Something odd's going on.

Jaysun Adumarii

16-10-2005 05:50:33

I was looking at my BT's roster after reading my Aedile's report and noticed something odd. My dossier,, says that I'm still in the BT but the BT roster,, doesn't have me there. Is this a bug or what?


16-10-2005 12:25:02

Bug. Happen when people transfer Houses but remain attached to a Battleteam. The Battleteams are somewhat independent of the main Clan or House rosters so you aren't automatically reassigned when other things happen (for example: you could transfer from Taldryan to Tarentum but still be a member of a BT in Taldryan).

Just ask your QUA to have it fixed, if he just removes you then re-adds you it should solve the problem.

Corran Force

16-10-2005 22:02:35

What Goat said. :-P

Tarax Kor

16-10-2005 23:39:51

What Goat and CoFo said. O-)


16-10-2005 23:55:01

What Goat and CoFo and Tarax said.


17-10-2005 11:28:37

What we said.