Contract 025 - K’tana


25-04-2013 22:13:40

>>>Starting Encrypted Holo-Transmission>
>>Transmission Source Trace: Antei>
>Priority Level: Urgent>

K’tana. Few have made as...loud of a splash in the Arconan ranks as yourself. Your first mission for the Bureau will require a bit more subtly, however. We believe that your familiarity with the Hutt organization qualifies you for a mission like this. Our intelligence has intercepted transmissions between One Sith and the Hutt. X is known for his ruthlessness with the slaves he imports, and has struck a deal to sell slaves into One Sith’s organization in return for lending Sith Bodyguards for Ulgur’s dealings. We are already taking steps into ending this business relationship with our other agents.

Your mission instead will be to eliminate a key person within the One Sith organization. Tiko Jor’d’ain is Sith One Trainer. Her job is to indoctrinate the slaves sold from Ulgur into Sith One’s service. Needless to say, this could cause the Brotherhood’s operations against One Sith some problems.

We have tracked Jor’d’ain to a Sith One facility on one of Korriban's moons. You will have one our transports and pilots for landing and exfiltration. Get in, eliminate Tiko Jor’d’ain, and get out. This will be a true test of your abilities, and your dedication to not just Arcona, but the Brotherhood.

>>Attached Dossier:
Name: Tiko Jor'd'ain

Age: 30
Race: Cybernetic-Female
Rank: Dark Jedi Knight
Skills: Form III lightsaber, knife combat, manipulation, willpower, interrogation. Enhanced optical senses.

Strength: *(1/5)
Dexterity: ** (3/5)
Endurance: ** (2/5)
Force Aptitude: * (1/5)
Wits: *** (3/5)



{ For the sake of the Independence Games, Ktana get's -2 For an Incomplete contract. Contract can still be completed at the members leisure, and is subject to re-grading and the score used potentially in the future for Ladder standings in the ACB }


01-05-2013 11:21:12

{ For the sake of the Independence Games, Ktana get's -2 For an Incomplete contract. Contract can still be completed at the members leisure, and is subject to re-grading and the score used potentially in the future for Ladder standings in the ACB }