What Morg Thinks About Gaming


21-12-2007 22:17:10

Right to be honest, we are the biggest bunch of Star Wars geeks going, this isnt about keeping our club alive its about star wars being alive, its about making sure people know that star was is still cool (They've been making star wars games a while now ;)) We've ben playing clan versus clan for so long, in all honesty, i'd like us to see those people who play star wars games because they are cool fail to the real fans who real skills like us.

Just check out battlestats, plenty of clans playing JO and Battlefront, when you join the DJB its about carryong on the legacy for other people to experience Star Wars. Carrying the flag, making sure other people stick around for the same reason as you. To Make this place great, to amke it some kind of regue or econd home (Oh hell i have :P), i'd play these games ouside the DJB with any of you, even if its jus me and some one else, i think i'd be spiting some one by not making sure the world knows about the db and how great we are, everyone joines here for a reason, whats yours? What the next Initiates?

Tarax Kor

22-12-2007 01:22:12

Morgan. I've known you for...what? 6½, 7 years?

We've had our differences about how things should be done. But honestly. Seriously. Quite already, shut the [Expletive Deleted F-word] up.

Let the people who handle Gaming worry about how this club will continue with its gaming platforms. They are more in tune with what's going on in the gaming industry than you are. Do not tell them how to do their jobs.

Instead of moaning on forums, as you often do nowadays, tell people specifically what your ideas are. Don't just randomly rant about when drunk. You're making an ass out of yourself.

Yeldarb Vohokou

22-12-2007 01:49:01

Morgan. I've known you for...what? 6½, 7 years?

We've had our differences about how things should be done. But honestly. Seriously. Quite already, shut the [Expletive Deleted F-word] up.

Let the people who handle Gaming worry about how this club will continue with its gaming platforms. They are more in tune with what's going on in the gaming industry than you are. Do not tell them how to do their jobs.

Instead of moaning on forums, as you often do nowadays, tell people specifically what your ideas are. Don't just randomly rant about when drunk. You're making an ass out of yourself.

better, but still a bit on the rough side. You as the M:GM should know about PR, and how to deal with people like this. I am sure you can think of about 100 different ways to state this and take the edge off. All this is going to do is have Morgan fire back at you, then you fire back at Morgan, and then the bitches start in about events not related to this conversation.

But on a Side note I do agree Morgan. I do not think you are involved enough with certain jobs to tell someone how to do them. But as a solution, get yourself involved, and do a good enough job, adn then maybe you will get your chance to handle things the way you want them.

And please try to me more precise on what you want to see happen. I have found out that being kind, and asking leaders, most of them are more then willing to bend over backwards to assist, It is all in how you approach someone.



22-12-2007 10:14:34

Erm Nite, funnily enough, i DO play a fair few games, even battlefront and JA, in fact, i play WoW, Guild Wars, Dawn of War, COD4 and CSS i pretty much shuffle between games, and the diffrent communities i play in :P

I'm not telling anyone what to do, i'm telling people whats out there, there's no problem with Shad and what he does, there's a problem with the mindset of people here.

I'm going to use an example of my own experience here. I used to HATE playing Counter Strike matches/scrims/mixes. Then my clan won an award in a league, and it was awesome, it wasnt just some award which only my clanmates could acknowledge it was something that no one could deny, coming first in a league for Month X, etc.

Its not about the leaders of the club doing something, they do do things. Going to talk to Sarin or Shad about ideas and schemes to get people gaming is just the same old mistake, bouts of acvitity for medals and awards which people get over and over again. People playing because they can say that they, and the DJB itself is better then all those little clans and clubs out there, and in the same breath, even if we lose, lets people know we're out here.

Look at what i'm trying to say this way: You're playing CTF in Jedi Outcast, against some clan, which is pretty decent, you dont think you're going to win, but its close, and you finally scrape a win by one flag.

Or look at how it is now: you're playing CTF against Shad Ben Kir Jac and Duga. Waste of time, not a chance you're going to win, and you know it from the start.


22-12-2007 10:37:31

Oh and Yeldarb, who ever you are, shut up. If i Nite's and our positions were switched, he knows how i'd put it. :P

Sith Bloodfyre

22-12-2007 12:22:21

I'd just like to say one thing.

When I first got JO and started playing it (I think for Khobai's ORoS, or shortly before), I started playing against Shadow, Shaithis, Mord, Mav, and several other people, eventually even playing (I think) Sharad, Duga, Kir, as well as Kraval, Chaos, and probably a good portion of the active Taldryan JOers. You want to know what I got out of getting my ass kicked repeatedly?

Those guys gave me tips. "Bf, I don't think you're paying attention to how you're swinging." "I'm not, really." "When you swing, pay attention to side-stepping and mouse movement--" "I'm using a joystick." "Oh. My. God. Bf, stop using a joystick for JO." Stuff like that. Did they continue to kick my ass? Absolutely. But the more I played, the more I asked. The more I asked, the more they answered, and continued to give me tips. They're not just about kicking ass and taking names, and if you ask them all, I'm willing to bet 100% of them would say, "We prefer it when others are better. We like the possibility of losing. We'd love to help people get better if they asked us for help."