

31-07-2006 01:48:40

The Writer's Corner will be getting back into full swing in the near future; I've sent the reviewers invites to the mailing list.

For the time being, the old rules (in Telona/Kaiann's post) will be maintained. They may change in the future as needed.

Please note, there is a new mailing list:

Anyone should be able to send messages to that list. For the time being, I have set a moderation to it to cut down on/eliminate spam. If you spam the list, you'll be in trouble.

Look for a post on the main page for the official reopening for private reviews.

Oh, and to those who have posted stories on here recently, you may submit them for private review if you wish; or just wait for public reviews.


03-08-2006 20:41:11

I will be reviewing public posts as much as possible. All Brotherhood members of encouraged to provide **constructive** criticism for their fellow members.

I will also use the time to count up the number of pages for submitters so that I may award them at the proper time.