in the PSP now), and Coded Arms (For multiplayer fun against my coworkers). I have pre-purchased both the new SOCOM game for it as well as SW:Battlegrounds 2 for it.

All I need now is a 1 GB memory card for it (A bit expensive at about $140), and I'll be set. I was able to put the old fan film Troops on it and showed it to the wife. She was pretty impressed. :)

Concerning the Rev, it'll be interesting to see how they intergrate the DS with the Rev. I have the DS now (Getting Advanced Wars DS on the 22nd!), so getting it to talk to the Rev will be pretty sweet. Depending on the implementation of it, of course. =P

Kaine Mandaala

06-08-2005 13:46:26

I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to do something completely asinine and make their new controllers similar to the stupid touch screen on the DS. Touch screens are a complete waste of money on commercial electronics IMO - Nintendo is going to lose so much money in warranty replacements. The demo DS I see in stores is always the same - the touch screen is beat to hell and if it isn't broken it might as well be. I can only imagine the abuse these things get.

I am really impressed with GC games, though short (Luigi's Mansion took me about 4 or so hours off and on) they look great and are entertaining. They've done well with great titles like Metroid, Pikmin and Animal Crossing, but I feel that the crown jewels of the system are games that weren't made by Nintendo - like Soul Calibur, Prince of Persia, and LOTR:Two Towers.

On the subject of RPG's - PS2, hands down. You can't beat the system that is backwards compatble with the system that had the most RPG's. The combined titles from both are staggering, and most of the titles are really good. Still - they're no Dragon Warrior. :P



06-08-2005 21:09:08

lol, i remember final fantasy tactics advance, that game was "mildly" cool, but it was no FF(original)


08-08-2005 20:21:48

Eh its gonna be a battle between PS3 and X360 i know it

Ark Dowell

13-08-2005 01:18:17

ok, no more 3rd person, but i have beef with nintendo...i bought a nintendo gamecube, in the hopes they would have a shi* load of rpg's and you know what? they practically punched me in the GOOD rpgs, oh they had rpg's, ffcc sucked...very unless ff7 like manji said comes stickin with xb360, where the military games are at...

Oh, they have just 1 good RPG. You ever heard of Phantasy Star Online Ep. 1 & 2? It's nice. You can go online and play with other people. It's awesome.


31-08-2005 10:07:36

I think Nintendo have something special planned with the Revolution. While I personally think they've gone downhill over the years (drastically), and consider the GameCube to be crap, I cant really say Nintendo is down and out for the count until I see what they have in store for us.


31-08-2005 10:12:44

I have Gamecubg myself, and have played all of the other systems, but I've always been a fan of the more classic Nintendo characters which they've excelled at on the Gamecube. Eh, I've enjoyed the system myself, but to compete they do need to get into the whole MP aspect of things. For SP however, can't beat a good 'ol Metroid or Mario game :P

Kaine Mandaala

31-08-2005 10:54:01

...but to compete they do need to get into the whole MP aspect of things.

I agree wholeheartedly. Nintendo's idea of "multiplayer" is titles like Mario Party, Mario Golf and Mario Kart. Sure there's Soul Calibur 2 and Super Smash Bros. but I think they need more of their main titles to not scream "NoFriendo".


31-08-2005 11:39:09 MP of those games would be fantastic.


31-08-2005 15:08:50

I'd rather play the old games which you find on the NES and SNES :P

Ark Dowell

01-09-2005 13:54:17

I enjoy the games on GC like Metroid Prime. But I feel that GB has too many 'kiddie' games. No offense, but there aren't RPG's, war games, and shooters. The only game that I've actually enjoyed that were shooter were the Resident Evil ones. I love killing zombies. :)


01-09-2005 19:22:51

Any pics of the Revolution? Or even the prototype?


02-09-2005 14:05:11

Ark, try Paper Mario some time. Yeah, it's kiddie looking, but it's pretty amazing and funny as heck. Also, with the intro of Battalion Wars I'm hoping that some decent war games will come to the (admittedly) dying GC.

Not related to the topic, but Rouge Squadron III coop was a blast. :D

Ethen, sure. This is a smallish pic, but you can see it at least. :)

EDIT - Got the link all messed up. Fixed it.


02-09-2005 15:33:02

i like to play on nintendo consoles sometimes, even though though i have sworn allegiance to xbox, purely because it good to get away from cyborgs and deadly serious action shoters and the like. Mario party is great and i love playing it with friends, as well as halo and counter strike and battle field 1942 and timesplitters.

Also, for, any1 in the UK, we won't get xbox 360 in time for christmas unless you've already preordered, unlike me (sob)


02-09-2005 15:37:22

Diablos remembers the good old days of the SNES, Mario and street fighter.



03-09-2005 02:44:10

I don't mind the GC not having shooters all that much. I hate playing shooters on consoles, using a controller blows ass, altho Halo 2 is cool. Give me a PC with a keyboard + mouse anyday. The GC just doesn't appeal to me, except for a few select titles (Zelda, Super Smash Bros. Melee which is the best fighting game ever made).

Nekura Manji

03-09-2005 07:39:04

Ark, is it just me or did you just shoot yourself in the foot?

"But I feel that GB has too many 'kiddie' games"

Okay, it has lots of more cartoony games which are designed to be "fun" not annoyingly serious, but you then went on to mention Resident Evil. Doesn't sound like a kiddy game to me... and besides, Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes are not kiddy at all. The stories are depressing, and the first time I encountered an Ing it scared the bejesus out of me.


04-09-2005 14:05:23

unfotunatley I'm going to have to agree with Nekura, and, as I said earlier, the gamecube is incredibly fun sometimes, especially when all you play on is serious shooters.

I don't think I would prefer one to the xbox or PS2 though.

Mario party Rules!!!!!


04-09-2005 14:06:24

Long live Mario!


04-09-2005 14:08:30

I would have to agree.

Viva la YOSHI!!!!

Ark Dowell

05-09-2005 16:56:12

Ark, is it just me or did you just shoot yourself in the foot? 

"But I feel that GB has too many 'kiddie' games" 

Okay, it has lots of more cartoony games which are designed to be "fun" not annoyingly serious, but you then went on to mention Resident Evil.  Doesn't sound like a kiddy game to me... and besides, Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes are not kiddy at all.  The stories are depressing, and the first time I encountered an Ing it scared the bejesus out of me.

Oh no, I shoulda specified. See, I meant games like the Mario Party series. I mean that there should be more games like RE and Metroid Prime. Sorry for the mix- up. :P


06-09-2005 11:20:38

Imo the only good nintendo games now are Zelda and Super Smash Bros. Imo Mario sunshine was crap and all they seem to be making now is re-makes like Mario 64 on the DS. Games like Resi Evil are much better on Xbox or Ps2 because of the graphics.
The Zelda game coming out soon looks class
Just look at this Screenshot


08-09-2005 16:14:04

Looks sweet, but there are rumours zelda may move to the playstation or (hoefully) xbox.

mortimus out.